

wait now there are tv and movie thread this forum is becoming a mad house


Some guy in Taiwan had a heart attack from watching it in 3D.


I saw Avatar on the plane going out to NZ.

I was disappointedd that the little screen on the back of the seat in front of me wasn't in 3D. Then luckily the guy in front put the seat back to sleep, and then that tiny screen was so damn close to my face that it was ALMOST like watching 3D.

I even got that cross-eyed effect.
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down with Avatar the movie, go Avatar the Last Airbender!!!

I have been watching Avatar the Last Airbender for years. I heard they were making a movie. So Avatar came out and I was like great...now we have proof Hollywood is on crack. So then I saw that it wasn't what I thought it was. Finally the one I WANTED to see came out....but not in my area....Epic Fail!!!

Was it as good as expected? Did they stay fairly true to the anime?


the Avatar airbender movie hasnt come out yet, its still in production or soemthing


yes I found that out today. Guess I should take it upon myself to look things up rather than ask the theater.....I am a happy camper. Thank goodness for 17 year old know it all daughters....July 2nd!!!!!


I saw it first in the cinemas in 3D (it's not very good in 3D)
and at a mates house brilliant film.
Best bit for me was the fight seen near the end with all the massive ships.

pretty birdy(dip)


I was about to create a thread about this movie, but then I realized there would obviously already be a thread about it.

Was Avatar the most overrated movie since Titanic (which was god awful)?

There are some objective ways to praise the movie, but overall, I would give the movie a C+/B-.

-3D :p
-Created a language for the movie. There are 100 level college courses in which students create their own language. It's not hard, but it is a huge + for sci-fi films.

-Acting. Enough said.
-Plot. Unoriginal. Enough said.
-Portrayal of the military. I understand the point. But it was taken so far that the criticism can only be described as petty. In case you are wondering, the USMC seemed to miss the point and now play the movie for candidates on their way to OCS.
-Inconsistencies. It's been too long for me to remember them. But I remember there being far too many for my liking.

I enjoy some sci-fi movies, but probably only slightly more than the average person. But aside from the awe factor and language, I thought the movie was terrible. Lots of people I know feel the same way. Some of us saw the movie more than once simply because people insisted on going. For example, I went with my friends, an 8 year old I mentor, and my sister. I wish I had not paid for a single trip, but circumstances called for me to spend a lot (unless I wanted to tell an 8 year old and my sister to go @#$% themselves). So I think James Cameron can thank advertisements and peer pressure for the absurd profit. That's how he got my $80 or so (I bought 4 tickets).

I can agree with it being a classic or must-see sci-fi movie, but great movies don't have massive flaws. Movies are only as strong as their weakest link if you ask me.

I love certain adult flicks, but they shouldn't be nominated for academy awards.