Passed Burning the village... Ideal.

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A way to get rid of a city you no longer want, from reasons of it's too far to deal with anymore or just wanting to try to get another open slot without the need of a 2nd party to conquest it from you.

Have you Checked the DNS and PSI lists in the Archives? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
Yes, and didn't see one like this.

Reasoning behind this would be to help a player get rid of a city that they do wish to have any longer. Whether it is out of their realm to support it or just needing another city opened up without the need of waiting for another player to conquest it from you.

Basically this ideal I don't think should be something anybody just does when they feel like it so I think it should cost a lot to perform. So I say it should cost something that the player will need to think about if this would benefit them. I think it should involve Culture Points and maybe placed in the Agora. 5CP times world speed maybe a good cost so that slower worlds would cost less than a faster world. Also I think when you enlist this command all troops should return home, with or without travel time, or be required home at the time the command was enlisted; then the original city would ghost out.

Visual Aids:

I don't see this affecting any other future gameplay or other features.

Abuse Prevention:
I don't see any way of people cheating with this method. If we keep the cost high enough it would keep people from dumping many cities, for whatever reason, and will require them to think about the benefits plus costs. Plus since the troops would return home and ghost out the other players in game would have an opportunity to then conquest those ghost towns.

I don't think this would be a popular feature, but I think it is something the game needs in some fashion. The only question would be what is a level of Culture Points costs would make this feature something the player would need to debate the costs verses the reward of a possible open city slot. I would think any amount of Culture Points would be good for this, and the higher the amount the better chance people would use it as strategy. Not sure what the best amount would be, but this is a overall idea.
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First of all format, second of all what?? Why for any reason would some one want to destroy or give up a city. If you knew you were going to lose it why get rid of it? Keep it and get BP to the end. I sort of see that you could get rid of it so another player didn't get it but cost 50 CP?! No way. I overall really disagree with this. I really doubt this will go through.


It will be useful if you had two cities on the same island or a city that you colonised earlier on a no farming village island. In the first case, just give it to an alliance mate. I dont know about the second. Which may be the reason you got this idea?


50 CP for one city is ridiculous, and who is to say this should cost you culture points at all? You are sacrificing a city, not trying to gain another level.


50 CP for one city is ridiculous, and who is to say this should cost you culture points at all? You are sacrificing a city, not trying to gain another level.

Yeah! :D I totally forgot about that. Thats Waay too much. If you want to do something like this the maximum should be maybe 5CP


It will be useful if you had two cities on the same island or a city that you colonised earlier on a no farming village island. In the first case, just give it to an alliance mate. I dont know about the second. Which may be the reason you got this idea?

Okay that might be a reason but I would never destroy a city, even if it was on an island that already had a city. And yes 50 CP? WAY too much.


If this idea fails, due to Format failings, I may write it up myself differently. This idea has great potential.

(Edit- The Idea has been formatted.

More the pity for me :p, but at least it's done.)
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haha...i was just about to do the format for you...

then i see you did it...GREAT!

I LOVE it. I suggested something similar (as many people have) but you added in the 5cp cost which might be the thing to put it through.

a +1 and +rep from me


indeed...50 cp will make it rarely used...can a mod edit his post? :p


Nah he will edit it in, he is the owner of the idea.

He is within his rights to refuse this change, however it will mean that I will oppose the idea.


I say the 50CP is just an idea. It is up for modification if the developers think there is a better number for the cost. 5CP I think is too low, but I wouldn't oppose it being changed to 5CP, 10CP, 15CP, 20 CP, 25CP or whatever. I don't know what a good cost to benefit ratio would be. Needless to say I think the premise of the idea is needed, but the cost I am just suggesting and wouldn't oppose it being changed if needed to get it passed through.


Maybe you can increase it per city you disband?

first is 5, second is 10, then 15, and so on.


I say the 50CP is just an idea. It is up for modification if the developers think there is a better number for the cost. 5CP I think is too low, but I wouldn't oppose it being changed to 5CP, 10CP, 15CP, 20 CP, 25CP or whatever. I don't know what a good cost to benefit ratio would be. Needless to say I think the premise of the idea is needed, but the cost I am just suggesting and wouldn't oppose it being changed if needed to get it passed through.

I changed it from 50CP to 5CP times the world speed. This way the faster the world the more it would cost since those worlds would gain more CP verses a slower world. I don't think 15CP in Pi would be that bad, but then 5CP in a 1x world would also not be that bad.
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Maybe you can increase it per city you disband?

first is 5, second is 10, then 15, and so on.

That would be expensive when you have 100 cities or more.

I changed it from 50CP to 5CP times the world speed. This way the faster the world the more it would cost since those worlds would gain more CP verses a slower world. I don't think 15CP in Pi would be that bad, but then 5CP in a 1x world would also not be that bad.

That is a world of difference, I'm now more open to the idea, even if I find the sacrifice of culture to be an annoying facet.


That is a world of difference, I'm now more open to the idea, even if I find the sacrifice of culture to be an annoying facet.

Yeah it's like resetting research in the academy is annoying that it costs 1CP, but it is a nice option to have. I have at least 4 cities I would abandon in Pi right now, because they have outlasted the strategy of why I made them there.


Well I really don't see why you would get rid of a city. I mean the farming thing I can slighty understand although when you get up there where buildings cost like 4000 in all resources farming doesnt do much. But other than the farming thing I don't see why you would get rid of the city. I suppose to not let others get it too..


Well I really don't see why you would get rid of a city. I mean the farming thing I can slighty understand although when you get up there where buildings cost like 4000 in all resources farming doesnt do much. But other than the farming thing I don't see why you would get rid of the city. I suppose to not let others get it too..

Myself there are times I would like to get rid of a city if it has served it's purpose and is not needed any longer. For instance if you took over a city on a enemy WW island, but they destroyed that World Wonder, hence you controlling that city has served it's purpose. If they don't attempt to conquest your city then you have a city that has served it's purpose just sitting there and sometimes out of the way. Or if you had a city on the front that has been flanked, and not worth you defending it. I think some players could see the benefit of having the option to abandon a city without the need of abandoning your whole empire. I myself would abandon 3 or 4 cities if I had the option to do so.

That is my city distribution in Ocean 34. See the city in the top right in Ocean 33 and the 3 cities in the bottom right in Ocean 25 on the non-farming island. They are out of the way and have served the purpose I wanted them for, and now just taking up a city slot.
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How long do proposals wait generally before a chance at being voted on?
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