Bye bye EOW


And when you have more than 2 members, watch how quickly that average drops...


And when you have more than 2 members, watch how quickly that average drops...

Depends on who joins? Does it not?

And what their points score is . . . .

(not that points score is the be-all and end-all but it was just a note :))


yeh umm our average is high and we are ranked number 12 in Alpha in what......2 days.


and atleast we remain true and dont merge like the crap alliance orthia


and atleast we remain true and dont merge like the crap alliance orthia

Either you're trying to troll, or you have no knowledge of your previous alliance's actions (like most old EOW).

The only merger in Orthia's history is its creation (Artemis & Sparta). That was to shed the dead weight and join with a long time ally strengthening our control in many oceans.

Why do so many come on these forums with no knowledge of other alliances and start spewing crap as if they were facts about those other alliances?
It doesn't take much effort to learn about your enemies.


To be fair we did merge a lot Seven Cueros (or whatever they were called) and a few others


Well, we (E-TW) won't be going anywhere anytime soon, EOW however have shown they're going the same way as HoD, and all the other factions that turn to MRA tactics.

Simple facts: they grew too quickly, took in too many players with no loyalty to the alliance, and couldn't control them. The best thing about EOW was hawkesy, and he's gone, we'll see how long this new incarnation lasts

I ment like what there nick names will be like hogs of destiny = Hogs,HoD and The Gemini Order = TGO


well coco i just wanted to hear your retort and also i mean as in WE dont merge with anyone else its fine when we let others merge with us and also good explanation on why you all made orthia


Harry Dresden said:
WE dont merge with anyone else its fine when we let others merge with us

I would argue to the contrary m8, people pin too much importance on loyalty to a name rather than the people and leadership in their alliance. Artemis and SPARTA may have changed their names when they merged but I doubt anyone could argue against the success of their merge.

Castor and Order Out Of Chaos did the same thing when we formed The Gemini Order and we've never been in better shape.

Meanwhile EOW took in too many small alliances, they kept their name but now look at the results.

Seven Cuervos were in talks with many alliance about a merge TGO included but they had maybe 10-15 player worth taking in, if that and expected rediculous terms but EOW took them all no questions asked and that was just one of the merges they accepted recently.


Seven Cuervos were in talks with many alliance about a merge TGO included but they had maybe 10-15 player worth taking in, if that and expected rediculous terms but EOW took them all no questions asked and that was just one of the merges they accepted recently.

I must agree that 7C joining EOW was a catastrophe - it actually happened against almost everyone's wishes by virtue of an unauthorised (and to me unknown) person(s) sanctioning their arrival - and then the Council did not have the gonads to cancel it. This has resulted in such tumultuous actions as of yesterday and today - but we shall survive and conquer.

Lesson learned - if you cannot manage, do not be a manager.

Incidentally, no blame is attached to rank and file of 7C - just to be clear.


Just in case you are curious, and even if you're not. Elite Olympus Warriors has risen like the veritable Phoenix and lives on.

Never mind the numbers , look at the quality !! What an average !!

non illegitimus carborundum

What a great average!! 4th out of the top 12? 7th out of the top 20?

yeh umm our average is high and we are ranked number 12 in Alpha in what......2 days.

Ya, that is a perfectly quality argument there. You take a large MRA and you break it down and brag that you are still high in the rankings? You started in the top three.

well coco i just wanted to hear your retort and also i mean as in WE dont merge with anyone else its fine when we let others merge with us and also good explanation on why you all made orthia

Another quality argument. When two strong alliances merge and change their name, that leaves both alliances.... stronger? I really have never understood the amount of importance people put upon their alliance name.


Tgo has a good average considering we brought in like 30 people


Bye, Bye EOW

Well, I think so far that TGO and Zodiac are going to keep their alliances in Alpha for quite awhile.They have a good reputation and even better leadership.They are strong in points and numbers.I am glad SAP made a decision as wise as this.Anyways, I don't think EOW or ETW or THOW will last for longer than a week.Maybe ETW will last for a month, but still.Now that they've split apart, they are weaker, smaller, and easy targets.A poor decision was chosen after the start of a war between SAP and EOW(the old one) was started.Then did they start fighting among themselves.All I'm saying is that they won't survive, but others will.Poor Preaoritean(excuse me if I spelled it wrong) Guard was seduced to be part of an enourmous discussion.If I were them, I would turn my back on EOW and ETW and start talking other alliances into a big fight.

If my subject is off the objective or you have any questions, comments, or opinions, just look me up.

Regards, ;) Lordweapon.


What does TBC stand for?

Of course the split makes EOW weaker but they were falling apart


Well, I think so far that TGO and Zodiac are going to keep their alliances in Alpha for quite awhile.They have a good reputation and even better leadership.They are strong in points and numbers.I am glad SAP made a decision as wise as this.Anyways, I don't think EOW or ETW or THOW will last for longer than a week.Maybe ETW will last for a month, but still.Now that they've split apart, they are weaker, smaller, and easy targets.A poor decision was chosen after the start of a war between SAP and EOW(the old one) was started.Then did they start fighting among themselves.All I'm saying is that they won't survive, but others will.Poor Preaoritean(excuse me if I spelled it wrong) Guard was seduced to be part of an enourmous discussion.If I were them, I would turn my back on EOW and ETW and start talking other alliances into a big fight.

If my subject is off the objective or you have any questions, comments, or opinions, just look me up.

Regards, ;) Lordweapon.
What are you basing any of this on??? We wont survive? Who's going to stop us?


LOL, was busy kicking hogs (6 hours until another city comes in), hardly noticed, if ETW falls (they won't), I will start my own small nice alliance in 21, I do not know if to call it KHOD (Killing Hogs Of destiny), or something else, but for now I am just watching. I think that starting the war with SAP with stupid, and so is the sleep.

But sense I am not in the "council" I had no effect.

Peace everybody, peace :)