Pnp Chaos Rising vs Union of Warlords


_______________ update 02/05/12 __________________________

Bjiwan was recruited by valor. A loss of 64 cities for UoW.

_____________last 14 days _________________________________

CR vs UoW
17 to 2

____________total score___________________________________

CR vs UoW
138 to 34
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_______________ update 02/13/12 __________________________

nothing to report

_____________last 14 days _________________________________

CR vs UoW
14 to 1

____________total score___________________________________

CR vs UoW
143 to 34


_______________ update 02/20/12 __________________________

nothing to report

_____________last 14 days _________________________________

CR vs UoW
8 to 0

____________total score___________________________________

CR vs UoW
148 to 43


forwarded from Valor VS The Elite!


We've been at war with UoW for more than a year.

Knowing that BA and DH were already at war with UoW, CR declared on them only in Nov, to gain a few easy cities while we did the attacking.

abbs why do you always try to start trouble with CR? Your hate and foolish disregard for facts. It makes you look stupid every time you post. Your jealousy oozes out of your words and make you look childish.

Fact is we started the war with DHs approval, BA told us we would get bored . We started the war with UoW to take a few disputed oceans from them, after the recruitment of a few KE members from both sides.

We did not do it to save DH, but, overall DH has been a good neighbor to CR. In fact at the start of the war DH seemed very happy we joined lately they seemed to forgotten they are at war.
Last 30 days
DH vs UoW
3 to 4

And what happened? CR lost 3 key big point players on the frontlines in just 3 months, namely- ZZZeka, Big Grim and Shades1503. So, In reality CR have lost the war against UoW. While other alliances may have lost cities, you've lost players themselves.

Abbs this is not the way a council member of DH should be talking to anther alliance. Your not making any friends for your alliance. Are you trying to start a war? We always seen DH as a friendly alliance but now many are thinking DH is using you to start a war with CR. if DH wants a war just start one. You don't make up lies and excuses to fight us .

We only have a few members keeping UoW busy, We can take a city from UoW anytime we want they don't defend very good. In the end BA was right a few CR member got bored and quit. 2.0 made grepolis hard to play for non-premium players. maybe a bit of each. Boredom and frustration in combination is a bad mix.

We have not lost any war with UoW for 3 reasons
1) the war is not over
2) we have made gains in the 2 border cities we have with UoW
3) We are the invaders. no CR controlled ocean is under threat of a UoW invasion.

picture are from 2011-11-04....


CR now has 119 cities in ocean 46 and 234 in ocean 46
while UoW has 133 in ocean 46 and 422 in ocean 47
DH now has 170 cities in ocean 47

As i see it both CR and DH have benefited in the south.

compared to CR's bad performance, we must have lost more than 13 key big point players by now, but we haven't.

So who's loosing? your alliance!

So, if DH thinks CR is performing badly with a total gain of 126 in the oceans we are invading while fighting 2 other major wars. Then DH is doing worse with only 38 cities in oceans they are invading and UoW is considered their major war.
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CR and DH have both benefited by working together against UoW. We respect CR, and will continue to work with CR to our mutual benefit, and the opinions expressed by abbs are his personal opinions, and in no way represent an official view of DH as an alliance. Any diplomatic changes will be handled in-game, and not in this forum.
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CR and DH have both benefited by working together against UoW. We respect CR, and will continue to work with CR to our mutual benefit, and the opinions expressed by abbs are her personal opinions, and in no way represent an official view of DH as an alliance. Any diplomatic changes will be handled in-game, and not in this forum.

that was our senates view just before they declared war on us :p


We will certainly keep our eyes open... We know that nothing is set in stone in this game, but CR has proved to be an honorable alliance in their dealings toward DH, not withstanding some individual "discrepancies", which we all know can happen from time to time.


those discrepancie were happening to us too i wouldnt worry about it they 'only farming bp'


that was our senates view just before they declared war on us :p

No one was attacking DH,

Fate was using CR oceans to hide in during the Fate vs Valhalla war. Fate was taking 25+ cities a week in ocean 25 because they heard we told Valhalla they can't enter ocean 25. Every time one Valhalla member would take a Fate city in ocean 25. Fate would send me 3 messages. About how Valhalla was invading. Within a months time Fate had 70+ cities more in ocean 25. that was not counting ocean 35 where they grow 75+ cities.

We got tired of Fate trying to talk CR into fighting their war for them. So, we counted the conquest in ocean 25 to see who the true invades where we seen Fate as the invaders and worst they where inviting anther alliance into our oceans with their conquest tactics to try to get CR involved.

Well CR did get involved. Some CR members felt Fate was abusing our nap.

during this time we seen a older Fate message on their boards saying they will use the CR vs KE war to regain strength then continue the war with CR. This added to the thought that Fate leaders are allowing and encouraging a Fate migration into CR's oceans.

In the end it was Fate actions that started the war. what other alliance would have allowed anther major alliance to gain 150+ cities in their ocean within a months time? For no reason because no longer was their a common enemy.

let me add leo was given permission to set up a cluster with ocean 25. and not all 150+ cities where conquests some where recruitment's
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whatever they just trying to build recentment between us and DH get them to not trust us thats all!!

end day DH apart from our small problem with abbs and his constant digs at CR as a allaince has ther ebeen any other problems between us!

as far as im concerned dismissing the abbs thing that out mutual respect was between our allaince remains the same! as we have no williness to fight you guys!!

you have to remeber the war between FATE and CR was a war that FATE orginaly started way back when CR was FIRST started the only reason we didnt finish it was becuase KE war happened and a truce was drawn so we could fight KE and fate didnt need to defend against us so much!!

when the KE war was over we didnt redclare right away on fate as we was chosing a target!! UoW become that target but we know that FATE would support them so therefore we decided that FATE had to become a target at the same time this also gave players all over our map a target withing hitting distance stopping BORDEM in the game!

FATE are now crying because they are being slowly beaten from the game


"Strong did what they could, weak did what they had to."
CR is simply strong, big in members, can handle many wars, and unfortunately for us, their neighbors, we should be constantly alert, because they can.


sirgaz the only way we woulda attack ur awasome allaince is to steal ur secret supply of alchool u got hidden i saw u hide it the other night!!

sure u dont wanna share it ;)


what a load of bollocks.... CR vs UoW???? would be a boring fight... this war won't last long.... anyone got a bag of popcorn?????


wooohooooo sirgz

and lordstuart we been fighting for a few months now! UoW are losing!! its a boring fight your right!! i think theres like 5 CR meembers engaged in the war i might b wrong i cant b borthered to check but they still beating UoW without much help fro the rest the allaince!!

its boring as we kinda just take what we want