Passed Claim Flag

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My idea is to have claims visable in Ocean view to players in the same alliance and/or pact. For claims to be visible across alliances, both alliances would need to authorize--like a shared tab.

Have you Checked the DNS and PSI lists in the Archives? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
you will save yourself a lot of time and avoid the risk of your thread being closed quickly.
I've tried to find a simular idea and could not, so I assume I am not double-posting.

Large alliances often have to rely on memory to keep track of the flow of claims within an alliance, this would simplify the process and prevent the possibility of friendly fire. :(

This would work by having another authorization in the alliance labeled "Claims". A player then would be able to simply click a "+" button under the city info popup (much like the invite button for players) and the city would change color for his allies, designating that it is claimed by him.

If it is simple to do, but i doubt it is, it would also be awesome if the claims could be compiled into a list inside the alliance forum somehow. Like attack planner, the city could be included into a list, there it would warn alliance/pact members "Are you sure you want to attack this city" much like the "Are you sure you want to attack your alliance partner" message.

Visual Aids:

It would take a slightly longer time to scroll around on the map. But, I believe it's benefit outweighs that.

Abuse Prevention:
New players could scroll around and claim every city--but an authorization prevents that.

My alliance has 3 separate threads designated to claims alone, and the management of it just isn't fun for any of us! We're also taking some new players under our wing so the process is even more difficult.

Did I miss anything?
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Would also be useful if the claimed city could be linked to a thread in the alliance forum, or a shared forum depending on the rights you give. Instead of going to "info", "attack", "support", etc when you select a city, you could go to "discussion" which would take you to the relevant thread.

Incredibly good idea, +rep
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it was doen on t-wars and worked, so I have nothing against it being done here :)


Great idea man. I would only want to propose that city isn't colored as you showed us, but instead under info it says that it is claimed and who claimed it (maybe even when, if 5 days expire, claim is deleted eg.).
Good job

In case other one get deleted.


This is a good idea and would be very helpful!

Some players struggle with reading/writing English and they don't understand/keep up-to-date in alliance forums. By bridging the communication gap across multiple languages/cultures, this could be a great tool to help make the game more enjoyable for everyone.


Great idea! Only thing is abuse prevention. The alliance leader(s) could set how long the claims are valid for and as a rule players cannot claim more cities than they have open slots.


So do i get the title changed to a nifty color so I know a mod is reading this? :p


i like this idea, i think it would make the claiming process better as well as minimize the room for friendly fire.

moved to development

please continue to post your feedback :)


Maybe there can be a tab which is automatically created in every alliance, here you can input the city name (like it does in attack planner etc) and the name of the player claiming the city. From there, the system can discolor the city or mark it somehow so that other alliance members know.

Also, making the tab "shared" will make it able for pact members/academy alliances to see it as well


I agree 100% with Hand of Atlas above. Sharing a claims forum with a bunch of alliances is frustrating, and this will help. It'll save time for the claimer (all it takes is a click) and for the person potentially about to attack it (the notice of the claim is right there next to the order to attack)

Couple things:

1. There should be a cap on the number of claims that a player can have at once. For larger players, the cap should be more of course. I can see how the simplicity of this claiming system can be abused by 3-city players who think that they rule the ocean...
2. There should be a way for a mod to manage these claims (removing a claim, reassigning a claim) which would alert both parties (the rejected claimer and the reassigned claimer) of the act.
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