Easter Event 2013 Discussion Thread


No. But it will stop when the food runs out...
It can't auto feed itself... So the longest that it could stay producing eggs is 8 hours.

If you had 8 of each food in the queue, you would produce 96 eggs in that time- then it would stop.

(that is with 1 chicken)


Okay. Thank you. Also, will the Easter Event be accessible through the Grepo Toolbox App?
I know at previous times, the holiday events have only been accessible on a desktop computer.


I hope this time around there will either be a cap or time limit for the amount of resources you can get. Why not remove the gold option for buying one of the prizes, this will force people to actually participate in the event. Inno can still make money with people buying the second chicken to get the eggs faster.

Buying extra Feeds with gold also wouldn't give too much of an advantage to gold spenders also. If these are implemented I don't think you'd have too many people complaining as compared to last year when this event caused such a ruckus.


On Omega - refreshed 3 times - NO HENS - The Easter Event is not there


what part of 29th dont you understand??
Not 28th its starting on the 29th bro read the announcement a bit carefully


Items such as 5 culture points for 600 Easter eggs, can these be bought over and over again, OR are you restricted to one of each item?


Items such as 5 culture points for 600 Easter eggs, can these be bought over and over again, OR are you restricted to one of each item?

You can buy them over and over again! But you probably will not have so many eggs, to buy them more than 2 or 3 times.


Ay, that is true. There is also a time limit on them. I can't remember what it is though... I.e. you can buy it once, but then not again for at least 5 hours.

Everything can be bought multiple times.


Can I participate in the Easter Event via the Grepo Toolbox?


In that case (as long as your very active) its worth while to get the second chicken as that's an extra 12 per hour, 288 per day, 2016 for the week
therefore 200 gold for 15 CP and 3 heightened senses


it would be extremely tough to manage food for them. If you are very active, it is a separate thing!


goldy dreamland .... this is destroying the game :Angry:
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what part of 29th dont you understand??
Not 28th its starting on the 29th bro read the announcement a bit carefully

The Wiki article about the Easter Event originally said, 'On 27th March, all of the players will be entrusted with a special chicken'. This was, at some point, corrected and changed to the 29th March. Therefore, I don't believe adronicus misunderstood what he originally read and was correct in expecting to have a hen!

In that case (as long as your very active) its worth while to get the second chicken as that's an extra 12 per hour, 288 per day, 2016 for the week
therefore 200 gold for 15 CP and 3 heightened senses

It certainly appears a good deal. Yet, I think it is structured to favour those who can spend very long periods online (like you mention), a bit like farming every five minutes. After all, you can feed your chucks in 5/ 20/ 60 or 120 minute intervals and I am sure the five minute option will yield better rewards than the two hour mark.
The Wiki article says, 'There is no guarantee that your citizens will bring back food, but as long as you keep searching, you will find enough to keep that chicken happy'. If there is 'no guarantee' of finding food, just how long and hard do you have to search for?

If you can't spend a lot of of time feeding your chucks then, to buy, a culture point becomes expensive, 1 CP = 150 eggs = 150 gold. You can hold three Olympics for that, but of course, the downside of the Olympics is the time it takes to hold. Here, you can buy instantaneous culture points, with no waiting required!


It is like farming.
If you did 1 two hour search, you would almost certainly find some food, but if you did 24 5 minute searches, you may not always find food... but overall, you would find more then if you did just the 1 two hour search.


It is like farming.
If you did 1 two hour search, you would almost certainly find some food, but if you did 24 5 minute searches, you may not always find food... but overall, you would find more then if you did just the 1 two hour search.

Can you, please, clarify the following:

As an example, 1000 players decide to take part in the Easter Event, using only one hen. Each player searches for chicken food 40 times (ten times for each of the four time categories), during the course of the event.
At the end of the event, would each of the 1000 players have found the same amount of food and their hen have laid the same amount of eggs?


Well, Excuuussse ME!
When I read The egg hunt is on. That's present-tense, not future. I figured it was already the 29th at the international date line.


Just noticed that it says 8am on 29th so I'll slink away and hide!
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