Personally i do not think you are an arrogant person. I have had a few conversations with you that I have thoroughly enjoyed I do think you are taking this game way to personally.
With that said you have said some things that are arrogant. You have constantly said that you want to change the server. For one person to think they can quickly change a server that has developed complex relations over a year is arrogant. To think you can take 80 playerrs who log in once a day to everyother day and "do something good" for the server by teaching them is arrogant. There is a reason these people are not in one of the top 4 alliances and 95% of the time it is not because they dont want to be.
I am 1 person that complained about things and tried to do something about it. I don't feel like i was given much of a chance in all honesty, do you?
I do sometime take things on the game personally, when you invest so much time and money into a game it doesn't seem too much like a game any more..... i care about this game more than i could ever care for playing a game like CoD of Fifa. I think even you have taken things personally on the game in the past General, as have all players that put time into it.