Farewell Omicron (And Grepolis)


The time has come for me to officially say goodbye to you all, while GS has been aware for about a week now. Due to some RL issues that have arisen, I must depart. I was going to try and stay but take a lot less active role, but after todays loss to Evo it made clear to me that I cannot play the log in once a day level and hold my cities. The attacks on me were quite weak, and had I been active, I wouldn't have lost that city. Not to take anything away from bobytza or avera (or the few others involved), they are great players/attackers, but I caught just the tail end of it, and didn't get support from a single allied player (though a fair amount was sent, just too late, my fault) and was only just shy of saving it.

A great thanks to all of GS. You guys are great. Thanks to DF, D3TH's first city loss was to you, but allies to the end! D3ATH (now Crimson Tide), always a pleasure, hope you guys get more into the war and show this world what your capable of.

And to Evo. The talk has been cheap, but you guys made this game great for me. Some of you are just donkeys ;) But the majority of you are good guys. Hope no one was ever offended by the forum chatter, it's all fun and games :D

Avera, thanks for making it a challenge! By far the most difficult opponent I've faced in any world. Mostly due to the fact our time zones were almost identical, I couldn't catch you offline...

It's been a blast playing with you all, including those on the opposite side. VM has been activated, I won't be returning. Though i'll defend my cities til the VM starts, no freebies :D

Cheers all.


Mind yourself old man, I wish I could say I'll miss you but I never liked you :p No but really mate I hope all goes well for you and it wont be the same around here without you. I'm sure I will never find another player who I could feel free to insult without the fear of been reported haha.


Good Luck Red in Real Life. i will defiantly miss your attacks. hope you are not calling me that donkey :p
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Well RED it was a pleasure to fight along side you and lots of fun and a pleasure to fight against you:p Now finally I can sleep without having to worry about ur sneak attacks.
Wish you the best in RL, thanks for showing me the ropes in the begining:)
*Oh by the way....can you please have your men take down the wall on 41. NC-DETHs Door? My cats are feeling lazy.

o and leave the door open on 42. EC-recon, my boys promise not to make a mess;))
(Just joking bro, could not have u leave without getting a little more sarcasam from me:p
U will be miss by allies and enemies alike, take care.
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And so leaves a great and respected player. I hope you will return, just like you did for Phalanx of Theta when rl allowed you to play again.

I will miss you mate, good luck r3d.


I'm always sad to see a great player go, Hope in life your able to correct and amend any issues that befall you, allowing you to once again assume the quest at hand to stand among the greats if not in this world then maybe in the next. May you leave knowing that through all the pillaging and destruction you have earned the right to be missed by both friend and foe and that your deeds and actions within this realm will be remembered for the days to come. To you sir I say good day.


What can I say. I haven't really talked to u but I know from what BS said u were a hell of a player and on the external forums u always gave a great banter with ppl such as murty and CB. I hope everything goes well have a good life man


I first heard about you from a few great (you may not agree) players in Theta: Rob, Waldo, cal, and DaveVuk. from what they said you where one heck of a defender and a phenomenal attacker as well. It is sad to see you go after hearing so much about you and respecting you so much.

Rush, you know to avoid double posts you should edit your original :p


Hey r3dfox82! You did stay here longer than I had, after all ;)
I'm glad to see you had a successful run here.


I first heard about you from a few great (you may not agree) players in Theta: Rob, Waldo, cal, and DaveVuk. from what they said you where one heck of a defender and a phenomenal attacker as well. It is sad to see you go after hearing so much about you and respecting you so much.

Met many great players in Theta. DaneVuk was a good guy, we met, I destroyed, he surrendered. I allowed him to keep a few cities, build some CS's, and move away. But during that time we talked a fair deal, and I gained a great deal of respect for him. To this day still wish he had joined us rather than that other alliance... but I respect his choice to join his friends, rather than the guy that just crushed him.

@FordPrefect, glad to see your still kicking around on here! I've been surfing a little, but haven't bothered to post til now.


We had to replenish our rankes after 4/5 of the original members left. He joined up with Waldo. I am glad you let him survive. He is now a top attacker.


Good luck in real life.

Here is a psalm to help:

Psalm 23

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD