Funniest moments in Omega


well there was the time where it took all the active members on MS to take 1 city from what they called a failed alliance :p I thought that was funny :D


well there was the time where it took all the active members on MS to take 1 city from what they called a failed alliance :p I thought that was funny :D

There was this one guy who got support from 4 alliances to defend his one city.

And there was this guy, might be the same guy, who ran away from MS into ocean 55.


ah if only they had known I had already launched a cs so as not to get rimmed. Though all they know is to take cities from players that are 3-4k points and have to get their largest members to try and take it. Not much of an achievement that.. sucks in return for this one city that they lose 3 in return as others have cs's in thier harbors. Not good math by my books. twould be better if they priotized better in the future instead of hitting me with all thier attacks and losing a good chunk of thier attacking forces so are unable to clear said cs's. Its a fair trade :p I keep on breathing and they lose 3 cities.



Well done, you've successfully derailed another thread into a PnP about MS.

Jeez, you have some issues.


actually this is a general pnp thread. Just sucks that MS are so horrible that they need thier entire alliance to take out one wittle city. I also noticed nothing was said about the losing of 3 cities. Yah I know.. your just happy to hide in the upper corner of your ocean. So sad mate. Have you built up your pram yet?

If MS werent such poor planners this wouldnt be up here. But then again if you looked after your mates cities rather than keeping everything in my city this wouldnt have been posted either. yah... sucks huh.


One of my funniest moments was when I decided that Illuminati, the alliance that I was in was a nooby alliance, and jay rider had trusted me with a lot, so I dissolved all pacts, and I withdrew everybody's invite. I also deleted several posts on the forum.