Halloween Event Feedback

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Feel free to discuss the upcoming Halloween Event here and post any questions you might have about it. The full announcement can be found here and remember to check out the wiki page for more details.


To be honest with you, you shouldn't be making one event after another. The awards aren't even that good. They're only just some resource boosts and hero coins.


I have not yet experienced this event, but judging by the pictures on the wiki it looks like another "Who has the bigger wallet" event. Would I be incorrect to assume that is what it is?


I wouldn't call it that myself, but yes that is basically how it works.


And troop reinforcements and multi week attack boosts and double bp and other new spells which are really cool.

Those are things you shouldn't be giving twice a month-.-
alliances who benefited from the Persian conquest already have stacked awards they could use for weeks,with this you guys are just giving them even more spells. And the whole pay gold to get recipe thing is again abusive cause 150 gold is nothing for massive gold users.And what i saw from the beta there are too many powerful spells here to be just handing out the recipe for them.Like the harpy reinforcement or the LS reinforcement,Players could build entire nukes within 3-4 days by just buying the ingredients needed for that reward


This is madness! what are the devs thinking? It is a money grab, all they seem to want is more $$. Every company is the same :(


the event looks good imo
the haters are always going to moan about pay for play you can reserch threads from years ago and it was the same then.

still id rather hold my opinion on the ballance effect of this event untill after its been running a few days

there have been very bad events that were way out of balance but most arnt that much of a boost and i talk as a person who will be happy to pay and exploit bonuses.


Don't keep knocking the gold users, without them, we wouldnt be still playing grepolis, as it would die without them, i for one welcome this again.


yeah obviously but that doesn't mean they should be allowed to buy everything with gold
atleast if the reward is hidden and you were allowd to buy recipes okay but still dont think they would even do that.Oh and a recipe is just 50 gold and resets at midnight-.-


This is madness! what are the devs thinking? It is a money grab, all they seem to want is more $$. Every company is the same :(

This is a pretty silly comment (no offence). If they did not earn any money from this game then how would they be able to keep releasing New Worlds etc? Without people actually spending money on Grepolis there would actually be no Grepolis.


Love these events, i always assumed the so called "Goldwhores" are the people who work and have kids, so cant play the game 24/7, infact half of my gold purchases are just to catch up with the i-phone users, anyhoo.. keep up the good work Greps, these events are what separates the game from others.. sure hope you bring out a new world to tie in with this event tho


This is a pretty silly comment (no offence). If they did not earn any money from this game then how would they be able to keep releasing New Worlds etc? Without people actually spending money on Grepolis there would actually be no Grepolis.

They release one event after the other and make people spend mass gold and buy more.


You should see the US server, someone has 5400 points and it is two days into BP. You cant tell me that they didnt buy gold.


So, what were saying is "the halloween event is a big help for those who can afford it and for the others it is a slight help"


A big part of the reason for a back to back event, is because not everyone will have, or be able to, participate in the Persian event. Plus, Halloween is awesome.