Latest Gold Idea on Beta. Step to far now



I use gold and quite heavily at times, Will I buy this package only for the BP tokens but quite frankly this is a step too far now. There has been alot of needed changes road mapped out that have still not come anywhere to fruition and instead more and more ideas for gold usage comes out.

There is a finate amount of players in the game who will use these packages instead you should be focused on game balance not imbalance.


Geez Every time the game becomes somewhat tolerable to play again they find something else to make it worse. Pretty soon after the $60 one they will have purchase three conquest ready cities for $100. Actually maybe more. As for the $60 you get:

25x25= 625 horsemen in 25 hours (is the inventory getting larger too with this coming into the game?)
18x28= 504 slingers in 18 hours
18x28= 504 hoplites in 18 hours
100 extra pop
5 heightened senses, except instead of double bp you get triple bp.

Wow just wow. Imagine coming out of bp with that on a slow world like Zancle, that would be just so ridiculous. Devs deserve credit though, it is really hard to make bad ideas time and time again.


Yeah, I think I'm quitting. I'll play one more conquest world then I'm done. I can't sit by and watch this happen. I'll come back every now and then to see if things have changed for the worse or better.


Yeah, I think I'm quitting. I'll play one more conquest world then I'm done. I can't sit by and watch this happen. I'll come back every now and then to see if things have changed for the worse or better.
I agree, Inno has become to cash grabbing and does not care about the normal players anymore. The last good world conquest was Rhammus...


lol lemur.

You are quitting but you will play one more conquest world?

So you are quitting in a year or two? Way to protest ;)


I reckon inno should release a world here and there which is like the old days - in terms of what gold can do and be used for.


Do the devs like talk to the all the CoMas before doing crazy stunts like this? If they don't then they should do that before telling each CoMa to go put an announcement out to their community. If they do talk things through then do they even value their own employees opinions? How many want to go through another headache of the devs making ideas that show they have never even played the game before. Inno is probably better off just having the devs for the purpose of implementing the ideas made by the CoMas and the community, as they are getting paid for doing nothing as it is.

Think my rant is over...


I reckon inno should release a world here and there which is like the old days - in terms of what gold can do and be used for.
No WW, speed 2,2, conquest. Only advisors.

Though I did like the introduction of Heroes and Artemis.


I don't even feel surprised or angry!

I guess i should start a "you have played grepolis too long..." thread too.


Grepo used to be a great strategy game unfortunately now they are letting you buy all the pieces.
Wont be long before you can buy as many pawns, bishops or queens as you can afford, turn squares from black to white or even pay to checkmate :p


This game is nothing but a cash grab now.
I understand its a business and they have to make money, but you also have to keep your customers happy and Inno it seems is failing to do so.


Community complains that events are too frequent and have far too much impact on a world. So they introduce a feature that gives you the rewards at will 365 days a year.
Its obvious Inno give zero f*cks about trying maintaining loyal customers


i thought this was a damn joke at first... what the actual heck even is this? So now as long as you have enough money you can get endless bp.

Actually idea... what about if you add some manticores into the mix? i should get hired with that kinda thinking.


I heard that for $20000 you can buy 7 WWs and finish the world within a week. Is this true?

And then we could have new worlds 5 times a week instead of 5 times a year. At 250 new worlds a year, and $ 20,000 per world, Inno would make $ 5 million per year?

Sounds like a good plan.


I think it is about time Inno takes notice of the majority vote with these cash-greedy updates.

They provide a service, if they want to continue in their success they'll need numbers to maintain, who is going to pay for gold when there are very little players remaining within the game - probably no one as that would be stupid.

Providing a majority friendly server will attract more players both old and new. There should be a random server vote at some point in the future, like a poll that requires a minimum number of signatures or votes and we can, as a community, choose the settings, caps, gold abilities.

One world like this, just once in a blue moon, will probably increase the 'fun' players get from the game by introducing REAL competition, REAL skill.

Gold is boring when it becomes so unequal.