Let the BS Begin


ANGELS and Spirits would not listen. it could be made into a functioning system. but unfortunately. to many chiefs and not enough Indians kind of thing. As for there size well out recruiting other alliances don't mean quality and domination is not so forgiving.


it's amazing how much crap comes out of your mouth...130 only got better after you left, it's players like you that ruin this game, especially the EN server. And just so you know, it's our players that are delaying the closure and i cant really understand why. Welsh is still trying to prove to everyone that he is good, our spammers keep up their long range crap, Viper must have too much time on his hands and hoop has her personal vendetta just to name a few. It is their behaviour which is keeping the other alliances around, OV included and not the opposite. All they would have to do is stop attacking and im pretty sure everyone else would and the world would drop below 300 actives very quickly and finally end. But hey, you're gods gift to this game so im sure you already knew all that...;)

who is this scrub lmao


Really noob that’s it. Well if playing grep for 11 years makes a noob then wow just wow. Now shhhh and go back in your hole.

considering how bad you are, being 20 years in the game wouldnt change anything, experience based on years you play doesnt say anything, there are players that play this game for 2 years or less that are better.


considering how bad you are, being 20 years in the game wouldnt change anything, experience based on years you play doesnt say anything, there are players that play this game for 2 years or less that are better.
Oooo wow such a keyboard hero you are! And you know me how exactly or do you just hide behind your fake name in here.
Come back when you’ve something constructive to say otherwise shhhh you’re boring me now.


Oooo wow such a keyboard hero you are! And you know me how exactly or do you just hide behind your fake name in here.
Come back when you’ve something constructive to say otherwise shhhh you’re boring me now.

of course i know who you are, we shared a lot of worlds for me to see "you in action", this is my name, one of them that is lol


Just curious but why do you folks have multiple names and accounts?

I've just kept the same one on here and in game , on every World I played, since I joined. Was the same name on the US servers too :)


Just curious but why do you folks have multiple names and accounts?

I've just kept the same one on here and in game , on every World I played, since I joined. Was the same name on the US servers too :)

because some names are funnier and more entertaining than others, and once a name becomes boring or you/someone else comes up with a new funny one, you create new one.

Core people who need to know who you are, always do know that so i dont see that as a problem.
@Lethal-Bacon @bandit70 my bros your both good players,not as good as me but your good ;)

Its stupid right guys when a world opens up and its so predictable ypu know right away who will be in the finals Women never Wings are i think one of those teams :/ they are starting really strong it will be interesting to see what will happen in the future a lot of good players and alliaces in the whole world in generalm


of course i know who you are, we shared a lot of worlds for me to see "you in action", this is my name, one of them that is lol
Ive only been back just over a year. Bassae was my first world back , then moved to play Elis , Hyele and here. Any other worlds I was just in for gold mining. And the only common denominator in those worlds is Myrd and
Think you’ve got me mixed up with someone else. Also @Red haired how you doing new name I see ;-)
Ive only been back just over a year. Bassae was my first world back , then moved to play Elis , Hyele and here. Any other worlds I was just in for gold mining. And the only common denominator in those worlds is Myrd and
Think you’ve got me mixed up with someone else. Also @Red haired how you doing new name I see ;-)

haha you know me bro :D doing great tnx, ahh Bassae! :) best world ever!