Let's Celebrate


My Fellow Alpha Players,

Our fearless community organizers have called for a celebration in recognition that they have released 2.0 to the German and France servers. On a side note, did France surrender again? Anyway, why should we continue to flood Innogames with cash when they refuse to discuss the deployment of 2.0 features, or in whole, to Alpha.

I run one of the best alliances in the world and I spend much of my time keep the troops happy, keeping them hungry, motivating them for the next month, week or day....heck hours sometimes! We in Orthia are not interested in the slow attrition of active, aggressive players giving way to the sim city players who just buy their slots. We want to see the end of the game, but with city slots so damn expensive it proves onerous.

So I ask our community leadership to please consult with the tight-lipped product manager and have them release credible information regarding 2.0. Give us some truth here . . . up or down . . . will 2.0 be coming to Alpha. If it is, then give us some structure for a deployment schedule. We do not need all the details, but give us enough to help motivate our players....and I ENSURE you...we will buy your gold!



I'm quitting when this last batch of gold runs out.
I was sticking around for 2.0 but since they seem content on ending the status quo, I see no reason to continue playing.
I have been buying gold since Feb last year.
I know of at least a dozen others with the same mindset.


I agree with this post one-hundred percent.

Come on now, those who do nothing and spend money to be anything in the game do not deserve to take advantage of such a gift. We all here in Alpha have proven we deserve, and even have been preparing for, Grep 2.0.

With all the new Grep worlds coming out I have only one thing to say: I have spent 1 years time building my empire and the entire Alpha world has proven it is ready for the upgrade. I personally will not spend money on the new world when I have worked so hard to get where I am now.

The new worlds are for those who are new to the game or want to start from ground zero because they cannot seem to gain ground in a competitive world as we currently play in. Besides Alpha is closed to new registration anyway.

Give us 2.0 already or you might lose players who have not only contributed, but have been loyal for quite a long time.



yep, I agree with you guys too. its pretty ridiculous, to exclude your oldest and most loyal player base from the new cool features that all the new worlds get; expecting them to give up on the worlds they have been playing and start completely new just to have access to the new features.

I also know of quite a few people who were borderline sticking around for the 2.0 updates; it got them motivated to play and be active again - and now that it looks like we won't be getting 2.0, they are pretty much checked out. a real shame Inno; why would you allow it to go down like this?


I intend to quit in the short-term as a direct result of all this 2.0 rubbish. I was eagerly awaiting it and now that little drop of doubt has turned into a giant pool and I'm swimming neck deep in it.

If 2.0 is definately not coming to alpha I'm outta here. Waste of my time and effort to continue.


I intend to quit in the short-term as a direct result of all this 2.0 rubbish. I was eagerly awaiting it and now that little drop of doubt has turned into a giant pool and I'm swimming neck deep in it.

If 2.0 is definately not coming to alpha I'm outta here. Waste of my time and effort to continue.

I hear you m8, I am right behind you all


It is a shame guys that 2.0 hasnt come to alpha because i activly play on the 2.0 worlds and they do make the game feel new and more appealing to stick around


A short fix and counter argument would be for you all just two play Alpha AND 2.0 world.

I mean, I know you don't want to lose your cities, but really, if you want some action or whatever, then you'll play 2.0, certainly?

I assume you're all talented players, I'm sure you can catch up, especially in Upsilon, I hear that world is full of noobs anyway.


Where would I get the time to play two worlds successfully?


A short fix and counter argument would be for you all just two play Alpha AND 2.0 world.

I mean, I know you don't want to lose your cities, but really, if you want some action or whatever, then you'll play 2.0, certainly?

I assume you're all talented players, I'm sure you can catch up, especially in Upsilon, I hear that world is full of noobs anyway.
hello cheezy you still kicking i see shocked you didnt move with tassie


No Way

A short fix and counter argument would be for you all just two play Alpha AND 2.0 world.

I mean, I know you don't want to lose your cities, but really, if you want some action or whatever, then you'll play 2.0, certainly?

I assume you're all talented players, I'm sure you can catch up, especially in Upsilon, I hear that world is full of noobs anyway.

Did you not read our earlier posts? Listen, we have all spent a good year or more playing on this world, why in the heck would we want to start over to reach the same point we are now?

Action is in this world now, it never stops. The new 2.0 worlds don't offer us anything right now and does not give back a year plus of work.

I understand your promo to get players to Epsilon, but each one of us played the beta version and know what Grep 2.0 is all about. In fact I play on Rho, but as Sch01ar previously said...."who in the hell has the time to play two worlds effectively?" I sure as hell don't. I have been in Rho from the start and barely have enough time to keep my 1 city afloat.

My world is Alpha and it should be upgraded, period.


I'll chime in here and say I agree with sch01ar. I feel pretty cheated by this whole thing. It was put across when 2.0 was announced that it would be implemented across the board. I along with others I know went and colonised islands spending time and gold on a wasted endeavour.

I play on Tau so that I'd have an idea of what 2.0 is like but like sch01ar and Sol said it's very demanding time wise and alpha has always and will remain to be my main focus, it's just so disheartening to think that after all of the hype nothing will happen.

Everyone who plays alpha has seen a huge amount of seasoned players departing lately and that's just going to continue unless inno throw us some kind of a bone. I can honestly say that if I didn't have responsibilities to my alliance I would be following Coco :(


open another tab in your browser m8, its only a click away.
this game is slower than a leonard cohen album
3 months to get a city up n running
Athena is rubbish and should have a resource spell and 5 hops, instead of 5 random units
but we all have moans.
at least i have my own ocean now, along with some good m8's


Did you not read our earlier posts? Listen, we have all spent a good year or more playing on this world, why in the heck would we want to start over to reach the same point we are now?

Action is in this world now, it never stops. The new 2.0 worlds don't offer us anything right now and does not give back a year plus of work.

I understand your promo to get players to Epsilon, but each one of us played the beta version and know what Grep 2.0 is all about. In fact I play on Rho, but as Sch01ar previously said...."who in the hell has the time to play two worlds effectively?" I sure as hell don't. I have been in Rho from the start and barely have enough time to keep my 1 city afloat.

My world is Alpha and it should be upgraded, period.

I'm not arguing with you and forcing you to play two worlds.
I know what you mean, trust me, I do.

I wouldn't want to start over just for a 2.0 world. Lose everything I've worked for, etc. I'm just saying, if you're that desperate, then you have options.

However, if you look in the ideas thread, many ideas suggest the implementation of 2.0 on 1.26 or 1.27, whatever. You get my point. You're not alone ;)


I'm just saying, if you're that desperate, then you have options.

We're not desperate, we're bored.
We will all leave eventually. I never played Tribal Wars for more than 7 months and once I got to lvl 80 odd I stopped playing The West for the same reason as here.
There is nothing new to look forward to.
Mini games such as "find the box" isn't fun. It has useful bonuses, but that's it.
It's the same ol' same ol' and we're letting them know that we are not going to pay to be bored.

I may come back to another Innogames product but I doubt it will be this game.


:supermad: Already saying my goodbyes, will be signing off for good in a few days. Plenty of kind farewells, unfortunately for Alpha there's quite a few that sound like me leaving is the last straw since the 2.0 crap is getting stinky.


With regards to this thread, I hear you all, and I'm going to do my utmost to find out what is going on with regards 2.0 being updated onto the 1.26 worlds. It was my understanding that shortly after the first update, the other worlds would be updated as well. I will see what I can do for you all, please give me this chance.


Ac04 said:
With regards to this thread, I hear you all, and I'm going to do my utmost to find out what is going on with regards 2.0 being updated onto the 1.26 worlds. It was my understanding that shortly after the first update, the other worlds would be updated as well. I will see what I can do for you all, please give me this chance.

That's what a lot of us believed. Thanks though, I know many of us would appreciate it if you could find out something about this. Like many alliance leaders in alpha I can't just quit the game and leave my friends short handed but when a game starts to feel like a chore you know deep down it's time for a change.


No, 2.0 sucks.1.26 is better than 2.0, but thats just my opinion.