Mods Playing

  • Thread starter The Great Toast
  • Start date


agreed, i'm fine with mods playing it makes the game more fun


I just want to bring something to light here....

Most mods despite their great egos, and grand titles, ARE NOT THE LARGEST players. I know a few mods, and when I look at their stats, their modding has given them absolutely zero ingame advantage. I think that becoming a mod distracts their attention from the game. I am bigger than most of the mods, and so even if they did have an advantage, what value would it be for them?

I personally have no beef with them playing, because as I have shown, the advantage is on me :D

I don't even play :p


im not the biggest or the baddest. I usually play till I get too many cities that it means I start living on this game.. so I at that point reset my account thereby giving all my hard earn cities away :p


lol i do the same thing, once i get 15-20 cities i get bored and quit


what about all the ppl you have met whilst playing tho?

I would find it hard to leave, as iv met to many nice ppl.

Im stuck in my world, till it finishes im afraid :) .....then off to the next a yr or 2 lol ;)


I just want to bring something to light here....

Most mods despite their great egos, and grand titles, ARE NOT THE LARGEST players. I know a few mods, and when I look at their stats, their modding has given them absolutely zero ingame advantage. I think that becoming a mod distracts their attention from the game. I am bigger than most of the mods, and so even if they did have an advantage, what value would it be for them?

I personally have no beef with them playing, because as I have shown, the advantage is on me :D
Ouch :( I feel hurt :p


Moderators don't have any advantage over other players in the worlds that they play because they have no powers in those worlds.

They don't have any more knowledge about the game than regular players, unless you want to count bugs (which aren't able to be willingly abused anyway). All the knowledge that a mod has is easily obtainable from public sources such as this forum and the wiki. The reason one might assume a mod is high ranking (that's only sometimes) is because they enjoy the game and have some level of competence at it. Why would they become a moderator if they didn't even like the game?

I was high ranking in Xi before I became a mod, and I used barely any gold. Only a handful to finish buildings because RL issues arose so I couldn't queue like I normally would have. Was more just evening out my playing field by compensating (that wasn't using moderator gold).

As it was said before, the gold that moderators get isn't a massive sum that someone else couldn't easily obtain. I am fully thankful for the gold that they give us but I would moderate regardless. I moderate because I enjoy the game and I want to have a higher role within the community, plus I've had experience as a moderator before and I like to see another side of the game to satisfy my extreme curiousity.
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Moderators don't have any advantage over other players in the worlds that they play because they have no powers in those worlds.

They don't have any more knowledge about the game than regular players, unless you want to count bugs (which aren't able to be willingly abused anyway). All the knowledge that a mod has is easily obtainable from public sources such as this forum and the wiki. The reason one might assume a mod is high ranking (that's only sometimes) is because they enjoy the game and have some level of competence at it. Why would they become a moderator if they didn't even like the game?

I was high ranking in Xi before I became a mod, and I used barely any gold. Only a handful to finish buildings because RL issues arose so I couldn't queue like I normally would have. Was more just evening out my playing field by compensating (that wasn't using moderator gold).

As it was said before, the gold that moderators get isn't a massive sum that someone else couldn't easily obtain. I am fully thankful for the gold that they give us but I would moderate regardless. I moderate because I enjoy the game and I want to have a higher role within the community, plus I've had experience as a moderator before and I like to see another side of the game to satisfy my extreme curiousity.

You touched my <3 and you win the argument.


well, if they don't cluster together in one alliance, I don't see a problem. There are worlds though where they do cluster. They step in and take over accounts of inactives, they sure get some additional gold. Grepo should cap the number of mods in one alliance to 2.


well, if they don't cluster together in one alliance, I don't see a problem. There are worlds though where they do cluster. They step in and take over accounts of inactives, they sure get some additional gold. Grepo should cap the number of mods in one alliance to 2.

Our moderators are players first, moderators second. There are many friendships within the moderator team, and should these players wish to band together in an alliance, there is no problem with them doing that, as long as the rules are followed by them. Yes, our mods get "paid" in gold, but they have to earn it, we don't just give it out if they don't do anything.


yea.. i think it makes it more fun.. but really they are NO diff from anyone else. Them getting 2k gold for working.. is like us working (at our jobs) and paying for gold.. I guess i just don't get the argument.. and ACTUALLY its awesome because they keep players from multi-accounting or any other forms of cheating out there.. and from what i have heard this goes on in many other games.. So be happy the mods are in the game!