Hey guys, here's my first PnP since like over a year ago so enjoy. Hope i still have the knack for it.
Few Points
Few Points
- Most of the pictures are in spoilers as some of them are very big and im to lazy to resize them.
- This will go over two posts so i can fit all these pretty pictures in
- This one is all about being funny. This does not reflect any TT policies or opinions.
So whats up with these darn MRA's aye???? All this inviting and not even a hello or a good say sir!!! Where are their common manners these days. Gets on my nerves like a darn insect. And the worse thing is ITS BP STILL, can't whack em yet. Now like any anoying insect, MRA's come in swarms and buzz about making alot of noise till ya whack em till the stop moving
Dosen't look he will be moving anytime soon i would say
We all know the satisfying feeling once the anoying buzz is gone. It Allows you to focus on the more importaint things such as killing thy neigbour, causing general mayhem and being able to play the game with and against the real players. you know, the reason we actually play this game. (but i must say, MRA swatting is quite fun so i guess they have a use for some people.)
Red guy represents MRA's. Blue guy Represents everybody else
Now for those who have some mates who have just started playing grepolis and don't know how to swat a MRA yet, this is for you and your friends.
In reply to someone asking how to save themselves from a MRA:
The first thing you should do is stock up on Anti-MRA spray ($9.95 from walmart). I understand that there is a stronger spray available, from Jarpenguin. But i must warn you that this particular seller of products is of ill-repute.
Secondly, get a fence. MRA's are notorious for not being able to get past obstacles.
Now i have been a grepolis player since gamma came out and i have seen alot of MRA's in my time. Now these ones we have here on Gythium are not the worse i have seen but i must say they are very amusing. So let me share some tales with you and lets all have a laugh
Now my first tale is about 1 of our top 3 favourite MRA's.
Now as everyone knows that the Tiny Teddies are lead by our fearsome leader
So cheese was, well doing what ever cheese does i guess, and he got a message from the leader of R.O.M.A.N.S, so being a polite cheese (guess he is swiss or something) he had a chat.
Now HOLD your HORSES!!!!
Looks like we do
Now we all know the MRA's think the war is going to be like this
But it is actually going to be like this
So get ready everybody. There is bound is be some awesome fails coming to the forums in the next week or so
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