My Life


Thank you for sharing this story. I should say, your life is worse than mine.

But my problem is not that. These..... events of my life have left me with no self-confidence. I know that I am something but I am unable to accept it and consider myself to be the worst. Does anyone have a solution for that?

Only you can fix that, and the only way to fix that is to change your mind. It isn't easy, and it isnt fun, but it's worth it.




But does believing that I have them imbibe those qualities in me?

no, you have to work at it, but chances are you already have them, you just think you are no good, when in reality, you are better than you think (at least you aren't hitler or pol pott etc.)


But does believing that I have them imbibe those qualities in me?

Sometimes, yes, it actually does. Sometimes if you think you are incapable of compassion, you do not show compassion or try to as you believe you cannot (making it futile). Sometimes you think you are always angry, so you walk around angry all the time to prove yourself correct. Sometimes you believe you cannot love or cannot be loved, so you walk around rejecting everyone, including yourself.

However, were you to believe you can show compassion, you would try to show compassion and eventually succeed, thus giving compassion. However, if you were to say you were happy on occasion, you would find yourself happy some times rather than angry. However, if you believed you were capable of feeling love and being loved, you would find yourself willing to put your heart on the line for someone you've known for four years who may or may not like or love you back simply because you believe that you are finally worth the possibility of rejection and worth it to spit in rejection's face in order to prove to yourself you are capable of feeling love and being loved.

It is always a mind game. Always. You choose who you are. You choose what qualities you have and display, whether that be anger, depression and defeat, or rather joyfulness, strength, and love. You can choose to feel rejected by society, you can feel as if you have a legitimate reason to be angry at the world for what your father did (and you do), or you can choose to see that you are worth more than anger and depression, despite having all the right reasons to feel each and every downed emotion. It is in your mind, and you alone choose what you think and believe.


Thread successfully assassinated. Edward Kenway, eat your heart out.


I'm guessing that he asked his best friend out as that story inspired him.


But blaming Pebble for stuff is fun :( It must be pebbles fault that I haven't been able to gain control over Google yet...


Yeah and that story was mean for varun, who was in a different situation (at least I'm assuming the girl he was talking about wasn't also his best friend)

Telling your best friend you live them carries a few more risks because things can get weird and before you decide to tell them you should realize this.