New Worlds


Can anyone care to expatiate how frequently new worlds are opened?

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
There isn't really a set time. Typically new worlds are opened when the previous world is filled up. How quickly they fill up depends on the speed of the world. World speed 1 allows for more players than a speed 3 world. Thus speed 1 worlds fill up slow where as speed 3 worlds fill up fast. If you look at the release dates for previous worlds you can sometimes roughly guess when the next one will come out.


3-4 weeks generally. Unless like Baudin mentioned it is a speed 3 world, which fills up quicker since it has a 20k player cap, speed 2 has a 30k player cap, speed 1 has a 45k player cap.


As Baudin stated - worlds are released as and when needed. There is no fixed timeline over which worlds are scheduled to be opened, and looking at the creation dates will give a rough estimate of how quickly a world filled, not when the next world should open.