Pnp No Honor,No nothing!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser57382
  • Start date


I was talking about your account. Like the great honest player you are, who knows how many other accounts you're handling. You just keep proving my point about this being the most dishonest and cheating alliance ive ever played in.


Oh are you referring to my free VM day?
more like your rage spam because marto took a city off ya and killed some of your stuff. but yeah, the free vm days that a bunch of you take all world is just proof of the dirty tactics you use. get a ban to have a free day off because you're not good enough to defend yourself otherwise. it's so easy with you bunch, you just keep proving all my points...cheats, spammers, dirty, dishonest and incapable!!!


lol, I literally don’t care about losing cities. This world is over, I just enjoy spamming marto because he’s a tool for still playing.
i guess that means half of our alliance are tools seeing as there are still more of us playing than them. But yeah, we always knew that you dont care about anyone apart from yourself.