Ocean Rulers


i am not even on vacation for 24 hrs , and the forums have gone to name calling , hahaha


well since this is the ocean rulers thread, i shall post this 1 The BANNED 12316 <----- hahahaha and ill post this
1 Argent100 The BANNED 970
2 Theyank Tenant Eviction 807
3 TyroneBlack The BANNED 789
4 Razer Naga Molten HaVoC 711
5 ind1ffer3nt The BANNED 621
6 Legion0514 The BANNED 581
7 hohohozez Norma Snockers. 579
8 citko71 303 Fighter Squadron 570
9 Aegletes Tenant Eviction 544
10 Volsung The BANNED 544
11 DeeCeeEss The BANNED 538
12 Zeraos The BANNED 509
13 Vodanoj HaVoC 506
14 pinkAndromeda The BANNED AID 421 <---- thats me , and i aint been on in over 24 hrs , hahahahhahaha

still in the top 15 .
bow to you new queen, boxy has been de thrown-ed muahahah


i was number 1 yesterday, lots of haters are already after me saying my ABP not worth anything at the early stages. They are just jealous.


Hagop abroumian what are you even doing here your not even on this server. I know what it is i hurt your feelings when i kicked you out. Did i make the little baby cry. If you can't handle a war game then go play farmville. As I recall that is all your good for. I have a 4 year old that plays that. Go play with the little kids they are more your level.

Who said I'm not playing.... You don't know from where I can come up and knock at your city doors. Also why can't you understand (or why aren't you accepting the reality) you didn't kick me. I even sent you a message that Gythium is revolt and it's not the world for me and I'm leaving. Why can't you remember that.


I don't remember it because it never happened. So your saying your to scared to tell who you are. Tell you what my city is wide open right now come on in. I DARE YOU! personally i think your to scared to. or are you just to far behind to come at me.


Hagop I'm sure I speak for everyone else when I say your tantrums are getting boring so you have 2 options

1) join the server , find an alliance and try to get back at lowkey for something you feel aggrieved at from another world.
2) take your toys and put them back in your pram and stopping crying about past events and go back to whatever server your on.

We have enough egos and fights in this world without you coming over for a day trip.



Hagop I'm sure I speak for everyone else when I say your tantrums are getting boring so you have 2 options

1) join the server , find an alliance and try to get back at lowkey for something you feel aggrieved at from another world.
2) take your toys and put them back in your pram and stopping crying about past events and go back to whatever server your on.

We have enough egos and fights in this world without you coming over for a day trip.


hahahaha +1


I'm playing in this server. Do you think I will bother posting here if I don't??? Who said I'm sad about past events??? I'm just warning people not to believe LoWKey when he says he's good because he has proved to me that he isn't...


If your playing here then reveal who you are. or prove to be to scared to do so.


I'm not obliged to prove anything nor obliged to tell my in-game name. The veteran player is able to defeat someone who he doesn't know so let's see if you can do that.


Hagop i dont have a beef with you apart from reading your ranting at Lowkey that made me fall asleep but what is the point of coming in a forum shouting and waving then hiding behind a name that isnt in the server.

its like threatening to kill someone online and knowing nothing about them , its just stupid.

man up and just say who you are , does it matter to you that much to keep your name secret that it is making you look a coward?

again no beef with you but just saying has it looks.



he wont say who he is because he probably only has like 400 points. What it really is he knows as soon as he reveals himself he will be turned into a farm. He is a terrible player. That's why i kicked him before, and why he is running his mouth here.


hes not on this world look at his sig its says rouge bullz so you go on marthon look at there founders name and typed it into player list and nothing popped up


Meh ok my name is hellohagop. Guess what it's many oceans away. Yup I'm out of BP today so not too much points. Also you haven't kicked me I left the world. At least I'm not making enemies left and right but you are. LoWKey you lost all my respect when you did that merge. Don't you guys know that you can have multiple account but not on the same world....


done that alex. actually i checked every member of that alliance, and none of them is on this server


your only 6:34 from me, and 28 hours by cs. well within range


If his alliance is any what decent... 28 hours is deff not in range really. Idc how good you are cause you would have 28 hours to get your town stacked with bir's.