Philosoraptor Ponderings of the week


OK, here are some random questions to answer, just quote them back and answer in the quote if you want.
These are some silly questions I threw up ages ago in the Zombie Forum and as there was a thread open for philosophy ponderings I thought maybe this would breath life into this thread at least until the next round of posters:)

1) If Hercules had to fight The Hulk, who would win?

2) Helios, the Titan Sun God, drove across the sky in a sun chariot. If he existed today, would he drive across the sky in a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Veyron?

3) If you could ask an oracle only one of two questions, would it be "how do I save the world from war and corruption and crime" or "what are the next lottery numbers"?

4) If you miraculously found yourself stuck in Ancient Greece, what graffiti would you write for future generations to baffle over, finally becoming clear only to todays generation?
Examples include;
-Watch Out For Justin Beiber.
-Twilight Sucks. Don't watch it.
-Do Not Join The EU. Just don't....

I shall post more questions after giving enough time for people to reply to these serious philosophical ponderings.


3) If you could ask an oracle only one of two questions, would it be "how do I save the world from war and corruption and crime" or "what are the next lottery numbers"?

You asked for the lottery numbers you could begin to influence the world through said corruption and crime ;)


I can see I will have to give only a question at a time to allow people to answer:)

5) You are in ancient Greece on the eve of battle. You are one of the last 300 spartans left to fight Xerxes at Thermopylae. And as you put your iPod earphones in for the last time, what music would you play?


well i think gangnam style will be best to go with with... with a slight change in lyrics.. oppa sparta style....


Pantera, but not sure which song. Either Cowboys From Hell or Mouth of War.


Here is another random stupid philosophical question.

In the old days, most people used to fold their socks down or fold their sleeves up, but in todays busy world recent surveys suggest that in an effort to save time many people now scrunch their sleeves and socks instead of folding them. So in terms of toilet paper, do you scrunch or fold?

Actually, don't answer that question. I just realised I don't want to know.....


You actually use toilet paper?? If you are a busy person of todays society, why even waste time wiping?? ;)


lol thanks for that jono. that's an image i didn't want to see pop in to my head, it's soooo wrong


Jono mate, does your country have two meanings for the term skidm...

Actually I am changing this subject, before I get warned again.

1. If the Transformers went back to ancient greece, would they be the Cartobots and Horsepticons?


Is Band of Brothers 3.....
....A Sister Alliance?

Did you know the inventor of the modern toilet was....
....Thomas Crapper?

How many people here are telekinetic? Raise my hand.
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Why is what we drive on called a parkway and what we park on called a driveway?

Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?


Why is what we drive on called a parkway and what we park on called a driveway?

Parkway: This idea dates back before the time of the interstate system to the time of the great depression. In 1931, there was a WPA (Works Project Administration) project called Skyline Drive in the National Park Service's Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. This was a 105 mile road through the national park which provided a panoramic view of the park. Completed in 1939, it was thought that all long stretches of roads would run though parks to the point where long roads were deemed "parkways".

Driveway: Driveways were initially much longer, leading from the road back to the main house on the property. So initially people really did drive on them.

Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

They technically didn’t wear “helmets,” but leather “flight caps” that covered the head and ears. These kept the pilots from getting too cold or going deaf while flying with their cockpit canopies open, which they sometimes did to get a better view when taking off, landing, or looking for landmarks.


OK then, well why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

And why didn't noah just swat those two mosquito'es?

You see, science cannot answer some key questions simply because, well, it's too sciencey. Such questions are the things which philosophers grapple to answer. Because google and wiki can only get you so far

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