Post your walls


that's just the link to get to the city wall, not YOUR city wall


I am ranked 129 in defensive rating :)

i bet you realise that defense rank doesn't actually say about you and only you. it says about the will to support you.
you can have 1 single town but defended by a whole alliance, so your dbp grows and grows and grows.... the-one-whos-name-we-shall-not-speak is a good example of turtle power based on a horde of other players.
abp speaks more about you since you gain abp only by using your own troops and skills.


i bet you realise that defense rank doesn't actually say about you and only you. it says about the will to support you.
you can have 1 single town but defended by a whole alliance, so your dbp grows and grows and grows.... the-one-whos-name-we-shall-not-speak is a good example of turtle power based on a horde of other players.
abp speaks more about you since you gain abp only by using your own troops and skills.

Exactly that! Well said.


i bet you realise that defense rank doesn't actually say about you and only you. it says about the will to support you.
you can have 1 single town but defended by a whole alliance, so your dbp grows and grows and grows.... the-one-whos-name-we-shall-not-speak is a good example of turtle power based on a horde of other players.
abp speaks more about you since you gain abp only by using your own troops and skills.

I realize that... Just saying I have a better alliance then you do :)