Pre-World Dymoros Discussion Thread

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
On Tuesday the 30th our next world will be opened. Feel free to discuss the new world here in this thread.

World settings:
  • Game speed: 4
  • Unit speed: 4
  • Trade speed: 4
  • Beginners protection: 6 Days
  • Alliance limit: 40
  • Conquer system: Revolt
  • Revolt Duration: 8 hours
  • City Foundation Time: 8 Hours
  • Morale: Inactive
  • Endgame: Domination
  • Endgame Speed: Regular
  • Artifact: Athena's Cornucopia
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Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
I understand players might not want to have back to back Domination worlds but the alternatives would be that the last 2 Revolt worlds were World Wonders or we could have done Revolt with Olympus but the reactions to the previous Revolt/Olympus combo were lukewarm at best.


I understand players might not want to have back to back Domination worlds but the alternatives would be that the last 2 Revolt worlds were World Wonders or we could have done Revolt with Olympus but the reactions to the previous Revolt/Olympus combo were lukewarm at best.
You should not have started varying the conquest/revolt times, artifacts, olympus ... Too many variables makes most servers trash to play in reality.

Are the developers aware how much better WH artifact is compared to any of the other artifacts? Other than my own stupidity, i have no clue why i play servers that DONT have that artifact. Maybe cause you have to wait 2 years to get good settings nowadays
If Any of my good friends here would like to play and join me on this world just message me and i will give you a link.

i landed in a good area, we can play together Defend Attack and have fun :)

All those who arent interested in playing for the Top same old teams that got the game to where it is today are welcome to join us as well.

Thank you

P.S im on the 162 Discord group also you can find me there