Project: Dead Externals Rise From The Dead


So I created my Tribal Wars account. There are like almost 600 active forum members here compared to over 1200 active forum members there. It's shocking.


One reason there's a whole bunch more members over there is because Our spam posts still increase out post count, Just saying...

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Rich pretty much said everything there is to be said regarding the suggestions put forth in the initial post. I will add that in the recent word jumble comp that saw us gain 900 new accounts the 3 winners simply logged in once to submit their answer and then never logged back in. I find that unacceptable. So to that end when I run a forum wide comp like that in the future I won't be handing out gold prizes to people who just created an account and logged in once. I need to be able to ask the winners on which ingame account they want their gold and that simply can't happen if they don't log back in. I get that it won't help much but winners of forum competitions should at least be active users in my opinion.


put down as supporter 100% more effective than my idea, we should also try to convince our clan members in game to give the externals a try


So far so good. We need 40 more people on the list. So far we got 10 including me in a short period of time.


My alliance is waging war on a front the length of half the world. They don't have time to be on here.


When have they ever been more active? It was exactly the same 4 years ago... there really isn't too much to discuss about this game on public forums, other than ask a question or two about this game when you are new, post an idea or a complaint here or there and then bash your enemies and state how awesome you are in your server sub-forums, thats it. What else is there?


I'm just here because I refuse to leave until I have the highest post count.


Yeah I think involving this forum within the game would be a great benefit to the external community.



1. Is daedalus the CM over at US, and why is he so hated?
2. Everyone has good points here... I'm finding that I'm posting maybe about once-twice a day, and some days I don't post at all, mostly because there's just nothing to post about here...

What I suggest is to have a, say 2 week to month-long discussion, like in the DND section right now, but about strategies ingame, and send out a mass mail through all the worlds advertising it. That way (hopefully), good leaders, with their alliance members, will come over here and debate about the best strategies, and it will also be a good learning experience to new players.


Maybe on the Easter competitions you might be able to involve the ext's by posting clues on here as to where they're hunting ingame


1. Is daedalus the CM over at US, and why is he so hated?
2. Everyone has good points here... I'm finding that I'm posting maybe about once-twice a day, and some days I don't post at all, mostly because there's just nothing to post about here...

What I suggest is to have a, say 2 week to month-long discussion, like in the DND section right now, but about strategies ingame, and send out a mass mail through all the worlds advertising it. That way (hopefully), good leaders, with their alliance members, will come over here and debate about the best strategies, and it will also be a good learning experience to new players.
that's actually an awesome idea :)