Question about the villages.


On an island there are 8 inland villages.

I have taken 4 on my island.

I am wondering why no one else has taken a village yet.

Maybe they have taken one, but the flag stays red?

What's the deal with those villages?

How does it all work?

How do I know if someone else takes a village?

I am trying to take all the villages before anyone else takes one.


What about of I send a village resources and it goes to level 4 (which I have already done).. does that village appear as 4 to other players?



Now I have to think of all the pros and cons of that!


That shouldn't be that long a think.

pro:you get more resources
con: your enemies get more resources

But in your case there are only pros as you'll get bigger cities when you conquer your enemies. Unless of course they spend those extra resources on troops, which will just mean you get extra Battle Points instead.


I am really not liking the fact that other players benefit from my building up the villages.

I am going to have to eradicate them, ASAP.

I must own this island. That's the only pro I see. Everything else contains some level of con. I'm off it.

Then I am going to go and found cities on nearby smaller islands..

There is no pro in other players sucking off my supercharged villages!

They've got to go DOWN! (SW)


Think about it this way: If they are getting more resources from the villages, that is more resources you can plunder from them ;)


I am really not liking the fact that other players benefit from my building up the villages.

I am going to have to eradicate them, ASAP.

I must own this island. That's the only pro I see. Everything else contains some level of con. I'm off it.

Then I am going to go and found cities on nearby smaller islands..

There is no pro in other players sucking off my supercharged villages!

They've got to go DOWN! (SW)

Whoa,Whoa,Whoa, don't found cities, conquer them! It is much more effecient and you will like it more, MrLeN


You could, but it's beneath a ruthless warlord like yourself. Why build cities when you can take cities? Leave the building up to your lessers and then take their cities and benefit from the fruits of their labors.


Yes, and you will become more stronger than ever if you conquer instead of build!


You could, but it's beneath a ruthless warlord like yourself. Why build cities when you can take cities? Leave the building up to your lessers and then take their cities and benefit from the fruits of their labors.

I just want to build cities around my current island, because I haven't built any yet, and I want to see how it goes. If I find that it's completely useless, I'll quit doing that and just stomp other players cities, with my extraordinary skill.

It would also be nice to have some pure cities, that were not built by my present and future servants.