Rate the alliance above you!

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Hells vapor storm
ABP: 7/10 not bad given their rank
DBP: 8/10 again, not bad given rank
Average: 5/10 could use some work
Location:6/10 spread over multiple oceans
Leadership: 7/10 No real contact with them




Hells Vapor Storm
ABP: 2/10 May be in the top 12 but with nearly 2x our members they still only have 1/6 of our pts
DBP: 3/10 Just as bad as there offensive side
Average: 1/10 52 members and you have a 741 average. Thats not even good enough to be a MRA...Even a true MRA like T.S.R has a better average with 1298 over there 180 players
Nuff Said

Yea its out of order but i have nothing to say about WoV

Next.......why not Inclinata Resurgit.
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Inclinata Resurgit

Abp 18th, 3/10
dbp-32th 1/10
avg-4/10 MRAs are doing better
location- 8/10 in the core
leaders- havent heard of tannnya, spelt name differently in the two places n/a

total 16/40



(Seeing as Phish the most awesome's post was ignored)

ABP: 8~10 Ranked 7th, they do well.
DBP: 8~10 Ranked 9th, so they are pretty rounded with ABP/DBP
Average points: 8~10 not divine, but still good
Location: 9~10 O44 promises much excitement in the future
Leadership: 9~10 Just getting to know them, but they are intelligent and have taken the alliance far. Also, Phish is awesome.

Total: 42~50, Good Score, well done!

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v20 masters
abp 11/10 still at #1 after being disbanded
dbp 5/5 first there too(dont care too much of it so i will add another one worth 5)
avg-10/10 now 1
location- 6/10 in 44
leadership 3/10 how much can someone whine? plus its been disbanded
trustable-2.5/5, have been disbanded then regrouped, though there are a couple really good ones there just not leaders(not sure about casperezz though)

36.5 out of 50, C- :(

next up Byzantine Empire




LMAO Here I'll rate them realistically

ABP:3/10-VERY low...
DBP5/10:-Kinda High
Average points: 7/10-999 cool number but low..
Location: 4/10-Spread all over
Leadership:3/10 just gave themselves 50/50 lol and don't seem to be doing so good.

22/50...maybe i was a little harsh...but not very good alliance

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ABP - 5/10 - Very low for the amount of members.
DBP - 5/10 - Almost 1/3 of all BP is DBP
Avg. Points - 6/10 - Pretty bad
Location - 1/10 - People located in every ocean, just a terrible spread
Leadership - 4/10 - Don't know anything about them, but if their recruiting habits are anything to go by...


Next: NuDeity

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team

ABP: 9/10- top 10 with so few members
DBP: 7/10 - top 24 and who cares if you can defend at this point in the game
Avg. Points: 10/10- 1.7k per player seems great to me
Location: 10/10 - all in one ocean is a good thing at this stage
Leadership: 10/10 - They're the GrepoGods of Nu! But seriously they have epic players in there no lie
46/50 but I might be biased cause I like small groups of players who are totally leet.

Next up: Zombie Elite Pirates, cause their name has alot going for it. I mean they are zombies who are pirates and their leet? We should all give up and go home now


ABP:2/10 very very low.some players have killed more.
DBP4/10 182 Guessing some has attacked so not defending well
Average points: 8/10not bad but some MRA have higher
Location: 5/10little spread out soem in 50s some in 40s
Leadership:5/10 Seem to have little experience not spending to much time playing because there profile looks very uncut and rough





BPA: 7/10 - At least they are attacking
BPD: 7/10 - Getting attacked, someone feels threatend
Avg Points: 5/10 - Could be alot of new members
Location: 6/10 - Spread out, but do have a cluster
Leadership: 5/10 - Don't know leaders on a personal level, but that profile is a long read :/

O/A: 30/50 - They are attacking and defending, nothing wrong with that, potential is here...

Up Next - The Efficacious


The Efficacious-

BPA: 2/10 - Whole alliance has 300 points, less then alot of players
BPD: 5/10 - Almost as much as BPA, could be good defenders, or just getting hit alot.
Avg Points: 7/10 - Better than most, has new section in O 35 bringing them down.
Location: 2/10 - not one core, but three smaller ones across 2 oceans
Leadership: 4/10 - Do not know personally, Leadership claims experience, not sure if any leadership experience though and does not appear so from messages & Postings.
O/A: 20/50

Up Next - Byzantine Empire, Seem to have missed them.


Byzantine Empire-
BPA: 9/10: Have about 7000 (about 5)
BPD:6.5/10- about 1432 Are below my alliance but still in top 20
Avg points: 8/10 Not as good as some but pretty high
Location:5/10 -not focused in one area
Leadership:7/10 - Aggressive but unknown by me.
O/A: 35.5/50
My alliance again( we got better)
Hells VApor STorm (soon to be Phoenix)
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