Rate The Player Above


Hey i saw this on some other forums and this forum is extremly quiet. The game is pretty self explanatory.
My ign is Angodude

Stole this from another forum lol.
Points: X/10
BP: X/10
Alliance: X/10
Position: X/10
Name: X/10
Reputation : X/10
Last edited by a moderator:


Points: 9/10
Not highest average points but Good Amount of cities and located in good position.
BP: 10/10 193,178 Fighters BP:Good BP in attacking / Ok defending BP sitting in the 40k's which is good for defending like the amount in between each one show you are more of a attacker then defender.
Alliance: 8/10 LEALAPS Seems like your Alliance has very good core and seems like it is progressing greatly.
Position: 7/10 Not the best position in rankings but a ok positions better then me :p but you seem like very good player and must have some great technique.
Name: 10/10 Like the name Supafletch you must be very super :) seems like you have very good experience.
Reputation : 8/10 Seem like you have a record of drama wrapped around you due to you game strategy but that is just what I have noticed in the forums but don't quote me on that don't know you personally.


TheLastKnight as of 04/29/2017
Point Rank: 76
Points: 74.405 (avg. city size: 7.441)
Cities: 10
Fighter Rank 103
ABP: 37.570
DBP: 8.489
Alliance: Red Flag (points rank 4, rank 6 fighters)
You have a tight core which I highly respect and envy however alliance choice of Red Flag I have to assume based on your points that you're a simmer and don't see much action. ABP ranking I can respect as you're more of a fighter versus a defender or that you've popped one too many flier tokens ;). Sadly I'd give you a higher ranking if you were part of Red Flag as at least right now is not the greatest... sorry :(
overall player ranking of 7/10.
Due to ABP standings versus alliance and cities owned :p
City points mean nothing, it's what's inside of them that counts!​


Points: 9/10
Not highest average points but Good Amount of cities and located in good position.

Position: 7/10 Not the best position in rankings but a ok positions better then me :p but you seem like very good player and must have some great technique.

Bigger the points and more cities just equals crappier morale, grow to how you operate..... cheers for the write up.


Point Rank: 445
Cities: 7
Fighter Rank: 386
ABP: 18,297
DBP: 1,131

Points: 6/10
BP: 7/10 Almost all in attack BP.
Alliance: 8/10 Solid core and good BP
Position: 9/10
Name: 10/10 I like the name :)
Reputation : 5/10


Point rank: 110
Cities: 8
Fighter rank: 31
ABP: 85888
DBP: 3263

Points: 8/10
BP: 9.9/10 Nearly all in attackers and considering half the map is green not bad going
Position: 7/10 Has a huge coalition behind him but closer than most of them to the action
Name: 8/10
Reputation: 6/10


point rank 86
cities 7
fighter rank: 69
ABP 48641
DBP 16527

points: 9/10
BP: 8/10
position: 8.5/10
name: 7/10
rep: 6/10


lmao horrible ranking like how my bp rank is higher than point rank but i got more points for points.. lmao


lmao horrible ranking like how my bp rank is higher than point rank but i got more points for points.. lmao

They are different scales, BP rank is also effected by location, alliance and spread of ABP DBP


Galen Starfire
Points: 10/10
BP: 10/10
Alliance: 10/10
Position: 10/10
Name: 10/10
Reputation : 6/10 (For Pacting with Red cuddlers)

Someone rate me and please dont be too hard on me


Points: 9,5/10
BP: 6/10 Not bad bp by any means just a little low compared to your points.
Alliance: 6 or 7/10 Good alliance, but two "academys" which i'm not fond off, but still good positioning and all that
Position: 7/10 You're cities seem to be scattered about over 3 oceans, but still good positioning.
Name: 6/10 Not a big fan of x's and numbers in names. but fancy profile pic.
Reputation : 7/10 I dont know who you are, but then again i dont know anyone as i am fairly new to this game. You might be pewdiepie for all i know.

Total score:42,5/60 Solid. Ashamed to say i used a calculator to add up the numbers lol


Ill do another one then lol
Points: 7 or 8/10
BP: 9,7/10 Solid!
Alliance: 6/10
Position: 8/10 Plenty of red food to eat lol
Name: 6/10 Solid name, but i dont like numbers
Reputation : 8/10 Was in Reds, but left verry early on which takes spine.
Total score 45,7/60 (I think just did the math in my head)


Do me please :).


Points: 2/10
BP: 2/10 Solid!
Alliance: 1/10
Position: 1/10
Name: 2/10
Reputation : 1/10 never heard of you
Total score 9/60