Real Shadow Spartan Dragon Phalanx Elite

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Yeah you read it, your eyes did not trick you. I will create the greatest alliance to ever grace the oceans of Grepolis. This alliance will be called, Real Shadow Spartan Dragon Phalanx Elite, or RSSDPE. If you thought Real Madrid had branches up the wazoo then wait till you see us. If you thought the Spartans were a plague on Grepolis then prepare yourselves for the awesomeness that is RSSDPE.
Requirements: Play on this server.
Goals: To be the ultimate cliched named alliance in the history of ever.

Post below if you want to take part in this spectacular fail fest...errr...I mean display of awesomeness? :)


Unfortunately, alliance names have a letter limit... 24 I think...

Trust me, I've tried to make the ELITE SPARTAN SHADOW SCORPION ASSASSINS and it did not work :(


I would like my alliance, Triple X, to be in a pact with you.

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
That's how awesome my alliance is gonna be. We are getting people asking to pact us before the server starts. Next we'll have a war declared and a merger, followed by an alliance surrendering to us. Our leetness knows no bounds!


actually, can i be a leader in your new alliance, since you say your going to conquer all of sigma?


Baudin I bow down too your greatness as you already have another alliance merge and surrender into your alliance aswell as try and organise a pact with you in the space of 5 minutes, that must be a record or something all you need now is the war and you have done everything a week before the server opens :p

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Indeed, King McNultey you can be a leader. My charisma shall lead us to the dominance of this server! For I am the Balloon Toucan (for those of you who understand that joke)

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Well this was done as a joke and I feel as though it wasn't as funny as I thought, so Adam if you could delete or do some mod magic with this then I'd be happy


Hmmm.... This alliance will be hard to take down! I will have to... *notices that it is a joke*... Oh! hahaha... good luck with whatever alliance you are joining!


I already merged into you, a week before this tread existed, lol.


This alliance is going to be the best in Sigma, no doubt about it!


hello I'm back on game
and I will like to join you, if I can?
you go in what direction?

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Well this was done as a joke and I feel as though it wasn't as funny as I thought, so Adam if you could delete or do some mod magic with this then I'd be happy

I know quoting myself is a bit arrogant but it needed to be done. This was a joke. I was bored. Me leading an alliance would be awful, it would be funny but awful.


O come on we want to see true failure where your alliance has 50 members with no cities but 200000 BP, lol