Refugees. Good or Bad?


Hey fellow Grepolis players, it's CRoWnDCLoWn. I have something I wish to discuss pertaining to, you guessed it, REFUGEES!

Now, I joined an alliance rather than making one of my own this time( although I'm perfectly capable). I joined this alliance that was quite small in the beginning but is top in our present ocean. The leader seemed quite capable, some good members in his squad, nice location, pretty well suited to be an alliance in which I could invest my services in.

I got my city running up, being a fan of my dear slingers, I got a nice slinger nuke ready, patiently waited for the protection to go off and began to systematically eliminate abandoned cities on my island and some lazy players as well. I attacked this one guy who was pretty active, but was a point whore( love point whores, I hold them close;) ) and wiped his little 8 swords off the face off the earth. Begin to farm him since he is right next to me. The next day, I see this guy has joined the alliance!

So, I contacted our leader and asked his policy on refugees. Told him this new guy is a refugee and that I have been farming him, and nicely requested that this guy be released from the alliance so that I may farm him. He is of no use, a point whore and a refugee...come on! The leader said he could not do this, because the guy deserves better treatment than what I'm suggesting. That if I want to attack this guy for bp that I have to leave the alliance every Wednesday, attack him freely for the whole day, and then can join back into the alliance the next day, Thursday. WTH!! But wait there's more! He contradicts himself and says that he won't allow members to attack other members, but we can leave every Wednesday attack each other, and have good laughs as we join together Thursday.

I told him that is completely absurd, I have never heard such BS in the entire game, and trust me plenty of BS gets thrown around, can I get an amen! But, to gain bp by attacking your own members and then rejoining as to build up a false show of aggressiveness, not to mention we are killing ourselves and allowing some other alliance to destroy us as we play every Wednesday and fight each other. Then Thursday we sit exposed with no troops, how fun, yeah. But, its made better cause I got me some Bp!! Smh. Really?

The leader says wars are won by making enemies our friends, not by attacking them, conquering them, and pissing them off.......Are you guys getting this?!? He will allow his enemies to join! Wow, so no need for a cave if the enemy can come right in and get more info for FREE! We will have spies galore, picking at us like vultures and he will be this peace loving, let's all be friends fruitcake. Sigh. I'm ashamed to be in this said alliance.

So, I will be leaving and looking again. What are your thoughts on this late breaking refugee policy and new game winning strategy of having your enemies become friends and everything will be peachy. I mean there are times when an enemy turns out to be a sincere friend, no doubt. But, 9/10 no. And most good alliances and experienced players won't even accept refugees. Let me know what you guys think. I may be wrong. But, I dont think so. :pro:


May seem below the belt, but I posted the convo for better clarity. The player refugee's and leader's names have been replaced for confidential reasons.

CRoWnDCLoWn today at 7:51 AM
....I'm not sure I like the sound of that. I'm quite confused now on the policy of this alliance regarding refugees. So if we are attacking an enemy and he joins, we just allow that, we don't question his reason and intent on joining. So then, how are we able to conquer our enemies if we allow them to join after a good beat down?


Leader X today at 8:08 AM
Because thats how wars are won, former enemys ( and xxx is not an enemy of anyone else afaict) are now friends, of all the Alliance, and they,and you dont attack your friends without cause, which is what your proposing to do. Instead of farming independents to cause them to join, you wish to piss them off, work against the Allaince best intrests which is to protect its members from attck and increase its numbers.

If you dont wish to leave, attack on Weds so both gain BP, then dont do so.

CRoWnDCLoWn today at 8:27 AM
I'm not pissing anyone off. Its the name of the game. I'm just securing my island. Farming is essential to this game and to do such it is necessary to go to those cities other than yours and get the resources. If I attack everyone and then say "hey you wanna join the alliance?" who and what am I going to be farming with an island full of allies? This leaving on wed and coming back on thurs is just absurd. Leaving the alliance to attack your players and teammates just to raise bp! You are beginning to sound a little absurd yourself.


Leader X today at 10:06 AM
One. Your pissing me off, wish your child like approach to the game you have already pissed xxx off.

The name of the game is not to piss everyone off with childish behavoir, dont ask to farm the allaince members, its not YOUR island and its not YOUR Alliance.

I asked xxxx to join, not you, you asume he joined for the childish reasons you ascribe, i otoh understand different.

Grow up Clown.

CRoWnDCLoWn today at 10:20 AM
LMBO. I see you are an MRA noob. One who has not played enough to understand the depth and mechanics of this game. Pissing you off shows your immaturity and impatience in a game which requires both. Which is why, I can judge with great accuracy, that you have never established a good, working alliance.

My behavior is not childish nor are my tactics. Clearing the island of lazy players and point whores is a tactic shared by all seasoned players. If I want this island then it will be mine. I choose to play as I play. The only child in this matter is you. Which is why you cannot respect the criticism of a player in attempting to suggest a better route than you are taking.

You only understand that which you wish. Your tactics in running an alliance are fail. You lack the fundamentals to even running an alliance. No forum set up, or should I say properly set up. No system of recruiting members. No explaination on the alliance which we have joined, vision, purpose, goals, positions. You are just having fun clicking that invite button aren't you. You are number one, because of numbers. But others are stronger for they have organization. Something you lack in the very beginning, which pulls your members together and rallies them behind one cause, one goal, one mind!

You are no longer an asset to me as I thought you would be. So, I will have to cut this relationship short of what it could have been. I wish to be released from this alliance. I will have no part in this. Do with it as you wish. But, you will never go far if you don't take criticism well or even communicate properly with your own members. And try ridding yourself of that childish temper and's not fit for a leader.

P.S. - Never was asking to farm a member....smh

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Your posting privaleges in the Allaince were removed, you have continued here, wanting to post the last word, which you did, using private emails, without permison.

You are therfore now out of the Alliance.

Learn some manners.
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If players are attacking an opposing player successfully then you do not want the refugee in your alliance surely you do not want them on your side as they would only be a detriment and only suffice for point whoring?

Your posting privaleges in the Allaince were removed, you have continued here, wanting to post the last word, which you did, using private emails, without permison.

You are therfore now out of the Alliance.

Learn some manners.

You told a player they cannot post in the alliance section? :eek: That's barbaric... removing their freedom of speech. That alliance sounds like it is a police state; it's only a game. Or is it? :rolleyes:

- Not particularly sure on my stance on this, will decide later but here is a link to an approved definition of a refugee before people start debating the term excessively - Click please!
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You don't own me Hannibal. Wake up, I give myself privs. I don't need your permission to post what I please when I please. I post this in hopes others like yourself can learn from the foolishness which spews relentlessly through your mouth, under the false image of good leadership and sound advice!

Oh and another thing. Don't come in here like you're announcing to everyone that I'm being kicked out. Hello, did you not read the post that plainly tells YOU I want out, not the other way around. Smh. Grow up. You have no power over me.


There is no need for throwing insults and comments directly at each other. Yes, you can critisise and point out flaws but this cannot turn into a flame war.

Please I beg you don't flame each other... :(

It also makes you both look silly in front of everyone, it is after all just a game.


Wow, I mean, just wow. Attacking alliance mates every Wednesday?! This is, slightly ridiculous at best. I mean, really?!

This has compelled me to create a comprehensive argument.

It appears as if the person joined the alliance to prevent himself from getting farmed. Thus, Crowdclown decided to voice his opinions, which resulted in him losing his priveleges to post in the forum. He then discusses it on the public forum and gets booted out. Is it just me that thinks - North Korea?

Then the leader shows pathetic sportsmanship by telling Crowdclown to learn manners. In my opinion, I do not think he is fit to be a leader.

And to conclude, Hannibal, please visit this web page, and then come back and make me chuckle some more.


Guest flames, just straight talk. I thank you for your concern though. A game it is, but certain things at certain times need to be addressed and I will not be hushed when I am trying to talk about it. Your link on refugee backs up my stance even further as I was the attacker who was not finished attacking, he joined and was thus sheltered, leader gets in the on so forth.

OrangeOpti, thanks for the backup here. Wasn't quite sure if I was going crazy here bro! I know I'm not the only one who thinks that attacking alliances members every Wednesday and rejoining as a happy family on Thursday was an absurd concept. Thanks for confirming my sanity in this!


Wow, I mean, just wow. Attacking alliance mates every Wednesday?! This is, slightly ridiculous at best. I mean, really?!

This has compelled me to create a comprehensive argument.

It appears as if the person joined the alliance to prevent himself from getting farmed. Thus, Crowdclown decided to voice his opinions, which resulted in him losing his priveleges to post in the forum. He then discusses it on the public forum and gets booted out. Is it just me that thinks - North Korea?

Then the leader shows pathetic sportsmanship by telling Crowdclown to learn manners. In my opinion, I do not think he is fit to be a leader.

And to conclude, Hannibal, please visit this web page, and then come back and make me chuckle some more.

Totally agreed. Also, try not to double post... mods don't like it.


I'm new, sort of, but gotta grin at this. All of this.

Folks, attacking each other for points is self-defeating.
It's like shooting yourself in the arm to experience pain.

In and out of an alliance? Um, you will die on first contact of a true alliance.
While you are killing yourself to get some BPs, an alliance that is coordinating offense is going to come up and bowl you over like ten pins. You won't even see it happening till it's over and you are pounding out archers in exasperation and... rimmed.

These folks don't care about you, your grievences or wails. They kill, fast. And move on.

It's just that simple.


Apologia, with a comment like that you could have fooled me into you being a seasoned veteran! lol. No, really if one new in this game can see this, then what is the problem with a player who has been playing for some time?

You are totally right and this is what I have been trying to get this vegetable to see, but he won't listen. Why are you allowing your members to attack each other?!? But then get mad when I legitimately ask for a refugee to be released so that I may farm him! Then tell me to leave and attack him and come back. Later on get pissed when I say no you're crazy and take away my forum privs,no actually ALL my privs. Then I take my case to the people to make sure I'm not crazy and you announce that I have been kicked out. But, it clearly states in my message before he kicked me out, telling him I WANTED out. Smh...somethings wrong.

I'm not trying to bad mouth him, no not at all. I just wanted to address a simple issue and he took it to another level with his absurd reasoning and impatience. A leader like that will not take an alliance very far at all!



I for one found this thread completely amusing...

"That if I want to attack this guy for bp that I have to leave the alliance every Wednesday, attack him freely for the whole day, and then can join back into the alliance the next day, Thursday. WTH!!"

Now that's just EPIC, wish we The Marines had thought of such a great idea!


Yeah, I wish the leader could see the absurdity in his reasoning. I mean really GenDodo, have you ever in your entire Grepolis lifetime ever heard of such a statement. Now, take that and multiply it with the fact that this guy is dead serious and believes his reasoning to be 100% sound!, we have a doctor in the house?!?

I know I'm not crazy, so I posted this to confirm my sanity. Thank you all!


leaving the alliance on Wednesday.. and joining again on Thursday...... best joke i have ever heard

why go through this trouble. attack you alliance mate and help in gaining both attack bp and defense bp for the alliance ;).

or send resource to other alliance and ask them to attack you ;)

they will be your future friends as they are your enemy now.


I just read the forums, don't post in them but this one is really funny. First of all history teaches us about tribute. You would get attacked if you didn't pay tribute to the empire. This is the case here. You are a big country, hungry for resources and you attack the guy everyday, so he does the normal thing and pays his tribute to a bigger empire that is above you. Now you get cocky and revolt against that empire and you will lose because they are many and you are alone. the nicest thing you could have done would have been to PM the guy and ask for a weekly fee, let's say 5k of each resource in the first week, increasing it every week. That is pure island strategy. It's like attacking every wednesday but without the BP. I feel sorry for you, you will probably lose your town in the next few days.


No i won't must be the fearful type. Scared of I assume you dont like math.

One, we are in a new and fresh ocean with players just coming in protection on most just coming off.

Two, the guy is a total MRA who has no connection to his members. He just loves hitting that invite button and noobs join because they want to be apart of something, but when the attacks start rolling in they will see how useless they are.

Three, have three guys on my island in that alliance and have been farming them all! Not one attack, want to know why? Point whores, an alliance full of point whores putting on a false show of power.

Four, I have faced alliances bigger, brighter, and more organized than this fool! I can take on many guys at once no problem.

Five your strategy of asking for resources is worthless when you are facing a dignified player. Why would any self respecting player give another player free resources to stop them from attacking them? They could use those resources, build up a defense and counter-attack, save those troops by dodging and sending them to farms, and then when the time is right, kick the enemy's and have them give up the resources!

Six, I'm not cocky, but I am straight-foward in my words and thoughts. Not sure you read the whole post to understand what's going on. No tribute is made. I was in the alliance and "got kicked out" rather I left the alliance on my own accord, because I voiced an opinion contrary that of the leader's. He is a fool anyway, so no lose to me!


I'm just making fun of the situation, that's all. You should have made a pnp, much funnier and with pics also. what is dodging? the only person i know who can dodge is Steven Seagal and i understand it takes a lot of practice to do it right. Oh and i almost forgot Chuck, but that's another case, Chuck doesn't dodge, you are too afraid to even consider attacking him.


Oh trust, I can dodge! I've been around for a few winters to know how to dodge! I was thinking a PnP, but my alliance is not up and running yet. I just started it last night, so its gonna take a bit more time. But, when I think about it even more, he is just a kid playing grown up, so I won't spank him as hard as I want to!

It is quite a hilarious situation, but everyone can see that except him. Oh well, I got my point across and that's all ever wanted.


All I can say to this whole thing is wow. Seems like you are better off without them crowndclown, maybe try your hand in leadership ;)


Five your strategy of asking for resources is worthless when you are facing a dignified player. Why would any self respecting player give another player free resources to stop them from attacking them? They could use those resources, build up a defense and counter-attack, save those troops by dodging and sending them to farms, and then when the time is right, kick the enemy's and have them give up the resources!

what you are saying is true. but as this is a internet based game. and full of noobs a lot of time it happens that you get resources like this way. but this shouldn't be included as the strategy of the alliance.


All I can say to this whole thing is wow. Seems like you are better off without them crowndclown, maybe try your hand in leadership ;)

Yeah I have led successful alliance before, but I always had to quit Grepolis because of RL issues. I am back now though and uh everything is pretty stable so I'll be around for awhile. I wanted to join for a change, but man..after this guy, I did start my own alliance.

@Sasukepran..I know of no players thus far in my three years of playing, that just willingly gives resources to an enemy combatant. Not if you know you can build up and give the enemy a run, ya know. You should know this...your in SGC, no. I'll have to keep my eye on you, I'm in Lambda as well, so I will be ready when we eventually cross paths :p It will be my pleasure ;)