Refugees. Good or Bad?


Yeah I have led successful alliance before, but I always had to quit Grepolis because of RL issues. I am back now though and uh everything is pretty stable so I'll be around for awhile. I wanted to join for a change, but man..after this guy, I did start my own alliance.

@Sasukepran..I know of no players thus far in my three years of playing, that just willingly gives resources to an enemy combatant. Not if you know you can build up and give the enemy a run, ya know. You should know this...your in SGC, no. I'll have to keep my eye on you, I'm in Lambda as well, so I will be ready when we eventually cross paths :p It will be my pleasure ;)

That is physically impossible.


You should know this...your in SGC, no. I'll have to keep my eye on you, I'm in Lambda as well, so I will be ready when we eventually cross paths :p It will be my pleasure ;)

look like i have made an enemy in the distance sea :( . i have sent my super fast cs to your hometown and i think it will land tomorrow :p.

hoping to see you soon at your home turf . good luck for your alliance as anyone in ocean 500 will have a very hard time cause it is a dangerous ocean.


look like i have made an enemy in the distance sea :( . i have sent my super fast cs to your hometown and i think it will land tomorrow :p.

hoping to see you soon at your home turf . good luck for your alliance as anyone in ocean 500 will have a very hard time cause it is a dangerous ocean.

No bro, no enemy..just healthy competition. I hope for us to be friends. You all are really gettin down over there. Can't wait for that action to reach us

@ OrangeOpti..whats impossible?


Are you kidding me?

Hi Crown, I have never posted in these forums before, but one thing I would not do in my alliance, is suggest such an absurd thing. I have had farms contact me about joining and have always asked the player farming them if it is alright with them before allowing this player in. But, to suggest leaving once a week is a fools suggestion and makes no common sense in any manner. If there was a spy, players could be picked off very easy. Thanks for the amusing post!


Yeah, you are absolutely right. You can't be too sure who is and isn't a spy. Thx for posting your comments!


Yeah i kno it hasn't been up for three years..carrying over my TW experience. They are nearly identical in mechanics...caught your meaning OrangeOpti good eye ;)


really attacking alliance members every wenesday i mean if you say that in the forums people can actually use that to their adavantage but anyway refugees are bad because usually they always ask for support always depend on you to help them and an alliance cannont always dabble in helping them constanly if a player cannont defend themselves from like 1 attack then they really shouldn't play the game at all every alliance strives for peace with the top dogs but the only way to get peace is to stay out of their ocean but i still can't believe you just attack every one of your members every wenesday try holding something else not to insult you but thats just dumb to say in the forums.


Why would someone attack their own members? If you ask me that s bad for an alliance it means your actualy losing power.


I was not saying it, nor attacking my members. The leader said or rather suggested I do this. I have left now and have started a successful alliance which is top in my ocean at the moment, I would never do such crap!


still thats not what makes a better alliance it's best to not suggest that or find another target to attack


Definitely right, no alliance will succeed if its members attack one another and the leader approves and encourages such behavior. Then the members dont have to worry about outside enemies, because their enemies are within their very alliance!


well what is the leader going to do suddenly read this forum and think it's dumb to do that now that youve said that every other alliance now has an advantage over them


meh..they arent doing too hot. They are all point whores and very disunited and lack communication. They wont last long, I'll make sure of it ;)


oh well something like that proves that they aren't the leader their suppose to be


That alliance is a little off in the head, isn't it? Why would you attack your members every Wednesday? Why attack them period... :heh:


I dont know...But they wont be here long....shhhh!! ;)

Look for the PnP....:supermad::supermad:
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