Answered Restarting while playing on more than one World


(Before posting here, I did due diligence and employed Google to research the answer, which I did not find.)

SITUATION > My Account is currently associated to 2 ongoing games, in en88 and the new en90.

I find that my progress in en88 is too slow, and I wish to focus on my positive beginning on en90.

QUESTION > If I select the Restart option on en88, will that also restart me on en90 ?

COMMENT > You must perceive my anxiety :

I do not want that presssing a Restart on en88 will also restart me on en90.

It shouldn't, but as an ignorant neophyte, I wish to be reassured. (Res)
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Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
When you restart or delete an account from the settings of one world it only affects that world. So in this case if you hit restart in en88 only the account on that world will be restarted. Your account on en90 will stay as it is.


Thank you very much, Lord Admin, for the super-fast and hyper-clear answer (F)