Saintchill declares WAR

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I never knew that about you... and here I thought you were bi-personal, bipolar or just Bi, eh? :eek:

I'm a man of mystery, I like to keep people on there toes.

They seek him here, they seek him there, but they don't find him because he's out conquering your town!


don't worry about him, toriah. he's still got sand in his holiest of holies because we destroyed black fleet in o54 when he was in that alliance.


Yeah..... thats how I know him :D

I was in Black Fleet aswel! They weren't really going anywhere though, was kinda playing single player but with a forum to chat in.


Yeah..... thats how I know him :D

I was in Black Fleet aswel! They weren't really going anywhere though, was kinda playing single player but with a forum to chat in.

That's how you know who?


Raintown get your PnP ready my son and dont bother with the school holidays your away to go to school


[07/05/2011 14:29:16] Alex Witkin: u there?
[07/05/2011 14:29:32] saint: yep
[07/05/2011 14:29:48] Alex Witkin: do u have defensive units on XI?
[07/05/2011 14:30:05] saint: 1 Birime city
[07/05/2011 14:30:15] Alex Witkin: you only had one city?
[07/05/2011 14:30:18] Alex Witkin: with defense?
[07/05/2011 14:30:19] saint: yep
[07/05/2011 14:30:31] Alex Witkin: well i have 2 cs's inc to 2 more of my cities
[07/05/2011 14:30:36] Alex Witkin: i just deflected one
[07/05/2011 14:30:38] saint: :(
[07/05/2011 14:30:45] saint: at least you battered off 1
[07/05/2011 14:31:08] Alex Witkin: i dont want a single city gone
[07/05/2011 14:31:22] saint: Non of us want to loose cities
[07/05/2011 14:34:08] Alex Witkin: true
[07/05/2011 15:24:04] saint: if you only have 1 comming surely you have enough to deflect that too

GEOGRAPHY : When not at home hide your offensive troops.





[07/05/2011 23:49:29] Alex Witkin: 33 incs
[07/05/2011 23:49:55] saint: that'll rise over the next few hours Im sure
[07/05/2011 23:50:33] Alex Witkin: OMG
[07/05/2011 23:50:34] Alex Witkin: YOU
[07/05/2011 23:50:38] Alex Witkin: WHAT
[07/05/2011 23:51:18] saint: well I gave you a few days warning in the externals in all fairness
[07/05/2011 23:51:32] Alex Witkin: but attacking my offense cities?
[07/05/2011 23:52:01] saint: I didnt know they were your offensive
[07/05/2011 23:52:12] saint: lucky or what
[07/05/2011 23:52:33] Alex Witkin: OMG
[07/05/2011 23:52:35] saint: I sent out some spies these reports came back ...
[07/05/2011 23:52:37] Alex Witkin: you took my horses/
[07/05/2011 23:52:40] saint: yep
[07/05/2011 23:52:43] Alex Witkin: dude
[07/05/2011 23:52:47] Alex Witkin: that isnt cool
[07/05/2011 23:52:54] Alex Witkin: im done talking to you
[07/05/2011 23:53:01] saint: take it you haven't seen the other 2 hits yet
[07/05/2011 23:53:14] Alex Witkin: i ahve 30 pages of reports to look at
[07/05/2011 23:53:31] saint: :O
[07/05/2011 23:53:50] saint: thats a lot
[08/05/2011 00:00:03] Alex Witkin: no duh
[08/05/2011 00:00:08] Alex Witkin: im on page 12
[08/05/2011 00:03:50] Alex Witkin: ok 4 cs's inc to my cities
[08/05/2011 00:04:56] saint: thats not to bad considering you have 33 inc
[08/05/2011 00:05:05] saint: at least there not taking them all


MATHS : 195K - 195K = 0


:pro: have some manners :)
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and yeah not to fussed about people knowing what I have in my cities as I never put silver in my caves anyway


That was epic. Well done to the whole team. Unfortunately due to RL issues I couldn't participate but good to see the outstanding results.



I think its quite a bitter pill to swallow when former teamates jump to "the other side" and then immediately use their position to attack you. I would have had a laugh teaching Lozza and Saint that even little players can be a pain but alas that ship has sailed as I wasnt online this weekend.

How frustrating is that - 2 months of nonsense from Raintown and the supposedly elite Nemesis being more like a girls tea party followed by a massive backstab !! I dont think i will be in another Metalcore premade unless he actually decides to lead it himself rather than do a good impression of Houdini. I realise i was no where near as active as i would normally be thanks to work but I still sent out shed loads of support and helped where I could and basically tidied up where I could and for that all we got was random peeps sending out messages about how successful they were and how they were the new king of kings.

Pretty unimpressed to be honest.




I think its quite a bitter pill to swallow when former teamates jump to "the other side" and then immediately use their position to attack you. I would have had a laugh teaching Lozza and Saint that even little players can be a pain but alas that ship has sailed as I wasnt online this weekend.

How frustrating is that - 2 months of nonsense from Raintown and the supposedly elite Nemesis being more like a girls tea party followed by a massive backstab !! I dont think i will be in another Metalcore premade unless he actually decides to lead it himself rather than do a good impression of Houdini. I realise i was no where near as active as i would normally be thanks to work but I still sent out shed loads of support and helped where I could and basically tidied up where I could and for that all we got was random peeps sending out messages about how successful they were and how they were the new king of kings.

Pretty unimpressed to be honest.


:( Think theres a lot you didnt really know about this, never mind though like you said you werent active.


Clearly you are unware that raintown, removed my rights, didn't even acknowledge me for weeks and basically forced me out if the alliance.. on top of him booting half the alliance and lieing about it all. I certainly did not 'jump' ship, I was pushed out of the alliance because I had the cheek to offer my help and guidance to a new leader.
If you are think you unimpressed then you are nowhere near as much as I am!

My only regret is I deleted my acct a week before (because of Raintown) and did not have the troops to join Saint in attacking!
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I think its quite alright to jump former teamates once you are in another alliance because you should always do what's best for the alliance you are in. There is no way we would go above a certain number people so late in the game so there was only X amount of members we could invite, the ones based in ocean 55 that were not invited were the inactives like yourself, the one that contributed to the demise of Nemesis or the noobs that shouldn't have been invited into a elite alliance in the first place. We cleared out players like yourself because you were not active enough to be in project venom and we couldn't leave you out there with troops. While it might have been fun for you to give an alliance of 80 players the run around for few days for us it would just be a pain in the and everyone tries to avoid a pain in the unless they are into anal.

It must have been frustrating of having to put up with nonsense from Raintown for 2 months. I do think Nemesis were an pretty elite alliance at first but if it was like a girls tea party I am sad I missed out. Regardless of what you might say about the raintown reign when you are an elite premade you need to remain active so players like yourself are to blame as much as him. So you can put the blame where you like and say you were backstabbed but end of the day we did what we did to make quick work of clearing out that ocean because having to fight alliances like Agrippa o54 or unallied players in o44 is actually very boring for us and last thing we need to be doing is wasting months on clearing another boring ocean.




I think its quite a bitter pill to swallow when former teamates jump to "the other side" and then immediately use their position to attack you. I would have had a laugh teaching Lozza and Saint that even little players can be a pain but alas that ship has sailed as I wasnt online this weekend.

How frustrating is that - 2 months of nonsense from Raintown and the supposedly elite Nemesis being more like a girls tea party followed by a massive backstab !! I dont think i will be in another Metalcore premade unless he actually decides to lead it himself rather than do a good impression of Houdini. I realise i was no where near as active as i would normally be thanks to work but I still sent out shed loads of support and helped where I could and basically tidied up where I could and for that all we got was random peeps sending out messages about how successful they were and how they were the new king of kings.

Pretty unimpressed to be honest.


And you are...WHO???

Where were you with all these pearls of wisdom when your leadership was asking for help? Raintown was the only person to step up and say he'd try. He was a bad leader for sure. He was neglectful and selfish. And when the fit hit the shan he had a little meltdown, booted all his friends, and then blamed it on a non-existent hacker.

sidebar: if it was a hacker it was the absolute WORST hacker ever. Any 1/2 decent enemy hacker would have at the very least deleted the op on them from the forums. It wasn't some kid from school that hates you either, unless you handed out a list of actives vs. inactives to your schoolyard enemies. Really should have just told the truth rain cos things might have gone a lot different for you if you had. Was quite fond of you up to that point but. If you learn nothing else from this,'s that lying is baaaad!end sidebar.

Lozza, Stat, myself, Saint...

You can knock us for our leadership all you want but the fact of the matter is, we didn't come to Xi to lead an alliance. We came to be soldiers UNDER strong leadership. Metalcore bailed on day 2 (for good reason ofc) but hung around mucking up the works with his inactivity for something like 2 months. There's your bitter pill. You had a bunch of reluctant 1/2 leaders waiting on an absent founder.

So...again...where were you when we were asking for help? Off forming uneducated opinions about things you're not paying much attention to?

As for "jumping ship"...we didn't jump ship, we were pushed out (lozza) and ignored (stat, saint, myself) by the "new king of kings". PV kindly gave us a flag under which to base our operations. They didn't have to do that. I was going to leave Xi, but PV seems like a nice alliance so I just might stick around a bit.

:pro:, and you might be to whiny to swim in this sea.


I, like you, never wanted to be a leader in Xi.

Who are you to question me for my motivation ?? Nobody - you're just someone with a few free credits in a internet game, try to get over your self importance for a moment and realise that theres a bigger world out there and you might make a success of your life enough to mean you cant just "step up at short notice" even if you wanted to thanks to real life commitments.

I joined Nemesis to learn from the supposedly best leader out there and he became absent almost immediately. It might be well known to Grepolifers who live breathe and and absorb everything in the game, especially if you have been around long enough to be "known" so that you get to hear details, but for someone like myself trying to make sense of our rediculous Skype rooms that were forever getting people added to or taken off, multiple people announcing themselves as leaders with random objectives, or generally a total lack of clear information about whats happening or going on then yes, my opinion will be formed on limited information as what was available was nonsense.

Last time I played with Lozza she decided she was gods gift and started a fight she couldnt handle and instantly got rimmed, and destroyed the alliance I was part of overnight, so that could easily explain why she got booted. Stat was a good leader motivationally and a truly awesome PnP'er and his commitment with other things for the team like the badges and sigs etc was exemplary.

As for everything else then I have said i wasnt as active in Xi - due to leading Apollo in Lambda - but as a new player who is active in the forums, active in the game and has already led a successful alliance at my first attempt at playing the game then I would feel I was the sort of person you should be encouraging rather than attacking in the forums and showing why new players dont feel so welcome and tend to keep themselves and their opinions quiet ingame.

But you guys carry on, you're the Giants and important ones after all, who am I to even possess an opinion ??



Who are you to question me for my motivation ?? Nobody - you're just someone with a few free credits in a internet game, try to get over your self importance for a moment and realise that theres a bigger world out there and you might make a success of your life enough to mean you cant just "step up at short notice" even if you wanted to thanks to real life commitments.

Jen and I have successful careers in RL and are more than capaple of making a success of our lives while playing an online game for fun. Maybe you aren't ;) I'm sorry that we are capable of managing our time effectively

Last time I played with Lozza she decided she was gods gift and started a fight she couldnt handle and instantly got rimmed, and destroyed the alliance I was part of overnight, so that could easily explain why she got booted.

What are talking about? I've never been rimmed lol Theta I quit (gifted a couple of cities and ghosted), Nu I quit (cos speed 1 bores me!) and quit Lambda to follow metalcore here. I still play Iota and have done since August 2010. I dunno where you've got this story from but it's sounds like you've got the wrong end of the stick.
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