Inactive Topic Send Research Over When You Settle/Conquer


Proposal: When you settle a new city, or conquest a new city, you get to choose up to three researches you want to bring.

Have you Checked the DNS and PSI lists in the Archives? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
No, but I doubt it has. I apologize it it was.

Reason: Put yourself back in Ancient Greece. You decide you are going to settle a new city to expand your empire. You wouldn't just send people and hope for the best, but they would send their acquired knowledge over as well. So the reason is to make it more realistic and also add a new aspect to conquering and settling (which things to choose).

Details: When you are in the conquest/settle menu and you hit send/attack a new window pops up. This window is similar to the academy menu and you choose three researches that you currently have to send off.

You cannot choose conquest or revolt. You also cannot choose Colony ship. I do this so we dont have people doing incredibly rapid settles or conquests. However, any other research is available.

Visual Aids: None

Balance: The inability to choose conquest, revolt, and cs balance it.

Abuse Prevention: N/A

Summary: When you settle a new city, or conquest a new city, you get to choose up to three researches you want to bring.


LOVE it! I would really like it if this idea goes through. Your reasoning really makes sense.


Summary: When you settle a new city, or conquest a new city, you get to choose up to three researches you want to bring.

Well only issue is when settling or conquesting the academy needs to have a high enough level to support the "transferred" research.


I'm okay with this, not that this is absolutely necessary, but I suppose it would be nice to have.


Well only issue is when settling or conquesting the academy needs to have a high enough level to support the "transferred" research.

I considered that, but chose against it as that would essentially make it uselss.

The way I see the academy is that it is a way to achieve higher knowledge and the lower the academy they wont undertsnad what would be available. With this implemented, they would know that those are available abnd have it immediately (the research point will be deducted as soon as they are available).

Currently, the only requirement to have these is academy level one


Well what if instead of choose three and you automatically get them make it so that you choose three techs (that you already have researched) and when in that new city you get the academy to the level required for that tech you get it for free. Meaning they sent people over with tech, but those people don't understand the tech until they educate themselves to the point where they can understand it.


What you are saying is slightly illogical. You are saying that the people smart enough for the tech, sent their own people (still smart enough for the tech) and instantly when the got there they became complete and total morons until the construct a

The only required thing should be academy level one.


Gotta say pebble, I agree with they guy above you. I mean, Grepolis doesn't have to be perfectly realistic, plus you could have a small city, who has a level 20 harbour and a level 1 academy (they didn't bother leveling the academy, because they don't need it anymore), then they can automatically research conquest, and colony ship, and instantly go for a conquer from there! Actually, they'd need the academy a little higher to send an attack boat with the conquest, but my point remains valid.

However with the thing 11Greek1 suggested, it requires them to still build the academy, but then they don't need all of the resources for the research, and probably not the time either.

Overall, I like the idea, but I do think some balances need to be thought of... Having free researches with a level one academy is very unbalanced, regardless of it being more realistic.


Gotta say pebble, I agree with they guy above you. I mean, Grepolis doesn't have to be perfectly realistic, plus you could have a small city, who has a level 20 harbour and a level 1 academy (they didn't bother leveling the academy, because they don't need it anymore), then they can automatically research conquest, and colony ship, and instantly go for a conquer from there! Actually, they'd need the academy a little higher to send an attack boat with the conquest, but my point remains valid.

However with the thing 11Greek1 suggested, it requires them to still build the academy, but then they don't need all of the resources for the research, and probably not the time either.

Overall, I like the idea, but I do think some balances need to be thought of... Having free researches with a level one academy is very unbalanced, regardless of it being more realistic.

Sorry, please read my details again. You failed to read the area that you cannot bring conquest, or colony ship with you.

POssible you cannot bring unit types along that are pass level 9?


no my suggestion is more realistic, because when a civilization "learns" a technology only a select few actually now how it works and less know how to build it. So if you were to send somebody to conquest/colonize would you send the smart guy who sits in the academy or would you send the rough, battle ready, and survival trained soldier? I would send the soldier, but when you send tech with him since he is not the one who made it (and he is a soldier not a smart guy) he will not be able to understand it. So the new city would not be able to understand or build the tech until you educate a certain few people enough so that they can understand. This would be represented by the building of the academy to the required level for the tech.

Also to balance what if you made this ability a research. Meaning somebody finally got the bright idea of sending tech along with the settlers/conquerors.


You mean to make a new research that allows you to send it over (and not have to level up the academy)?

I like that. Ill wait to add it in until you confirm thats what you meant


In a way I like it, it would give an essence of your Empire.

However my gut instinct says that this idea won't be implemented by the devs because it would destabilize the current smooth system of Conquering a city.


no my suggestion is more realistic, because when a civilization "learns" a technology only a select few actually now how it works and less know how to build it. So if you were to send somebody to conquest/colonize would you send the smart guy who sits in the academy or would you send the rough, battle ready, and survival trained soldier? I would send the soldier, but when you send tech with him since he is not the one who made it (and he is a soldier not a smart guy) he will not be able to understand it. So the new city would not be able to understand or build the tech until you educate a certain few people enough so that they can understand. This would be represented by the building of the academy to the required level for the tech.

Also to balance what if you made this ability a research. Meaning somebody finally got the bright idea of sending tech along with the settlers/conquerors.

Do you mean that if I attack a city with level 1 academy I choose battering ram as the research to send and when I conquer that city the academy sky rockets to 28? If that's what you mean then no. I would suggest that you choose 3 researches and conquer the city. Once you conquer the city those researches will be free BUT you still have to upgrade the academy to the required level. Example: Choose battering ram, conquer city,get academy to level 28,get battering ram for free and with no waiting (this wont happen automatically though you still have to click the icon but it wont cost you resources or time).


no, not at all.

if it has a level 1, you can choose 3 of any research except conquest, cs or any units up until 10.

other than that, feel free.


if i am correct, the research that greek was suggesting, you cant bring that either


I may have become jaded after experiencing the process, but I feel that this idea will be hung out to dry because it does not fit in with the Grepolis theme.

I like the concept however I just don't see this idea passing...


Do you mean that if I attack a city with level 1 academy I choose battering ram as the research to send and when I conquer that city the academy sky rockets to 28? If that's what you mean then no. I would suggest that you choose 3 researches and conquer the city. Once you conquer the city those researches will be free BUT you still have to upgrade the academy to the required level. Example: Choose battering ram, conquer city,get academy to level 28,get battering ram for free and with no waiting (this wont happen automatically though you still have to click the icon but it wont cost you resources or time).

Then again, it could still be researched in the actual game for your new small city, but it is greyed-out or appears to be missing as it would use the same rule of demolishing an academy after researching whatever you wanted. Bit of a fine line.


Having different researches in certain cities makes them unique... It could work, to an extent.


Well, this would add a completely new strategy to the game. It needs to be discussed further.


I'm not sure if this will really affect much of a gameplay, but I still like it.
+1 From me.