Top 12 Sink or Swim Discussion

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this gets funnier and funnier I swear.. oh to share the many many lies GGN has told about his life since EN72 that i just found out..then you call me untrustworthy? I would say you don't even know who you are when you look in the mirror in the morning matey. falling back to the old 'i was fooling everyone around me' routine for the umpteenth time when you get made a fool of , begins to wear thin..if you were a grep mastermind of tactics you wouldn't be stuck where you are losing wonder islands thru ineptitude, desperately flipping cities and getting player s ban so you don't lose another...


We are just going in circles GGN

You reported our player, what time you did so does not matter - Why someone would report someone else instead of just killing them makes no sense to me

How did we expose our hypocracy then? I think its your Hypocracy we exposed.. See while you had to use spies in our camp, we did not want spies in yours, so we just invited the players instead of asking them to spy for us

You don't know very much about MGK then..

You dont know much about me clearly

About the massmail, i wont post it here for everyone to read and laugh at you, im not a bully
Say what you want, we both know how fast you were to jump on the D ;)

If TD or the coalition was trying to win we would be building all the wonders.

When i look at the WWs, you have tried to build 5 of them, so looks like you did try to win, just didnt turn out the way u hoped it would

At least we tried... All your doing is taking credit for someone else's work. TR deserve the win, TLB do not.

What have we taken credit for? only busting your WW and bursting your dreams of winning the server - nothing more nothing less

We do not try. We Do... We promised you no WW and we have delivered = we achieved our goals = we are happy with our win


Jamo, I think you have more than proven yourself, not only with your actions but your claims. I told you we didn't trust you for a reason and its nice to see we are well founded in that assertion.

But again I find it funny just how much things do go in circles because like Thizzle, they are or where simply assertions. As to be honest after all the times I was forced to write "PROVE IT" I think those keys on my laptop are now a little worn out.... Iam not going to say I have never told a lie, But you have never proven me doing so either.

Ultimately everything you had on me was an unfounded assertion and you even admitted that. So kindly don't accuse me of lying J because even you know you cannot prove that. I shall once again refer you to the Burden of proof. Which Jamo should already know, But for those new to this game click on the link for a catch up..

falling back to the old 'i was fooling everyone around me' routine for the umpteenth time when you get made a fool of , begins to wear thin..if you were a grep mastermind of tactics you wouldn't be stuck where you are losing wonder islands thru ineptitude, desperately flipping cities and getting player s ban so you don't lose another...

I think my actions speak for themselves J, I was hardly going to ask you if it was a fake com or not since I know your track record. Just look at the timeline of events side by side and at what point I sent the coms to sosoy and at what point I attacked Ahr and knew she was active, and at what point I knew about you hitting the wonder city on TLB's island and at what point Jamo mentioned about TLB still rotating in.. We where always skeptical of the coms J, I was just doing some investigating to see if it was the case.. I agree it was the best case scenario to have us ally and work together, But also I could hardly tell you that Iam investigating if that was true. Need I remind you I messaged you and reminded you that TLB where not to be trusted, You didnt message me, As a result It was me who was ultimately seeking something. Best case allies, worst case no change. But ultimately I wanted to know about the coms. Its just a shame for you that you didnt really think through your replies and as a result left a number of logic gaps.

Also I think you of all people know that support are not always the fastest people at reacting to a claim, For reasons you made perfectly clear in another post. So to accuse us of purposely getting a player banned simply because they was attacking us is unfounded. The truth is that one of our players is gay, and they where offended by the player name and they reported FudPucker for a homophobic username and rude city names. There is no conspiracy theory regarding in-game mods working with us or anything like that, It is simply the players name offended someone and they reported that player a few days ago and at the exact moment that player was banned by coincidence they happened to have a WW city in revolt. While unlikely, that is the truth... It does require a huge assumption on your part to assume that we purposely did this.. One I would be perfectly happy to counter with evidence if you can provide any for your original claim.

You reported our player, what time you did so does not matter - Why someone would report someone else instead of just killing them makes no sense to me

That depends Thiz, I personally have not reported anyone in game since innocence 1. So I hope your talking about TD when you say "You" reported our player. However what time actually does matter since it demonstrates that it was well before any revolts where stirred and also would call into question your claim regarding in game mods. As for why they didn't just kill them, Thats a question for the player who reported Fud, not me.

Do you know what hypocracy is Thizzle? If we had claimed we didn't have spies and then actively saught to speak out against spies we would be hypocrites. I admit I have done one of them, But also I have never said that members of your alliance have not sent us infomation either, in fact I never denied or said that we didnt have people sending us infomation and as I told Jamo (As you would have seen) I personally have idea who they are and to be honest, I dont really want to know either.

"See while you had to use spies in our camp, we did not want spies in yours, so we just invited the players instead of asking them to spy for us"

And your logic here is along the lines of 'We don't use spies, but you do therefore your hypocrites'?.... I think you might want to recheck the definition of hypocracy there Thiz. Also there is a problem with the following part of your statement as that claim is directly contradicted by Ricky I in his MM he sent to TD on the 13th March when he claimed the following:

"Please stop sending us screen shots of your forums and posts. We do not need them and sending us intel is NOT going to get you an invite to TLB. "

As a result you find your claims perhaps contradicting what said by Ricky.. So I would kindly ask you to make your minds up and come back when you have done so.

When i look at the WWs, you have tried to build 5 of them, so looks like you did try to win, just didnt turn out the way u hoped it would

Once again it shows what little you know about WW's If we only build one wonder it becomes a straight race and if the smaller alliance loses, as we did. We would be unable to compete. By having more than wonder it allows us to see which wonder TR is perhaps lagging behind on and give us a wonder to push on. Which is what we did. It for this reason you never build one wonder... You would know that if you had tried it.

What have we taken credit for? only busting your WW and bursting your dreams of winning the server - nothing more nothing less

We do not try. We Do... We promised you no WW and we have delivered = we achieved our goals = we are happy with our win

The point you miss is that based on the criteria required to win a world on Grepolis, TLB has not met that requirement. The crown is TLB's credit. Credit which they do not deserve. TR on the other hand I have nothing bad to say about. They fullly deserve their win and I applaud them for that. TLB on the other hand do not as you have not even tried to meet the criteria required for the win..
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GGN you make no sense now - you called us hypocrites because we wouldnt tell you who our spy was? eventho we didn not have one

I agree, and for that I thanked your alliance. But in doing so your alliance exposed your hypocracy, See while you would name and expose a rule breaker, you would not do the same for an informant and when quizzed upon it Ahr lied in her reply. As a result her claims failed to stand up to a little skeptical analysis. Not my fault her story was full of holes...

And then you go on to say that you had spies in our camp ? and were the one exposing our hypocracy

Ricky I MM was just fooling around, u received alot of MM, i hope you did not take them all serious :D did you?

Second if you read the text you posted, it says for ppl to stop sending us screenshots as we will not invite them

We do not like spies, if they spy for us, they will most likely also spy on us, therefor spying does not get them an invite - makes sense

About the WWs, how can you call yourself a small alliance? you have about 100mil points all together in your coalition

Using the excuse of being small is not an option anymore, if TD had tried to go for WW by themselfes, you could be excused

I have convos of your leaders and ours talking about WWs, you had every intention of trying to win the world, its easy to say now that u only went for 1 wonder... Saving face :)

And about the crown, i dont know what you have been informed about, but were not going to rotate into TR to get the crown


Yes but I didnt report the player and I didnt make the case Antz. So what this has to do with me is meaningless. All I know is if you rearrange the capital letters you get a homophobic slur. The person who filed the report against fud cited only the player name and profile.. That is all I know about it because that is all they have said about it.

Iam in truth just assuming that is what he is banned for as I don't know for sure as support wont reveal anything like that to anyone except the person who is banned..

Also Jamo, Just so you know... Doxing is illegal in the EU..... Just sayin... Tread very carefully..
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^ do you mean the royal you mate? you have never landed an attack on me yet, let alone had me rebuilding a wall with gold lol!!!..more lies from HandBag (i like that as a new name for you)..

Who are you, never sent an attack on me ever. I have had your support land though, thanks, but it wasn't needed. You had fun all chance of retaking


Just look at the timeline of events side by side and at what point I sent the coms to sosoy and at what point I attacked Ahr and knew she was active, and at what point I knew about you hitting the wonder city on TLB's island and at what point Jamo mentioned about TLB still rotating in..

Do you know what hypocracy is Thizzle? If we had claimed we didn't have spies and then actively saught to speak out against spies we would be hypocrites. I admit I have done one of them, But also I have never said that members of your alliance have not sent us infomation either, in fact I never denied or said that we didnt have people sending us infomation and as I told Jamo (As you would have seen) I personally have idea who they are and to be honest, I dont really want to know either.

And your logic here is along the lines of 'We don't use spies, but you do therefore your hypocrites'?....

The point you miss is that based on the criteria required to win a world on Grepolis, TLB has not met that requirement. The crown is TLB's credit. Credit which they do not deserve. TR on the other hand I have nothing bad to say about. They fullly deserve their win and I applaud them for that. TLB on the other hand do not as you have not even tried to meet the criteria required for the win..

I keep getting dragged into this argument for some reason.

First, what does being online have to do with answering PMs. A person can certainly ignore your PMs and Skype messages even when they are online defending a city.

Second, I told you that a decision was not made about Innocence-I. I could not say it then, but I can now. That player came with the Crow merge. It was Crow leadership running him as a spy. It was Crow leadership trying to protect him, mainly barryh. Perhaps in your alliance decisions are made unilaterally, but our council had to make that decision, which meant a lot of arguments. Since it was taken out of our hands, it became a non-issue.

Third, why do you think we are getting crowns? We aren't. You really seem to have no sense of humor at all. Which is a shame. But we actually have a lot of fun doing this. We have had more fun working with TR and company than we ever had in the miserable coalition.

Fourth, you say TLB does not deserve to win. If you do have an informant in our group, you must have read my MM and post to TLB saying pretty much that which went out before WW started. That being three months behind, we did not have enough time remaining to catch up. At that point we decided to make the best use of our time and have fun. Somehow, you still criticize us for "not even trying," so I'm not sure you are really using logic here.

Finally, GGN is doing it on purpose, but Thizzle if you call me Ahr again, we are going to have issues.

Founder, Wasp Queen, and Mother to The Lost Boys


Ahr, The point was that Jamo claimed he had messaged you and you had not replied or read his message.. My counter to that was to say that I knew you where online as that was the morning when I had revolted your city, I knew you had been online as you had called militia out on my attack. Therefore I was able to counter Jamo and note that you had been online. As a result I was able to reject in my mind the notion that you had read Jamo's message which he claims he sent you in the skype comms.. Which to be honest I didn't really believe he sent you... But it was further conformation for me that he was lying.

I made the decision to alone to report Innocence, Because firstly I wasn't willing to take the risk that you would decide against it and also because even agreed with me when you said that rule breakers are not tolerated. I don't deny I reported him, Never have.. However I already know your word does not mean alot as I have already caught you in one lie on this server..

Ahr, I never claimed that TR had offered you Crowns. I simply responded to Thizzle's claim that TLB where winners.

TLB does not deserve the win, As I said TLB do meet that criteria needed for victory and therefore do not deserve to call themselves winners. You don't deny that, But it was thizzle after all who claimed that TLB where winners, So please kindly do not call yourselves winners if you have no intention of winning anything...

And yes Iam doing it on purpose Ahr.. Because thats your IGN.... :p


Queen Thiz said:
GGN you make no sense now - you called us hypocrites because we wouldnt tell you who our spy was? eventho we didn not have one

And then you go on to say that you had spies in our camp ? and were the one exposing our hypocracy

Had I claimed WE (TD) where against spying and then gone on to claim that WE had spies in TR, That would be hypocritical. But, While I am against spys, WE are not as we do have spies, None of which I know the identity of but as it was TD who never claimed that we didn't have spies. TD neither lied to you, or are hypocrites since TD never spoke out against spies either. TLB on the other hand have denied having spies and spoken out against spying as you and Ahr are doing here, But I believe you do have spies and you have proven that to me in Ahr's utter failure to explain the external website fiasco to me. Again its not my fault Ahr's story fell apart under questioning..

Ricky I MM was just fooling around, u received alot of MM, i hope you did not take them all serious did you?

Ok, So we are going with your version of events and not Ricky's then...

Second if you read the text you posted, it says for ppl to stop sending us screenshots as we will not invite them

And in your mind screenshots aren't intel then?....

We do not like spies, if they spy for us, they will most likely also spy on us, therefor spying does not get them an invite - makes sense

So why the song and the dance regarding the Zimitbaer post that was supposed to have been posted on an external website?.. Do you really expect me to believe that was posted there randomly on a random site for copying pastes and someone from TLB randomly discovered it on a completely random internet search within two hours of it being posted?.... Even using Occams Razor thats a leap to far... So yes I do reject the notion that TLB has no spies because that story holds very little water to me..

About the WWs, how can you call yourself a small alliance? you have about 100mil points all together in your coalition

We are a small alliance compared to TR

Using the excuse of being small is not an option anymore, if TD had tried to go for WW by themselfes, you could be excused

Once again, Of the two TD is the smaller alliance when compared to TR. It took the merging of AFC members to bring our points up to that 100mil level. But compared to TR we are still the smaller alliance.

I have convos of your leaders and ours talking about WWs, you had every intention of trying to win the world, its easy to say now that u only went for 1 wonder... Saving face

We had intention yes. But realisitically we knew we could never compete for all seven wonders with TR. Five was always a remote possibility and I don't think anyone could blame us for trying, But seven was a pipe dream.

And about the crown, i dont know what you have been informed about, but were not going to rotate into TR to get the crown

Never claimed you had been. I simply said that by any definition of the word here on grepo are you not winners.

Now if you don't mind Iam now in VM and have to get some rest before my operation..



o why the song and the dance regarding the Zimitbaer post that was supposed to have been posted on an external website?.. Do you really expect me to believe that was posted there randomly on a random site for copying pastes and someone from TLB randomly discovered it on a completely random internet search within two hours of it being posted?.... Even using Occams Razor thats a leap to far... So yes I do reject the notion that TLB has no spies because that story holds very little water to me..

I don't care what you believe. A TLB player sent it to me. This is not a lie. I do not know who sent it to him. And it was certainly more than two hours. Because I could not open the link in the PM while on mobile. I didn't open it for several hours. Then I gave it to Spald, who gave it to TD leaders. More than two hours elapsed during that time. I barely read the content because I do not care what people send this way.

Good luck with your surgery. Maybe the world won't be such a dark and bitter place when you are not in so much pain.



This will be my last post on these externals - no time for non-entertainment anymore sadly. Rather than contribute to the continuous trash talking (just call me Mr. FOS, THE FOS...its got a nice ring to it), I figured I'd congratulate everyone on a great game. I respect the hell out of most of the TD/TF folks I met, I will always be grateful to the group that left repo to help start stupid, and I appreciate the Fallen folks that took a chance on creating something bigger and better than the rest of the dealings that were going on. Your perception of the goings on will always be colored by the side you were on and its easy to spin a story and talk a big game and try to explain away what will be the end result. Everyone that is still here, even the GGNs and blackbags, deserve a round of beers...if nothing for the entertainment provided. I hope the folks that played with me have the capacity to cut through the BS and hope those that played against us respect what we built and accomplished. James - though diplo was rough and geography was not on our side, youre a great player. Michael and all the TD leaders I talked to directly, you played a great game and I respect the hell out of you. Kom, you made the leap when it sure as hell wasn't popular and stuck by me through and through, mad love bud. Ed, ski, dawn, tig, DG, splat, tim, emmed, lep, WL, sheritan, and too many others, thanks for supporting, following, leading, and kicking *ss through those early days and continuing that down the home stretch. Bandit, eider, and the like, thanks for not drinking too much of the kool-aid, seeing past the smokescreens, and being generally awesome. Thanks too to all the Fallen members I didn't know for very long but that busted *ss to get us where we are and to the folks from other alliances (BoB, Rednecks, BrB, and late game supporters/allies like WE, TLB, and Damaged) that hopped on board and made a good thing, great. Its a strategy game and regardless of the outcome or where everyone is sitting at the end of the day, if you're still here, you helped make it as fun and enjoyable as it could be. Share a little love people. Don't walk away aint gotta be like that. It certainly isn't over yet, but these externals battles should be.

Hey timmy,
It's been an absolute pleasure to be in your alliance. You're a great leader who is reliable, strategic in thinking, calm and completely focussed on how to win this strange game. I've enjoyed this world immensely, mainly thanks to you.
Good luck in RL.


BIG respect to all of those I had fought along side in TF and GoH (James, Sirmoj, VonL, Sam, Lou, Riban, Tim, etc, etc), and to everyone in TD/ITD (especially Effinel, moshey, slave, and all those who saved my hide from BRB/TR)! You are all AWESOME!

Also, respect goes out to Timmy and all of those in TR/LR (well, most of you). It has been great to sometimes fight along side, but mostly against you all! This game has been really good fun!

Lastly, I want to acknowledge the great players who were in ThereIsNoDanaOnlyZuul, and many of the players in FEE (for their tenacity at remaining in the top 10 when everybody else had written them off).


Ditto Well put Rhiz.


This will be my last post on these externals - no time for non-entertainment anymore sadly. Rather than contribute to the continuous trash talking (just call me Mr. FOS, THE FOS...its got a nice ring to it), I figured I'd congratulate everyone on a great game. I respect the hell out of most of the TD/TF folks I met, I will always be grateful to the group that left repo to help start stupid, and I appreciate the Fallen folks that took a chance on creating something bigger and better than the rest of the dealings that were going on. Your perception of the goings on will always be colored by the side you were on and its easy to spin a story and talk a big game and try to explain away what will be the end result. Everyone that is still here, even the GGNs and blackbags, deserve a round of beers...if nothing for the entertainment provided. I hope the folks that played with me have the capacity to cut through the BS and hope those that played against us respect what we built and accomplished. James - though diplo was rough and geography was not on our side, youre a great player. Michael and all the TD leaders I talked to directly, you played a great game and I respect the hell out of you. Kom, you made the leap when it sure as hell wasn't popular and stuck by me through and through, mad love bud. Ed, ski, dawn, tig, DG, splat, tim, emmed, lep, WL, sheritan, and too many others, thanks for supporting, following, leading, and kicking *ss through those early days and continuing that down the home stretch. Bandit, eider, and the like, thanks for not drinking too much of the kool-aid, seeing past the smokescreens, and being generally awesome. Thanks too to all the Fallen members I didn't know for very long but that busted hump to get us where we are and to the folks from other alliances (BoB, Rednecks, BrB, and late game supporters/allies like WE, TLB, and Damaged) that hopped on board and made a good thing, great. Its a strategy game and regardless of the outcome or where everyone is sitting at the end of the day, if you're still here, you helped make it as fun and enjoyable as it could be. Share a little love people. Don't walk away aint gotta be like that. It certainly isn't over yet, but these externals battles should be.

The respect is not shared. I am aware of the lies you told to get to this position, that doesn't demand any respect, just derision!


well done, TR. you took the biggest, most active players and won, easily. just like the scratched record that is grepolis. great work and glad to see some deserving players finally winning a world. this has been the most fun I've had on a server in some time, thanks for participating. i wish everyone the best of luck in their next adventures, and maybe play alongside some of the best, again real soon.


thanks Rashino - you have proven a more worthy and better opponent than i judged you previously in EN72, you have mike cooks respect and thats enough for me - many thanks and best luck in the future. Much respect to all TD active.

As for hand bag2004 comment on tim - says it all really , bitter little rim player glad damaged are getting the crown they deserve, they are and were fantastic here:) why don't i attack you , well normally cos like a little female dog you are hiding out 3 oceans away but believe me i am coming for you now buddy then we will see what you have to guess is not very much but an excuse..I will rim you from O48 to ocean 49 in EN 99. my offer to TF doesn't extend to this little rat btw James


Yep, he's back and he has realized he still knows he can't beat me in a game of logical reasoning. Funny though yours and Thizzles logic do seem very similar..... That is assume your thoughts are correct, and even when corrected still continue to assume you are correct.

You must be doped up on painkillers if you think this describes Thizz and Jamo rather than you.

Not a Pirate


The respect is not shared. I am aware of the lies you told to get to this position, that doesn't demand any respect, just derision!

geez are you really this petty ... didn't your mom teach you how to lose gracefully. Too bad because at times life is going to throw much bigger setbacks and losses your way and if you can't cope with losing a war game then boy are you in for a shock.

best of luck to you



geez are you really this petty ... didn't your mom teach you how to lose gracefully. Too bad because at times life is going to throw much bigger setbacks and losses your way and if you can't cope with losing a war game then boy are you in for a shock.

best of luck to you


Not petty at all mate, he's a liar, no respect for him whatsoever. Its a way to win a game, way to approach life.

You seem pretty happy with that, I suggest you need to worry more than me.

Win, lose or draw. don't give a . How I play I do mind, quite obviously you don't


Handbag2004 said:
How I play I do mind, quite obviously you don't

Yes indeed BeanBag would rather play 3 oceans away from the action, thats his style..he doesn't lie he just betrays his alliance and jumps on what he thinks is the safest bet gravy train (rather miscalculated as it turns out)..he likes to take in actives or use allies to help him take NAP cities internally before betraying them, thats his MO of honour, finally the way he chooses to play this game is with no grace nor humility..


Yes indeed BeanBag would rather play 3 oceans away from the action, thats his style..he doesn't lie he just betrays his alliance and jumps on what he thinks is the safest bet gravy train (rather miscalculated as it turns out)..he likes to take in actives or use allies to help him take NAP cities internally before betraying them, thats his MO of honour, finally the way he chooses to play this game is with no grace nor humility..

I have no problem taking your cities bud, if you are too poor to execute, suggest that you can't play the game. Stop maoning to me about your lack ability
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