Top 12 Sink or Swim?

  • Thread starter DeletedUser51283
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Percy V


Gauls have a nice chance in winning or at least making it through the next 2-3 months. They have 3 alliances with Gauls For the Crown controlling O54 and Gauls of No mercy controlling O44. The sum of their pts added it up is 75244. :)


Ha!, Controlling Oceans on day 2, Yeh I doubt that.. Lol, nobodies controlling anything yet... Especially not Alliances already making sibling Alliances and mass recruiting.. What usually happens when an alliance goes MRA on day 2? Lol :pro:

Percy V

Well you can check that. We control O54 and 44 till now. But why does everyone think we're an MRA lol the alliance cap is 35 and we are teammates in another world that has an alliance cap 100 so most of them came and we were forced to do a sibling. So not MRA over here


Well you can check that. We control O54 and 44 till now. But why does everyone think we're an MRA lol the alliance cap is 35 and we are teammates in another world that has an alliance cap 100 so most of them came and we were forced to do a sibling. So not MRA over here

Is this other world en90 by any chance?.. Don't have to do much thinking to realise your MRA, you've got 3 alliance already and we are on the 26th hour of the world opening....

Never mind the messages our alliance received in the first 1hr of the world opening

"We need to join forces to get this world and be strong"

"Anyway I think the best think is to do is make sister alliance as the limit is only 35"

Forced to do a sibling..... Hahah that's funny, if you had a sense of ninja about yourselfs, you wouldn't announce that until your beating someone's door down lol

All good, just saying what everyone else is thinking lol, considering Iam in the Ocean you control.... Looks like it's gona be a fun world ;)


I do not see Gauls controlling for long they will be eatin up in each ocean and with being in different ocean will be easy to spread there defense so seeing them fall quick will do a Top 12 after BP ends.


ABP and DPB always talks so we will see in 5 days

Percy V

I do not see Gauls controlling for long they will be eatin up in each ocean and with being in different ocean will be easy to spread there defense so seeing them fall quick will do a Top 12 after BP ends.
You say we are in different ocean and our defenses will be spread thin cuz we are far hmmm..... Yes we pretty much are :p I am not gonna say more. See you after bp ends.


Wayy too many MRAs this world. I mean come on guys... That alliance cap is at 35 for a reason. It is there to control the size of these huge alliances to make the game more fun! :D

I do hope that these alliances will fall as quickly as they usually do, and than the real battles can start! :)



Wayy too many MRAs this world. I mean come on guys... That alliance cap is at 35 for a reason. It is there to control the size of these huge alliances to make the game more fun! :D

I do hope that these alliances will fall as quickly as they usually do, and than the real battles can start! :)


They are full because there is a low alliance cap.



1.) Atomic : Float
They are fairly close together and seem decent enough. Could go either way

2.)Sleven year scoth : Swim, Not an MRA and have decent players in

3.)Troy : Float then sink MRA, had 2 alliances very early on. Just recruiting lots of people with high points.

4.)Honor and Power : Sink MRA similar to Troy. Not gonna last from lack of experience

5.)Gauls for the crown :sink MRA, WAY to spread out so defence will be impossible.

6.)Honez Minions : Swim They look like an experienced lot. Recognise lots of their players from other worlds.

7.)See No.5

8.)The Olive Guardians : Float/swim Not really sure what will happen. They look quite good though.

9.)The Hammar : Float/Swim Similar to 8. Depends on leaders decisions

10.)The Godfather : Float They look alright but not great

11.)See 4

12.)Hellraisers : swim They look good.


I wouldn't call any team with a cap of 35 an MRA - perhaps an mRA (mini). I do agree if you want to play for fun just sign up. If you want to win you should have come in with a premade.


I'm not in your world, but I have players pm'ing me in mine to clarify what an MRA is. Having read this, my definition, and your clarification, at least they know what you meant.


This world unarguably has MRAs, but usually all others do. The small alliance cap is there to limit the size of the alliances, but I can see that such a small limit is too small, and a good alliance could have 60 players and have to split into 2.

But here, they are just making new and new sister alliances to get more and more people who they dont even know, or question.

I got many blind invites without even those nice messages that usually come with them :)


I think that's the most MRAs I have seen in a top 12 yet.


EN23 was such a world. The top teams each had several sister alliances, and in the end everyone was glad it was done with. Just to be done with. Morale (not game morale - human morale) was a BIG issue for the sister groups not getting to share the award.


Why is everybody so against MRA's? I came back to the game after a year or so and have no friends on grepo anymore, or at least not in this world. I can't just join a premade, so I have no choice but to just join a MRA and prove myself. Alliances will fall and merge and what not and in the end it will not be the best players that survive, just the ones that stick it out.


Why is everybody so against MRA's? I came back to the game after a year or so and have no friends on grepo anymore, or at least not in this world. I can't just join a premade, so I have no choice but to just join a MRA and prove myself. Alliances will fall and merge and what not and in the end it will not be the best players that survive, just the ones that stick it out.

Besides that MRA's provide a good source of BP and usually good cities are to be found.