1. Incognito: Best alliance in the world currently, both statistically and in my opinion skill level. They are rolling over the 4 alliances of Shock Therapy and dont seem to be breaking stride at the number disadvantage, only thing I see stopping them will be internal problems or the next best alliance which I will get to in a bit. SWIM.
2. Shock Therapy: They are currently getting rolled over by incognito as far as I can tell. Score seems to be 8-0 in Incogs favor, and this is coming from 4 alliances against 2. A few good players, I dont see them completely falling apart, but they need to fix things or they will be sinking soon. For now, FLOAT.
3. Destructive Influence: My second favorite alliance on the list. They have shown to be very good, and as it stands right now they are the only ones I can see stopping Incognito in the early stages here. They are rolling over their opponents as well, and im a fan of their playstyle. Easy choice for me here, SWIM.
4. Holy Roman Empire: My ex alliance. They are my ex alliance for a reason, I was not kicked. A few good players mixed in with them, but their playstyle is too weak and they will not last in a major war. Along with this, they have no set core and are spread out. I dont see them making it, as a player who was in this alliance, my thoughts are they play too passive and prefer to sim rather than fight. Will hold on for a while only because of their position and few alliances in a spot to take them down all at once, but in the end the choice is clear, SINK.
5. Vindicated Villains: Seem like a good alliance, I dont know much of them other than they will run into trouble down the road of things ever break out with Destructive Influence. They are rolling over Atomic, so seem like they work decently together, but time will tell. Not sure of many of their players so i will leave it at a simple FLOAT.
6. Soggy Bottom Boys: Similar to Holy Roman Empire, they are located around the RIM, away from most of the fighting. However unlike HRE, they have a solid core of cities and seem to be much more aggressive. I like the way the play, always working on expanding themselves but not doing so in a wild manner. Overall I think they will be around for a while, SWIM.
7. League of Shadows: I have no clue who they are to be honest. Based on the map they seem to have a solid core. Look to be inching their way to ocean 44 however have no challenge of yet, they havent seemed to conquered a city from any relevant alliance so we will see what they look like when a major battle breaks out. Other than that I have no clue what to say on them, so for now I will leave them at a FLOAT.
8. Smoking Guns: Ocean 35 alliance, I have no clue what goes on over there but ocean 35 is too far away from the core for me to make an actual statement on them. Same as the alliance above, they have faced no challenge. Alliances like this tend to sink, if they dont learn to fight early they wont learn to fight well. My guess is they will sink, but I dont know. Ocean 35 will likely put most of them out of the world because of boredom. SINK.
9. Enigma: They seem to be getting attacked from many difference alliances. They are holding on but losing more cities to their many enemies than they are gaining from those same enemies. We will know where they stand in a week, they will either be holding on for dear life or sinking in my opinion. Along with this they seem to have so many inactives, my guess is SINK.
10. Black Sheep: I like these guys. Seem to be pretty quiet so far, but they are in ocean 44 (Which in all of my worlds, i have never seen ocean 44 so quiet) and they have a very nice core of cities set up. In my opinion they have one of the nicest cores, very well set up thus far and we will see how they do in a major war. I will say float for now, but dont be surprised if they swim. FLOAT.
11. Guardians of Hades: Seem like a solid bunch, located in ocean 43 and a bit of 44, they are in a nice location for coming fights. Dont seem to be in any major fights at the moment, however are doing decently with middle of the pack alliances. FLOAT.
12. ATOMIC HORDE: I know they are the 12th of the top 12, so they are the lowest by ranking standards. However in my opinion they are the joke of the top 12 for many other reasons. They are falling faster than any other alliance is, and it is pretty easy for me to say they stand no chance in this world. MRA of an alliance who has like 6 sister alliances, none of which are worth anything, pretty easy for me to say SINK on this one.
Figured I would enlighten you all with a TOP 12 since nobody seems to be doing one. I am in none of these alliances, but hopefully Just For Laughs will be there on the next list. Feel free to argue with me on my choices, this world forums seem inactive so maybe this will spark some interest.
-Charlie, JFL.