Spartan Event - Grep Devs screwing us without any lube

Mole man 420

Thanks for the unrealistic community goals and 1 week event length?? I mean - I know we are flooded with events - so in that sense who cares right? We prob could use less.

But i'm pretty sure I speak for most ppl in this game that we get excited when the events with community goals hit! As they help everyone even the non gold spenders. But than the devs created one with super unrealistic community goals ( Clearly digging for as much $$ as theycan get out of us ) - with horrible rewards, ( level one on all non basic units ????? ) and no time to complete the goals. super expensive event with horrible rewards and extremelly unrealistic community goals.

Thanks for the lubeless screw Devs - good on yas

Mole man 420

Maybe I should word it a little bit better-

Grepolis community continuously dwindles world by world. No longer do we easily fill 10 oceans within a months time. We're lucky to get the 4 main / core oceans filled at times.

So to keep a community goal based event at a level that was only attainable 3 or 4 years ago - without adjusting it to the dwindling player base is super unrealistic and greedy on the devs.

They can't be dumb, and have to know the player base is dwindling. Don't be lazy, careless, or greedy ( whichever if not all apply ) - and adjust the levels to the amount of people in the worlds.

I don't think I've seen us even reach level 3 or 4 in YEARS!!!! Now we'll be lucky to hit level 2!! In most worlds.. I can't speak for htem all obv,but the few worlds im in none of us arereaching level 2 unless a few ppl decide to blow some gold on this horrible event just to get level 2 ( which ... ngl ,theres 0 incentive to do so with such horrible rewards )

Maybe you guys where too busy with generic graphic updates and game breaking units and gods - but thats a topic for another thread. Sad you guys spend all this energy and updates on other things .. but tiny fixes like this go uncared for - and I can't help but feel its just a way to get more $$ outta us while the game slowly dies out and they put all their official focus into other bigger Inno titles.

Myrddin Emyrs

The end of grepo, well done on another brilliantly run event i mean 5 golas to get in 7 days and we get one, that is excellent work, round of applause, this is why no one is playing why no one is spending gold in these events, unrealistic goals balanced on the greed side, no longer competition in worlds, to many released at one time, no rewards worth it, stupid quizzes and such in forums and facebook, unbalanced units, their is no point on spending money on this game or even playing it anymore time for inno to pack up and call it a day, cause they clearly have milked this puppy dry...


their is no point on spending money on this game or even playing it anymore time for inno to pack up and call it a day, cause they clearly have milked this puppy dry...
Or you know, you could stop playing? Make up your own mind maybe? So many people here crying over how playable the game is that they can't stop a fat dude eating McDonald's and crying about McDonald's not having healthy food


Or you know, you could stop playing? Make up your own mind maybe? So many people here crying over how playable the game is that they can't stop a fat dude eating McDonald's and crying about McDonald's not having healthy food
From a dev's perspective in general, I think it's better to hear your players complaining than see them silently leaving. Means they still WANT to play, but want their voices to be heard.

Maybe their ideas etc aren't great, but either way, feedback is important. As a player I'd rather see ppl giving input into the game than straight up leaving.




generally i dont post much in here as its a waste of time as nothing is ever listened to i would have thought they would try to address the mass exodus of memebers leaving this game over the last few years and my view is it will only get worse

Myrddin Emyrs

Or you know, you could stop playing? Make up your own mind maybe? So many people here crying over how playable the game is that they can't stop a fat dude eating McDonald's and crying about McDonald's not having healthy food
What a stupid thing to say so not allowed to voice my opinion over a game that has become all about greed and is broke for a twat like you to compare it to a fat bloke eating mcds, wow you really got me their with that one, FUD....


What a stupid thing to say so not allowed to voice my opinion over a game that has become all about greed and is broke for a twat like you to compare it to a fat bloke eating mcds, wow you really got me their with that one, FUD....
WOW triggered much??? Sorry, I know addicts have a hard time giving up. Choose life bro


From a dev's perspective in general, I think it's better to hear your players complaining than see them silently leaving. Means they still WANT to play, but want their voices to be heard.

Maybe their ideas etc aren't great, but either way, feedback is important. As a player I'd rather see ppl giving input into the game than straight up leaving.
My reply was to a dude who didn't give ideas, just crying over how bad the game is that they can't stop playing, even though it's so bad. Feed back is important, whining babies are not

Mole man 420

You guys never cease to amaze lmao... this isnt a top 12 or PNP you clowns... why are you fighting each other on a post thats meant to show the Devs we as a united front ( being the players of this game ) are tired of these sorts of things going uncared for, and it just shows the lazy / greedy approach of the devs.

So lets stay focused on that instead of practicing being apart of the greplis external forum debate teams with each other


You guys never cease to amaze lmao... this isnt a top 12 or PNP you clowns... why are you fighting each other on a post thats meant to show the Devs we as a united front ( being the players of this game ) are tired of these sorts of things going uncared for, and it just shows the lazy / greedy approach of the devs.

So lets stay focused on that instead of practicing being apart of the greplis external forum debate teams with each other
Yea that's right, you tell em!


you are all fools if you think either feedback or united front to devs will change anything, they dont care what the community thinks or if player base leaves the game period.

baudin always "fowards" feedback to devs and what has changed? what was balanced? amount of events during a year only increased, more broken things have been released into live servers despite beta feedback.

Mole man 420

You not wrong. But id still rather say something than nothing. Who knows maybe they give us the community buffs as a form of apology


Level 1 myth tokens are insulting. I have not and will not buy a single 1.

I dont mind spending gold. It keeps the lights on.
But when you offer me a big steamer for the same amount of money that used to get me some thing decent. In the hopes that I will spend more???

NOPE! I literally chucked that money in a jar for a new gun or surf board.
A few more bad mini games I get a new board.
When that happens I will have to remember how to hit VM to go use it...... when you will make even less money.