The future of Alpha



Where do we think things are going in Alpha, where do people think things are going now with the re-emergence of The Agoge System, and the rise of Unity? Could mix things up a fair bit.


AlphaBeta splits, so The actual alliance is Alpha, and Betas the academy.


Another one, 56th Phalanx becomes a sister alliance to, the 13th Legion.56th Phalanx renames to 56th Legion.


Honestly, unless 2.0 comes to alpha, I see alpha becoming a ghost town. We are already lower on players without the chance of gaining new ones.


Another one, 56th Phalanx becomes a sister alliance to, the 13th Legion.56th Phalanx renames to 56th Legion.

Why? Because we both have numbers in our names? I am guessing you were just trying to be funny but it is hard to tell with text. Obviously this would never happen so even if you were serious it is still funny to me.


Why? Because we both have numbers in our names? I am guessing you were just trying to be funny but it is hard to tell with text. Obviously this would never happen so even if you were serious it is still funny to me.

13th legion are like noobs, and 56th Phalanx are awesome.


This is from a player on skype going on about an entire account getting deleted because it given to another player.
No names, no reasons, no arguments for or against the ban, just simply elaborating on the constant shrinking number of players on Alpha with one possible solution to keeping what's left of it alive.
Good grief
They are going to have to lighten up...since they are doing nothing to improve this world...nor present it with further challenges players are leaving...dropping like flies
This presents a challenge for the game as a whole.
I understand not wanting people to cheat, but on the other is unrealistic to think that those players who are remaining loyal will want to sit by and watch as players drop and the cities they have spent the last 2 years defending go barb while not having the city slots to take them themselves so either they need to get rid of the city slot rule or they are going to need to provide account sitter rules

But if you try and make that suggestion you will be told you are doing nothing but being negative and should change your attitude and that they are not changing anything
~sighs~ Seems they feel they have made all the money they can from this world
By doing nothing to modify they game or present the world with new challenges nor alter the rules they are creating growth capability...and thus making the game unenjoyable as a whole...and what is the motivation for these players to play a different world after that? So they are hurting their long term game as well..why would some one want to play another world seeing how they treat long standing worlds? After dumping so much into Alpha and watching it self destruct, why would I want to then invest in a new world that same energy only to watch them do the same thing over again?

And on that note I will shut up

With no 2.0 in sight or probably at all a lot of members of my alliance have said they will probably quit once they've settled old scores, I being one of them.
The same old repetition of farming, building, growing and attacking has become mundane with no new aspects or events to look forward to.
We all have spent nearly a year, if not more, playing this game. Creating, protecting and expanding our empires.
As we grow, more time is taken to run our empires, more effort required to manage and boredom kicks in.
We all have real lives and after all, this is nothing more than a past time, something to amuse ourselves with. I will never sacrifice my social life or hinder my career for the sakes of a minor past time, but as time goes on we have to choose which to spend our time on.

Account sitting can for a minor part, allow people to be covered for times when they will only be away for a couple of days, less than vacation mode's activation time.

But people going inactive then the grey cities shrinking only to eventually disappear coupled with the painfully slow building times from founding cities is spreading players further and further apart.

I honestly don't see many people continuing to play after Christmas through eventual boredom and seasonal neglect from every school holiday and personal vacations.

How many would be wanting to start from scratch in a new world after all this time, effort and emotional investment (not so much as crying over the loss of a city, but more a sense of achievement of what you've managed on the whole) basically thrown away simply to rinse and repeat with mild changes?
My Grepo experience is coming to an end, not yet, but definitely in the near future.


i have definetly found it hard to start anew on different worlds because of the progress ive made on here. The game is just so different depending on the amount of cities you have and ive become accustomed to having more than one, as im sure everyone on alpha is at this point. Sadly Alpha is dying, and from what i see in other worlds, the elite members are going with it


The only comfort I can give you is that the faster speed worlds, really are faster.

I play in Alpha and Iota.

I started Iota almost 9 months after Alpha. In Alpha I have 30 cities.

In Iota I have 48... including one city that has a XII cinema multiplex with colosseum seating.

Starting on a new world isn't too bad, since the CP piles up much faster.


When i played in Alpha i had a lot of fun and it was great for learning about the game because things didn't move to fast.

But once i got exposed to a 3 speed world i just got way to bored. It really doesn't take long to build up cities though, I started playing theta in around november and i have 35 cities now, i took me several months just to conquer 10 cities when i was in Alpha


When i played in Alpha i had a lot of fun and it was great for learning about the game because things didn't move to fast.

But once i got exposed to a 3 speed world i just got way to bored. It really doesn't take long to build up cities though, I started playing theta in around november and i have 35 cities now, i took me several months just to conquer 10 cities when i was in Alpha

I agree with this fully. I also started in November in theta from alpha and also have 35 cities, Speed 3 worlds are good fun but I simply cannot play anything less because of the boredom of spending 3 weeks building anuke where as within 5 days I have the capabilities of hitting a new enemy on theta or after a week I have fully nukes (there or abouts)


I agree with both you guys.

But I will say in Alpha's defense.... for people who can only play once or twice a week, its the perfect world.


yeah definetely rooster

I often work away and don't always find time to play and yet when I come back I find that I have only slipped 10-20 places in rank so I can pretty much pick off where I left off


With or without V2 (which I strongly support being released on Alpha), if a player is active here there is no reason they cant get a new city every month or faster.

Since my second restart, I have averaged a new city a week.


I too have started in another world as I see the slow death of this one as inevitable. However the new worlds are geared to speed so favour to those with no life and the ability to farm constantly. You can be at work for 8 hours and have a conquest completed on you city in your abscence.

Not really tactical, just down to how little life you have.