The future of Alpha


same though i find it very annoying starting new in horrible spots


Speed 1 and 2 are really nice to the casual feel.
There is no need to urgently check your computer in case you are being attacked etc..
YOu have time to manage that attack, and its not a must do thing.
Speed 3 worlds are great if you have alot of acess to computer to send attacks almost every hour or day, but the speed 1 and 2 give a more lasting appeal, and are the "original"


yep Alpha will slowly die now

regarding Cocotte and his friend from Skype, and the account sitting discussion... I agree, that would totally help; but they won't ever do account sitting again after the way it got out of control in the old tribal wars worlds - ideally though, it would allow the active players to preserve and 'slow conquer' their friends who had quit without losing the motivation to play themselves, as the scenario you guys discussed is definitely a prevalent one (where players just keep quitting, and nobody in their alliance has the slots to reclaim the cities, so they slowly get taken by others)...


To me, Alpha is dying. I personally would have quit a long time ago, if it weren't for my alliance. I have been in it for over a year and have seen the change, the betrayals and made so many friends (some have left). We will all die one day, so if it takes THAT long to fix the bug problems or 2.0 don't bother.

Just saying.


Alpha world will eventually fall into a demographic collapse.


so the should reopen it give the players a longer period of b p