The Grim Reapers Truth



Hi everyone,

It is time to announce the truths regarding the happenings in The Grim Reapers last week. Everyone in the World of Xi should know the truths before they judge anyone.

The TGR got dissolved just because of one person's personal craves and hatred. The name was TopCok. He has given the leadership rights, and got appreciated and supported by almost all of the TGR members.

He was not backstabbed or treated like a dog as he stated in one of his posts. We all believed in him, and some people in our alliance were even adoring him. As a payback, he kicked all the TGR members at a night, and dissolved the alliance. He claimed he was getting revenge from the leaders or whoever he wanted to. However his action has messed up all the efforts and any kind of investment of more than 200 players. Noone should have the right to do such a thing, for any reason. It is unacceptable. He betrayed all the members of TGR, and the people who was adoring him before are the ones who wants to get the revenge the most.

He made 13-million point-alliance fall, and was succesful at his sabotage plans. However, his hatred did not end. We thought it was only the leaders who he targeted, but we learned he hates us all, just because we treated him so good, and chosen him as one of our leaders. He is a traitor, and all the people in the World of Xi should know it.

and now I am officially announcing that TGR will be proclaiming war against TopCok. It is his time to payback to the people who believed in him, but got betrayed.

We also never understood, how or why th PV members have accepted such a player. But it is their decision and it is not our business. However, I am still requesting them to kick TopCok, and stop supporting him. They do not need a player like him.

They already got great players from us who I/we respect a lot like rm9832, bucwoody, spookytooth1, and brady7. I did want to mention their names and honour them because they always get respected and deserved our appreciation, and all are proud warriors, and the flag they are under did not change our feelings.

Your time has come TopCok, and we are coming for you.
Start your farewell talks, if you have any friends.

Best regards to all Xi alliances,


I tried to teach people how to play. I was told not to train people.
-Not attacking with defensive units
-Not attacking with unescorted transports
-Not building mixed offense./defense/.navaland ground cities.. to build specifically for better efficiency

I tried to teach people to work in teams and how to coordinate accordingly to make it harder for enemies to snipe attacks.

I Tried to teach people how to use catapults, unit comparisons, strengths, weaknesses etc.

I made multiple page write ups on many topics and even posted long simulation results and had discussions about it.

I answered PMs from players wanting to learn.,

I was talked down to from leadership that I was dumb, that their way was better *everyone attack!* vs working together, posting times and coordinating so that all your attacks/support land in very tight windows.

I was backstabbed from the very begining, I had made 3 applications to TGR and was pretty much told to pack sand. Once i reached a size that was seen as a threat The small alliance (myself +2) were asked to form a NAP w TGR. We did, we were then aggressively expanded around and then attacked without warning 80+ attacks 3-6CS a day for a week straight and once it was discerned that there was no progress being made in the attempts to kill myself and my alliance mates we were invited to join TGR. this was of course before i tried for a long period of time to train people in TGR.

Im currently out of town so do not have access to my personal machine but when i return home if it would set the story straight i have many many many convos with cart/luci via PM here in game as well as skype conversations talking down, insulting, disrespecting what I tried to do which was to strengthen TGR.

If anything everyone should be thanking me for removing 2 selfish, horrible players from a 'Authoritative' position. if you dont believe me look at the amount of BPs they have. All they did was milk the alliance to get people to fight for them, defend for them, and then secretly grow off taking over inactive TGR cities without offering them to anyone else in the alliance.

p.s. Next time you want to talk trash pat, get your facts straight not hearsay


And of a sensitive nature, if anyone that was in TGR feels that i betrayed them or did this to hurt them. It was not my goal for my actions to detrimentally affect anyone other than Cart/Luci. There are 3 alliance in the area CK, SHield, PV which are all competivive alliances that I'm sure would be more than happy to welcome active, intelligent players into their fold. If anyones feelings other than cart/luci were hurt by these actions I'm sorry you feel that way, It was my goal to free the oceans from the stupidity/tyranny which was cart/luci


I respected you. so many people in TGR did, as well. Some of them were even adoring you. It should have been a war against the leaders. Not all these people who have trusted you.

good things you have done have got burned with the worst thing you could do to all. What could you do worse than that?

and also what were you thinking, when you wrote your external forum post? We would all laugh at it, and PM you with nice thoughts, and appreciate you for what you have done?

Lucifer and cartacus was gone. But you have constantly been attacking at least 5 of our other people. and you still tell us, it was all them. Your problem with them was in between you, and we did not get involved.

We only appreciated you, and supported you. and I personally supported you to become a leader. and have always told you will be a great leader. and you know how you paid it back.

Ask to your old TGR mates. How many of them are happy with what you have done?


And how do you think it would of gone if I in open were to oppose the leaders of TGR? I would of been met with open arms? No it would of caused a cival war and would of made a conflict that lasted a long time, especially considering Cart/Luci had the founder rights. The way i see it what i did was an assasination. But i have to ask you this, why would cart/luci hit the reset button if they were your leaders? could of just reinvited everyone.


Actually quite a few sent me msgs appreciating and understanding what i did, somer were so so about it but still understood what i did and why and didnt wish me any ill will over it.. those were mostly from tjhe players that got to experience cart/luci first hand on how they played, and how they treated players


I personally did not support all they did as well. Their style was not like mine, and I even never understood some of their moves. But I have spoken up on my end and tried what I can.

You could basically join the PV. Who could oppose that? If you had your reasons, who could blame you? brady7, bucwoody, rm9832, and the others, they all joined the PV. Who has spoken up to them in a bad way? We still respect all of them, and we are still in touch with them.

But nothing you tell, can/will make what you did right. We are talking about 200 people's rights, not only 2? Have you asked any of us, what we would think about it? Have yu apologize from the people later on.

You had the time. you could basically tell, you were sorry to the people you kicked, it was only cart/luci you wanted to get revenge, but instead you wrote your external wall post, and you kept attacking our people.

Your actions should speak up for your mind. None of your actions are aligned with your posts you shared with us here.


I agree with Topcok about Cartacus&luci... they could just invite us back... but they choose to leave us. And also want to know their side of the history.


The only thing I can see wrong is the way that TC did what he did, I believe him when he says that he didn't want to hurt anyone else, also knowing what I know and the way he was treated, I prob would have done the same... Only a bit more gracefully lol


Thanks gortex ;) you're an alright guy even if we've been exchanging shots the past day or 2 :D


enough of all this talk its boaring its a war game and alliances get dissolved all the time its just the way the cookie crumbles

rise up stronger and dont ellect just anyone founder


I must confess that I agree with TopCok.

Several people were backstabbed and I couldn't understand the reasons why this happened. All I can think is that Lucifer and cartacus had an enourmous thirst for power and used all the means available to seize it.

And the alliance was indeed ruled in a tyrannical way. I myself proposed several times to help in other ways, that I had available time to help, but nothing.

I'm not mad at you Top, but I also think you should have done this differently, or more gracefully, lol.

Well, either way TGR is not dead. But everyone has gone its own way. Now let's get back to the fight and kill each other gently ;)

After all :pro:


And of a sensitive nature, if anyone that was in TGR feels that i betrayed them or did this to hurt them. It was not my goal for my actions to detrimentally affect anyone other than Cart/Luci. There are 3 alliance in the area CK, SHield, PV which are all competivive alliances that I'm sure would be more than happy to welcome active, intelligent players into their fold. If anyones feelings other than cart/luci were hurt by these actions I'm sorry you feel that way, It was my goal to free the oceans from the stupidity/tyranny which was cart/luci
Coultdn't you have just kicked cart/luci and lead TGR in your own ''magnificant ways'':rolleyes:


only founders can kick other founders. leaders can only kick other leaders on down. only founders can disband an alliance.


Then since he disbanded the alliance he could have kicked the other two founders instead


Ok First off, lie number one is that TopCok disbanded the alliance. No, only Cartacus could have done that. So, no, Top did not destroy the Grim Reapers, Cartacus did that by her own choice. Top booted everyone from the alliance and deleted all the posts in the forum. Was it necessary? Well perhaps not, however, he did not disband the alliance so stop lying by continuing to say that he did, because it was simply not possible for him to do that as he was not the listed founder of the alliance.

Secondly, for any of you to say things like, “Well I didn’t agree with Cart and Lucy either” and not do a damn thing about it is pathetic. Over half the alliance was against Cart and Lucy but did any of you do anything about it? Hell no. I think you’re a hell of a guy Patriot, but to be the head of an alliance (the academy) and to constantly post in your own forum “I don’t agree with this but management says too” is weak and bespeaks of slavery. If any of you didn’t agree with the way that Cart and Lucy did things then why the hell didn’t you do anything about it? It makes me think you are all weak slavery minded people. All of you only did what orders she barked at you. How the hell am I supposed to respect you for that?

TopCok freed you from your own cowardice and inaction as other leaders and members of an alliance who’s leadership you were against, but did nothing about. I have a ton more respect for him than I do for many of you former Grim Reapers. Cartacus lied to people constantly, she backstabbed people all the time and I don’t give damn if you don’t like the truth FrancL, it’s the damn truth and everyone knows it.

But the worst part is that none of you have even said one bad thing about the way that Cart and Lucy handled this and all of you as members of their alliance. Did they send you all invites to rejoin after Top booted you? Hell no. Did they even try to make a stand for all of you? Hell no. They left and went 20 oceans away and they are the ones who disbanded the Grim Reapers. But you don’t hold them accountable for anything do you. Bunch of damn fools the lot of you. You let them treat you like dogs ordering you around on the leash and none of you ever did anything about it. They quit on you and run away and you say nothing about it to them. They constantly make poor decisions and all you ever did was shut up anyone who ever said anything about it. It makes me think that you are all nothing bunch a bunch of mindless drones. You let Cart and Lucy turn the Grim Reapers into a bunch of empty names. You let Cart and Lucy run away and quit on you. And even now, you say nothing about this.

Do you know what this all is. All this putting down of TopCok is just your own pathetic way of displacing the guilt of your own do nothing attitude about Cart and Lucy on someone else who solved the damn problem despite you. Your mad that you got booted. Awww boo friggen hoo, stop crying a like a little school girl! You had your chance to speak up to them about the bullcrap they were pulling, but did you? Ha, only a small few, and to those of you who know who you are I thank you for making the small stands that you did make.

TopCok single handedly gave you back the Grim Reapers alliance on a silver platter with the leaders that you wanted to begin with and not a damn one of you even has the intelligence to recognize this or the courtesy to thank him for solving your damn problems for you. You are all a bunch of cowardly, ungrateful, fools. I hope he and PV and even SHIELD destroys the Grim Reapers utterly and completely. Not all of you, but most of you. Why? Because if you don’t even appreciate being freed from tyranny for your own good then what the hell good are you?
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Come on....

Come on guys... A heart filled with anger has no room for love :p


Ok Phaedo,
Here is the respond to your message.

Do you know why I came up with the post, here in external forum?
Because I have given a chance for people to defend themselves. Including TopCok, cartacus and -Lucifer-. I did not have to do such a thing, but I did, just because you all could better evaluate the situation.

I am not here to defend any of these people. It is not my business as well. TopCok has done his part. and cartacus and -Lucifer- can do the same. You all have all the rights to believe or support, or at least understand whoever you want.
and I do have my beliefs and values on the issue and these people's actions, but this way all of you can learn more about the issue from the first hand.

and here is my end of the story.
I have always stated my concerns and ideas in the leadership board. I have always spoken up for the TGR players' benefits. I have never done anything which can benefit me personally, and even stood up for the people's rights and what they deserve.

Even the night before TC kicked all people, I was talking with Luci telling we need to update our management system, we should have a shared leadership, and give people rgihts they deserved. I have always spoken up that we were players who came together to fight for similar goals. But more important we enjoy being with each other, that's why all these people stick with each other.

and then what happened. TC kicked all these members'. For what? To get the revenge from cart/luci? Because he was backstabbed and treated bad? To freed us from the tyrannically managed alliance? To freed us from our cowardice?

We are talking about 220 people mate. They all had their minds and beliefs. They could all leave the alliance speaking up their reasons. Some people like brady7, bucwoody did it. They have spoken up thir concerns, waited to be understood, and then left the alliance seeing their ideas were not taken into consideration seriously. and I do have all my respect to these people.
But not to TopCok.

We are talking about 220 people, many of who have been seriously spending time and effort on the game. Many of these people were using Premium accounts, and even spending money on it. Not only that, many people have invested tremendous effort on other things benefiting all these members. you know how much time and effort I invested in all those training posts, and how come a person can delete all those for his own sake?

I was upset you leaving, because I lost such a good friend. But I am more upset now, after seeing your post, because you do not see clearly that we are the victims of these actions TC/cart/luci did. I still understand you, because your friendship with TopCok affects your ideas, and also respect it a lot, but mate, noone should have such a right to do such a thing. and especially if you think he has done it to people who have chosen him as a leader, it becomes more of a disappointment.

His action has caused at least 10 people to quit the game. Could he give away even one city to any of these players? He has attacked all these players right after all happened with the reason to attack them before they attack him.
Would he even give a way a city to any of those members who he caused them quit the game. Anyway mate, I am very disappointed with him. and have said all these to him, and can say it everywhere. He disappointed so many people. If you think, he was right, it is your choice, and I will still respect it. But I will never say such a thing.

Best regards,


The bad people are gone (cartacus/-Lucifer-), we can't bring the people who have quitted back, so let's stop complaining and get back to the game.