The Pantheon


I actual find it hard to believe that they believe this. the Illuminati are thethe 3rd oldest top 12 alliance ( serpentine and grepo being 1st and 2nd ) and have more BP than grepohugs ( just ). the chances of the pantheon taking out this well established veteran alliance is non existant IMO


I'm guessing The Pantheon are going for the death option, in which case I guess they will be hugely successful in their suicide attempt.


YEAH! I bet you and your three 3k cities are going to play a major role in this war too.

Can you even colonize?


Well he obviously can if he has three cities :eek:

Do you mean conquer...


I like how the whole Alliance is having trouble taking on three of our members, and they're boasting about taking us all down? I think not.


You fool, you weren't supposed to reveal our super top secret plan that is just so totally going to work! Now they know what's coming, damn...
back to the drawing boards...


sorry but I can't see your alliance taking anything out ¬¬



Then perhaps show us, instead of parading around the forums acting like big shots with nothing to back it up with.


LOL Alfonz,
You must be a politician, you only acknowledge the facts that are convienent to you;
1) The Illuminati kicks out its players so the statistics are skewed to reflect less conquers that actually occur.
2) When your players begin to lose Cities you go on extended vacations sometimes together.
3) Here are your conquers.
You have conquered NO Pantheon cities and 5 out of 17 of your conquers have a previous allianace of none the rest are either the Illuminati quitters or members of the 420's or SWAT.
4) Here are mine.
I have conquered 2 Illuminati, 2 Cynocephaly cities when we destroyed that alliance, who's leaders by the way deserted the alliance they founded and ran to you in fear of being destroyed (great show of moral fiber), 4 out of 15 have no previous alliance, 3 Pantheon members and Finton was the Founder of The Tenth Legion.
So, you see, when it come to character of its membership we are hands down, more loyal, more trust worthy, less likely to run and hide and less likely to misrepresent the facts.
Sooner or later we will cross swords and when we do, I am sure you will exhibit the same strength of character, the rest of your alliance has demonstrated.
Thus the lesson begins.
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