Newspaper -= THE PSEIRA CHRONICLE =- Ed.2 : The More Momentum You Have, the Harder You Hit the Ground.


Edition 2

Dear Lady Hoplite and Gentleman Hoplites, It is I Trist3, your favorite (and only) reporter still right out of O55 getting you the best Greek news in our second edition of what we are now going to call = THE PSEIRA CHRONICLE =. For those who missed our first edition, we essentially take the best and spiciest idiots on the server and serve them up nicely roasted and exposed for you all to salivate over. Today on the menu we will be reviewing our dearest Captain Bromentum (wait that’s not his name? oh well run with it), taking a lead role in his new saga, Pirates of the Agean (featuring the East Nemesis Trade Company). Lets Begin

= Chapter 1, The Curse of the Black Charter =

Our protagonist begins this clumsy adventure by signing the cursed (and late may I add as the charter was drafter a week and a half into the war…) Charter of the Check Mate holy war (a copy will be provided bellow, edited with every infraction of our protagonist). Directly the captain is confronted with a challenge – Teamwork. Indeed, the esteemed Bromemtum had only ever had to worry about himself before and the prospect of self-sacrifice for a greater cause was something he was alien too, and a simple word document was not about to change that.

The first blunder however would not come from the typed menace, but from an agreement with current partner in crimes Stooge. Indeed Cap’n Bro’m had agreed for the Stooges to take all 55 Dunster city (a player who was previously in SS, the alliance where stooge is from and had only been in The East Nemesis Trade Company for 5 days before VMing for 51). However, when the day of his exit came, he found himself in need of more cities, and thus decided to confront the stooges in taking the Dunster cities. He obviously denied the existence of such agreement, only to be confronted by lady Mercenary Swann on his lies on the subject, swaying his heart into acknowledgment. Despite that the Cap’n would fight on for the cities, sadly losing this battle 19 cities to 0 in 55, even with his LTS DLU in the few remaining low moral cities. But he had not yet lost the war.

Indeed, the latest hole in his ship, wait no in his team left by this blunder had put Bromentum in a predicament, where would he go find the wood, wait no players, to fill the empty slots. He looked left, but only kleos, and looked right, and there he found the perfect team to recruit from, battle-hardened, and with loads of slots, CHECK MATE! Wait what? Isn’t he fighting checkmate? Well no, but YES, but not really. You see the dankest of Bros is only in it for himself, taking CM cities when he can, but also their players when he needs. Unfortunately, his attempts were thwarted by a new concept he was not ready for, loyalty, and this newest mistake would come back to his disappointed allies which would not take this transgression of the cursed charter lightly…

= Chapter 2, Dead Man's Text =

Fortunately for our great plunderer of the sea, he would soon strike gold in his next voyage. If he could not recruit new players, he would try to guarantee others would lose players to equal it out. A fortunate turn of event had left Oubay allianceless and showing inactive for over a day. Cap’n Bro’m assuming this was a stooge internal, decides (and of course in very good faith) to secretly take his crew out to steal some of those nicely built cities belonging again to his ally.


Sadly for him, the Flying Oubman was not about to sink quite yet, and his attacks were not only spotted 1 hour after he left the team but also relayed to his allies, which further increased the dismay between the crews. Should this be considered another breach of their agreement? Fortunately, the situation seemed to pass without trouble, a close call but no losses for the captain, yet.

However, throughout his voyages across the Aegean, the great Bro would send numerous messages in a bottle to the enemy of the coalition (DRAMA ALLERT), intel provided to him by yours truly William Trist3 to the highest council of the coalition. Ofcourse honourless Bromentum would feed this information right back to the enemy of the coalition, and help him track down William’s informant. (Cheers to move for providing the remnants of the bottles, and for the exceptional reaction, even if your intentions are likely not to help out the CHRONICLE ;) )


Quick interlude here from the editor. At this point, we’re very unsure who’s side MomentumZH was truly on. There was enough evidence to suggest he was working with each party equally as much, as thus considering him part of the coalition is not truthful, nor is it to consider him a part of CM. We are putting him in some sort of grey zone where he manages to betray both sides on the daily, a feat even we are surprised is possible.

= Chapter 3, At IRGU’s End =

The Cap’n strikes gold! A stray Check Mate member by the name of IRGR8RU had left VM under strange circumstances early and alone. A golden Galion full of treasure for our protagonist to plunder. He instantly sails after his treasure, but the Cap’n is also cunning. He parks birs in multiple IRG cities to stop his allies from getting the cities (whaaaaaa). He in fact send a message to his closest allies, the kleos to inform them of this, but unfortunately, this message in the bottle catches the wrong current, and ends up in the MAIN CHANNEL OF THE COALITION DISCORD. Indeed now everyone could see it for a few minutes before the Cap’n quickly took aim with his broadside and blasted the message into oblivion (but not before William was able to see and memorize the message ).


Furthermore, the smartest of all Captains on the server decides to take 2 of IRGs 55 cities (another breach of their argument), setting William in an uncontrollable fury of yet another breach of the agreement. This time he would not let it pass. William Trist3 thus gathered both Captain Bromentum and his dearest Lady Mercenary Swann and demanded an explanation for this lack of enforcement. Although Miss Swann originally threw a bit of a tantrum for havin’ been dragged out of bed for this idiocy, she eventually comes around and agrees to side with Will on this one, leaving Jack, wait not Bro’m to fend for himself. He begins concocting the perfect political answer to get out of this and spin it into a win for him, and after a whole day of thinking comes up with this


(Umm wait is he just agreeing to his guilt? Or is this some reverse psychology technique??? Editor very confused) Indeed the momentum just admits he was in no way trying to hold up what he swore to do! What an incredible show of disloyalty, something that the great coalition would no longer accept, and things would never be the same…


Part 2...

= Chapter 4, On Stranger Lies =

Having successfully plundered the Galion even despite being caught int the act looking to kill friendly crews, Bromemtum was a happy captain. It had seemed like another victory to him, and he was riding the waves high. Time to plan our next **** up!

Oh yes indeed getting away with murder would not be enough for our captain, he would have to massacre more friendly crews and it almost seemed like he wanted to get caught at this point (indeed some would remember this day as the day we definitely caught Captain Bromentum). He decides to publically ask his alliance to pact with the coalition's enemy, to go to war with a coalition member (again at this point despite the clear evidence the Momentum was in the coalition, the editor is utterly confused on who’s side he stood, if any, so please don’t try to understand, we didn’t either…)


At this point we would like to comment on the last line, whoever you were indeed providing the CHRONICLE OF PSIERA those much-valued testimonies, thank you oh so very much and don’t you worry, Momentum probably lacks the brain cells to find you, and definitely lacks the skill to rum rim you, so thank you :D.

He would of course would look for another excuse (cough lie cough) to appease his supposed ally, claiming that there was a mutiny on his ship, and that he was forced to follow whatever his crew wanted him to do. Afterall he was innocent, a poor and honest Cap’N Bro’M who only wanted to do what’s best, and who ofc would not want to get political or whatsoever…


Editor note 2 - Our analysts have confirmed that 63.4% of the following words are 100% bullshit, the study was conducted without harming and sea turtles, flying fish or happy/drunk pirates. Please do not take medical or commercial advice from your local newspaper or pirate captain.

= Chapter 5, Dead Mos Tell No Tales =

Yet he was not done here. Determined to also make himself look more like the monkey that he carries on his shoulder (lil Mo) than an actual human being by being the dumbest he has yet been, he would then secretly declare war on stooges in his forum, hoping to surprise his new enemy and deal damage to the Stooges before they could get set up. Sadly he had yet again forgot the existence of the very same spy that had just provided the Stooges with the message directly above, and thus foiling his plans the minute they happened (Oh no momentum, how could you forget? On an honest note though this has to be the pinnacle of idiocy ever witnessed by the editor, rivaling the big papa himself, a truly impressive feat)


Ofc as a result he would thus lose the support of his lovely lady Mercenary, which at this point had had more than enough of the general dickery of the captain, and preferred the delicacy offered by her lovely William. He would then blame the other crews for stealing his “democracy” (how fitting for a proud pirate) and still deny any blame coming his way..

In conclusion, we are still waiting on the 6th movie of this sequel, to see if the character development we have been wanting to see in our protagonist (notably loyalty, honour, respect, honesty and an end to his cycle of denial), wait that’s a lot of flaws jeez, will actually happen. Ofc we don’t want to blame MomentumZH for any of this (no we do blame all of it on him dw :) ) as it’s of course only up to the director an not the actor. We would like to thank you for reading this latest edition of = THE PSIERA CHRONICLE = and to finish in our typical fashion by quoting our protagonist, we recommend that you follow your own advice and :


* on points broken by Momentum
The coalition of alliances forming this group will henceforth be known as the Anti-CM Coalition with the sole goal of defeating Check Mate in the Holy War of Pseira.


1. The coalition will be initially formed of alliances who sign this document. After this document is put into motion, an external alliance can only become a member of the coalition with the approval of 50% of the member alliances.

** 2. The Goal of the coalition will be to defeat Check Mate and its allies.

3. The First Operation will last 2 weeks (starting from the 15th of July 2020) and then be reviewed by the alliance leaders to see if it needs to be extended or not.

** 4. During the Holy War, an automatic Non-Aggression Pact is put in place between all member alliances. If a member alliance has an organized hostile action against a fellow member alliance, the penalty will be the subsequent expulsion of the alliance and it being added on the list of enemies alongside Check Mate.


1. Alliances in the coalition are duty bound to support each other if Check Mate attacks them.

2. Alliances without borders on the frontlines are to provide LTS and/or resources to frontline alliances.


1. A Discord server will be set up for members across the coalition to meet up and discuss.

2. An OFF and Def Tab will be shared and accessed by all members of the coalition.

Top Three
** 1. A member of the top three will not conquer a city in their respective Oceans (Kleos/Nem don’t conquer in O55, Stooges don’t conquer in O44). If this does happen, the city is to be handed to the alliance who owns the ocean.

End Terms

** 1. The Holy War of Pseira on Check Mate will only be officially finished if 60% of the Rim alliances and 100% of the Core alliances agree.

** 2. A one-week period (7 days) Ceasefire will be then put in place following the end of the war between all Coalition members. If this is broken by a member alliance, the coalition will band together again and defeat the accused alliance.

** 3. Check Mate members will not be allowed to join any coalition members alliances under any circumstances during the Holy War. Any act of recruiting or solicitating CM will be seen as an act of aggression and may lead to your expulsion from the coalition.

4. Any banding of ex-CM members organizing themselves into a threat may result in a second Holy War being declared.

5. BP feeding will henceforth be banned in Pseira. Any alliance proven to be BP feeding their members will be declared as enemies of the Coalition and a second Holy War will be called upon them.

6. Spam will be considered as an offense and be banned on Pseira, any attempt by any alliance to start a spam war will be considered on the same level as BP feeding and will cause a second coalition war. Leaders are to police their members on spam. If an isolated spam incident does occur and both parties cannot come to a resolution, then a third party from within the coalition will oversee and be the referee.


stooges look good for the win i'd say.
but the view from the southern rim is quite different from yours i bet.
and the day is long. and there's many days to come.

in unrelated news...
i have perhaps 'the most least likely city to be conquered' in Pseira
-well it's about as south as you can go before you crash into the wall like truman
-it's tiny
-it's not much use to anyone in its current state
-it belongs to me so you know you aint getting getting in there

This forums more dead than my love life comon guys no one gonna offer opinions on how the world has been decided?

OK, an opinion as requested - I think its a good thing that past allegiances are now being ripped apart, after all we want to see fighting and war dont we? It is a conquest game? I dont think that the Alliance that will win this world is existing at the moment, its obviously going to be mixture of the big 4. Im impressed the way some of the southern rim alliances have got together and taken the game to Stooges, Well done, I like to see the small teams have success. Many CM members coming back now, having a tough time initially, but thats likely to change and once they regain there feet, I expect a lot of fun and games in 54 (GULP). So, to sum up, its great! much better than the phoney war that proceeded all this polava. Everything to play for still. PS it took guts for those in CM to come back and put themselves in the firing line, Respect ( still attacking them like crazy though).


stooges look good for the win i'd say.
but the view from the southern rim is quite different from yours i bet.
and the day is long. and there's many days to come.

in unrelated news...
i have perhaps 'the most least likely city to be conquered' in Pseira
-well it's about as south as you can go before you crash into the wall like truman
-it's tiny
-it's not much use to anyone in its current state
-it belongs to me so you know you aint getting getting in there

I think you might be on to something,with the first bit second bit sounds phoney :p


Nemesis only seem to have been used as an excuse for Stooges to openly team-up with CM. So much for calling this a "holy war", if all that is needed to decide what's holy or not is just an 'excuse' :p

Ironically, for the closeness Stooges enjoy with CM today, they would have had to start gaining their 'momentum' (by opening talks) at almost the same time as that of Nemesis. But hey, the game has to move on! And Pseira has to offer more than just a game - it's a complete package with twists and drama and spies and traitors and what not!!
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Let me refresh your memory a little, it seems to be fuzzy, or maybe you just didn't read the above properly.

Jul 15 - Nem tries to recruit CM players (stooge is actively hitting CM players during the war)
Jul 28 - Nem tries to sink stooge CSs in Dunster internal
Jul 29 - Nem goes after a "stooge internal" on Oubay, not asking or whatsoever just gonna grab a few of his cities why not
Aug 1 - Nem literally declares war on stooge
Aug 2 - Sooge leaves the coa (I wonder why)
Aug 6 - Stooge pacts CM
Aug 12 - now

Note that during the last week of july and first of august, Nem are also talking to CM to merge...

So you're telling me that 7 days is not enough to get acquainted? how many small talks must people have before they are happy to work together lol. Besides, there was literally 4 days between us leaving the coa (for good reason and on good terms) and pacting CM, which I my books is twice the amount of time needed to agree on a pact lol. Add to that the fact that Nem clearly drove us out the coalition (I mean they declared war on us while we were still in there what more do you want???), your comment with some context now looks really pathetic.

Now to flip the question back on you, it seems Nem have rejoined the coalition and working full time with the rest of you, so it looks more like to me that stooge was forced out as an excuse to still work with Nem no? or are your memories so short that you forgot the broke half the agreement for their own benefit? So my question back to you Kleos is, can you admit you've wanted to play with Nem over stooge since the infractions? or are you just that oblivious that you put it behind you? Either way not a good look...


I'm not one to be privy with the internal discussions between leaders of the coalition. But the game is not just about what leaders think and do, there's everybody else also involved and for a player outside this 'inner circle', this is how state of things looks like:

Each alliance in the coalition have their own part to play. I'm no fan of what Nemesis did with CM during the war - deviating while everybody was working towards one single goal.

Stooges, being the No.1 alliance could have easily engaged (in the already well established connect across Coa) to have Nem do course-correction and steer everybody towards the goal we all set out to reach. But not just taking the very deviation Nem tried to take but taking it further ahead seems counterproductive!

Kleos from my perspective is simply fighting the war, with the only aim of seeing it through till the end. I only see Kleos helping to bring Nemesis back into the fold (though there's no credit to be taken; Nemesis have good players who are capable of making their own and the right decisions). In the meantime, if Stooges felt that this is Nem vs Stooges pitch and decide to side with CM, it can only be called a very unfortunate thing. I don't see Kleos breaking any of the terms of the pact - Nem, Stooges, everybody were supposed to work with each other.

I believe Nem and Stooges are capable enough to sort out their differences amongst themselves. If Nem declared war on Stooges in the midst of the holy war, it would have made more sense to me if Stooges had tried to rally everyone against Nem. After all as per the Charter, clause 4 says
** 4. During the Holy War, an automatic Non-Aggression Pact is put in place between all member alliances. If a member alliance has an organized hostile action against a fellow member alliance, the penalty will be the subsequent expulsion of the alliance and it being added on the list of enemies alongside Check Mate.
However, leaving the Coa and changing sides in protest and breaking more pacts than Nem did, simply bowls me over - and this is what seemed to me as an excuse.


Again I don't know how i can be more clear here but I guess I'll try again...

Sure the players outside the inner circle don't have all the info (although I think I've put out info for every to be able to make a decision for themselves), but what nem did doesn't take a genius to realize that's it's plain screwing with stooge. So you are saying I should have told my guys that we'll "correct" nemesis and that we should work with them again? I mean that's just plain stupid. How can I work and persuade my team to work with a team he has been straight up backstabbing the coalition and stooge specifically for weeks? I mean come on it's pretty simple...

to comment on your kleos section, I didn't say kleos broke any points. All I'm saying is I'm disappointed that after all the BS Nem has put out on the coalition, and with claiming that they are fighting only CM and for the good of the coa, it seems a bit hypocritical to take them back into the coa a few days after they were kicked (if they were ever tbf, it's likely that both leaderships were still in contact and talking the whole time).

Finally, we left the coa to fight nem, this was fully announced in the discord and every leader was in the know about this, including the rim. So again i don't get your point...

Anyways, maybe ask around, talk to your leaders and get some clarifications, because what you're saying doesn't make much sense.


I'm not one to be privy with the internal discussions between leaders of the coalition. But the game is not just about what leaders think and do, there's everybody else also involved and for a player outside this 'inner circle', this is how state of things looks like:

Each alliance in the coalition have their own part to play. I'm no fan of what Nemesis did with CM during the war - deviating while everybody was working towards one single goal.

Stooges, being the No.1 alliance could have easily engaged (in the already well established connect across Coa) to have Nem do course-correction and steer everybody towards the goal we all set out to reach. But not just taking the very deviation Nem tried to take but taking it further ahead seems counterproductive!

Kleos from my perspective is simply fighting the war, with the only aim of seeing it through till the end. I only see Kleos helping to bring Nemesis back into the fold (though there's no credit to be taken; Nemesis have good players who are capable of making their own and the right decisions). In the meantime, if Stooges felt that this is Nem vs Stooges pitch and decide to side with CM, it can only be called a very unfortunate thing. I don't see Kleos breaking any of the terms of the pact - Nem, Stooges, everybody were supposed to work with each other.

I believe Nem and Stooges are capable enough to sort out their differences amongst themselves. If Nem declared war on Stooges in the midst of the holy war, it would have made more sense to me if Stooges had tried to rally everyone against Nem. After all as per the Charter, clause 4 says

However, leaving the Coa and changing sides in protest and breaking more pacts than Nem did, simply bowls me over - and this is what seemed to me as an excuse.
I'm still amazed you guys feel justified having a 16 alliance plus coalition against one ally and feel like thats the honorable thing. Some people have no morale scruples I guess :) Anything for the win amr

I already know your responce, you where bp boosting and boo hoo thats unfair,listen mate you could do the exact same thing,no one is stopping you,hell if it really bothers you you could have talked about it and said it would not be tolerated,instead everyone decided this was their chance to "band together" against the big bad cm. rofl. Wasnt even just the top 3 allies,which is fine,no its pretty much the whole server. Nobody likes mass coalitions and nobody congratulations them if they ever win the worlds except themselves.
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Darth Legacy

Finally, we left the coa to fight nem, this was fully announced in the discord and every leader was in the know about this, including the rim. So again i don't get your point...
His point, trist, is this:

NEM: breaks coalition rules, they get kicked out.
What everyone thinks Stooges would do: Keep their word and mark em red and fight them while fighting CM.
What stooges does: Waaaaa NEM broke the pact, I guess we gotta side with CM from now on.

It simply shows that this whole persona and story you're putting on is bs. You had CM on your side from day one dawg but never could trust em because they had you by the balls. Now you got them by the balls. So does everyone else tho lol.
We're not naive trist, your timeline means nothing. Can't say it better so I guess Ill just repost what he said." Ironically, for the closeness Stooges enjoy with CM today, they would have had to start gaining their 'momentum' (by opening talks) at almost the same time as that of Nemesis. "


Lol ok, I'm gonna repeat myself again since you're hard stuck believing what you want to believe... Nem was kicked from the coa AFTER we left, stooge had to leave for the coa to kick them since nothing was happening. Despite of that Nem is now still in the coa, seems strange? or is what you're saying just fodder so that no one realizes how hypocritical your actions are?

As for the story, I think I've put enough evidence forward, and had enough people input on it from both sides to have it proven to check out at this point. Now if you want to stick your head in the sand and point fingers at me because you have nothing better to do (or maybe because you don't want to admit that your new friends Nem are at fault ;) ) sure be my guest lol, just try not to look like an idiot in the meantime.