If you look over the stats, things have really died down here. Hardly anybody is fighting anybody. Seems to be turning into a SIM race, and a slow one at that.
In the hope of stirring up at least a little discussion, I offer my New Years predictions:
1. Spartans and friends will continue to fade away. Fast or slow, it will happen. When? Many by Feb 01, most by March 01. A very few will linger on.
2. All of the alliances fighting Spartans will reevaluate their positions. Love Death will realize they have to make a move if they are ever to catch Toons. They will team with remaining Spartans and friends against Toons.
3. Resistance and others will have to pick a side. After sitting on sidelines and eating up Spartan ghosts, they will join with Love Death and fight Toons.
4. Toon simmers, and yes you know who you are, will have to learn to fight. Some of they would rather switch than fight and will rebel against Toon leadership.
These are my predictions. What are yours?