1) Victrix (Victrix, Ferrata & both Pandemoniums):
The citizens of Victrix like to think of themselves as the most experienced team in this game. In truth, members of this group of alliances are total freaks of nature. It is a known fact that 74% of Victrix people are cross-dressers. Their chances of a win on this world are high if, they can find the right gown to wear and get their hair done in time. Of course, no one will date them. That could be a problem. Some say they have a proclivity towards farm animals. Others say it is a silly penchant solely for wild rabbits which, they foolishly believe evokes fear in others. Ooooh! Vampire-bunny. Just gives us all the cold chills. Scary! SWIM (then, FLOAT).
2) Fiasco & friends (By whatever name of the day):
Fiasco people dropped late on this world but, quickly soared to great heights. They currently go by the name Operation Free IBW (Irritable Bowel Warts). It is likely they will have a different name tomorrow. No doubt, just as catchy. Fiasco people fear the Deep State and believe they are always being watched. They believe that everyone is out to get them. Fiasco people are not very nice and they all have rat breath. Pee-ew! Breath mint, anyone? Nine out of ten people that were asked, think all Fiasco men should be castrated at birth (Their females too, who are generally born with man-hands and are often mistaken for men). SWIM.
3) Written In Blood (WIB, Blood Hellraisers & Dripping In Blood):
Coming in at Number 3 is WIB. An old team with an over-used name. They are solid & honorable but, self absorbed. If they have a best friend with them, it's a mirror. They have the erroneous belief that everyone wants them because they are too beautiful to resist. The truth is, statistically speaking, more WIB babies are accidentally entered in the Ugly Dog Contest each year than, people from any other alliance. Bloody hell! What is their fixation with blood? Dripping in WHAT? Do they have enough feminine products for all of that? SWIM (then FLOAT).
4) Virtus (Virtus, Sanctus & Turritus):
Virtus people are sympathetic and understanding of other people's problems. Other people think Virtus is a door mat. They are always putting things off. Because of this, some people refer to them as "Old Molasses." This is why they'll never make anything of themselves. Most prostitutes are Virtus people. 56% of all Virtus people believe they were once abducted by aliens and given the probe in a variety of unpleasant orifices. 43% of those asked said that they thought Virtus people actually enjoy that kind of thing. Virtus has been universally acclaimed as the alliance most likely to underwhelm. SWIM (or STICK. Like a pair of dirty underwear thrown against a wall).
5) The Potato Collective (TPC & Sprouting Spudlings):
Taters are the artistic type and have a difficult time with authority. Unless of course, that "authority" comes in the form of a 7 foot tall bald man named Big Red, dressed in leather in a Biker Bar. Tater men are more than likely practicing drag queens. Most Tater women have hoochie breath & frequent public parks in low-end sections of town searching for their babies daddy. It is common knowledge that all Taters have herpes. They pass it around like a jar of vaseline in a prison house riot. FLOAT.
6) Vicrata (1 & 2):
Vicrata largely controls the center section of Ocean 44 and have proved to be rather resourceful even without a clear plan. Vicrata people enjoy running fast with scissors in hand... down the stairs, out the front door, over the river and through the wood then, on off to Grandmothers house they go. Vicrata people are good folk but, they drink a lot (Usually, on a street corner near a Wal-Mart). Most Vicrata men resemble Elvis Presley impersonators and Vicrata women have moustaches, hairy legs and are more closely related to the wildebeests of southern Africa. Moo! Fear the herd. SWIM (then FLOAT).
7) Toons (1, 2 & 3):
Toons people are practical and persistent. They have dogged determination and work like hell. Most people think they are stubborn and bull-headed but in reality, like the opossum they are generally too stupid to move out of the way of oncoming traffic. Toons people have severe body odor and they fart a lot. Often with an oily discharge. They think they are dead sexy; they are merely flatulent and gross. A common nickname given by Toons men for Toons women is thunder-buns. Gas mask, anyone? SWIM.
8) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels:
Scoundrels are quick and intelligent as strategists. They tend to spawn under tree stumps in poverty ridden mountain areas where the men are men. And the women are, too. 96% percent of those polled referred to Scoundrels merely as "Cove People." People like them because they are bisexual. People hate them because they are psycho. Scoundrels have a refined taste in lovers and are inclined to accept dates only from street people with at least one "toof" missing. Can you hear the dueling banjos playing, yet? FLOAT.
My, my, my. Did I just say that? Lol. Well shut my little ole mouth.
Hope you all enjoyed a bit of humor for a change. This place needs it.