Top-5 of Sinope


Because you are the worst sore loser in Sinope, who can't accept defeat!

Fluff never said the crowns are theirs because they know better than anyone HM, TUS, Mongol, Moloch all played the same role in our coalition and contributed to the victory. Only a sore loser like you keep finding excuse to play down us by praising Fluffs. We laugh at it.

You said Coming Soon won while it was The Merge -> you didn't give the small players who didn't make it to The Merge a little respect and recognition.

You have nothing to talk here. As a leader you are terrible. As a player you are worse. You are only a good cheer leaders. Take it! Don't show the victor prize which you earned by following your idols. Show the stats of your alliance in Sinope when you were founder.


Don't worry baldy, this mungus guy (who I hear always sets up another account in enemy territory and joins said enemy alliance) will no doubt be calling you the best sooner or later. Last known world he played he thought half his current alliance were the biggest losers in grepolis, now he thinks they are the best. But does he think they are better than him? Probably not, cos mungus seriously does think he is better than everyone else and seeks to go about telling them he is better. Erik calls himself a legend, at least he doesn't go around and belittle anyone telling them he is better than they are.

What I used to like about this game was the interaction with your friends in game, the banter with the enemy. Holy Mayham have shown how to be the worst kind of player/team, no class no dignity, and for what purpose? So you can say you have finally received your sympathy crown? You didn't even win, Coming Soon won. Fluffs got the crown and Holy Mayhem got a sympathy crown for their help. Yea its a war game, but I have morals. Yea take a city, well done, why feel the need to gloat? Why feel the need to send MM's after an OP? That just shows your level of maturity. 5 years I been playing, played in winning teams and losing ones, I remember only receiving one MM propaganda, and that was no where near the level of harassment HM have sent. This world got personal, players stalking other players, that is wrong and illegal in most countries. I am a worse person for having dealt with all of you guys, school yard bullies is all you are, with Mungus being the head.

Learn from fluffs, they showed respect and dignity in sticking it out and finishing with the crown. I am sorry they have had to deal with your cr.ap. Although they wont admit it, they are too, they didn't like your cra.ppy tactics either.

Hi Ranga. I don't agree that HM got a "sympathy crown" for working with us. Their communication with us and work as a partner was good. I will say's sad to not keep things tactful and classy. You and I had words with one another a time or 2, but it never got trashy.

It may be "just a game", but that doesn't mean to be distasteful in communication with one another. You can poke fun without doing so in a tacky manner...and you can congratulate one another on wins or completions, without taking away from the "good job" when you give it.

It's no secret that I have a great deal of disdain for Erik's ego and some actual untruths he got caught up in (from a propaganda/diplomatic standpoint). He's still got a skill set that is enviable...and it's not just attributed to his wallet only. I can only wish him the best in real life at this point with the days that lay ahead, and I think perhaps one of the most honorable things I have seen him do is come on here and give his TRUE top 5 player thoughts.

HM has many skilled players, from a game perspective and from how they communicate with their partners. It's sad when you see the anger and hate between groups devolve into foul communication and hateful taunting.

Frankly, I think both HM and Merge leadership are "above" that...or can be, should they choose to be.


Because you are the worst sore loser in Sinope

Only a sore loser

There it is :D

Why do I need to accept defeat when inno say we won? We didn't get the crown because weren't as active as you guys at the right time, not my fault all those guys have won worlds before and don't want to hang around. The names in hall of fame represent players from all alliances, did you see that? or do your lie filled eyes blind you to that fact? Inno says Fluff got the first crown and you the sympathy, not me, its the people you donate so much money to everyday, blame them not me, im just stating the facts.

As founder we won the world, where is your victory as founder? That's right, no where....Also as founder I saw many players leave without warning, if im founder on the last day you will say my foundership caused the closing of the world, that's your stupid logic not mine. As a leader I have never lied, can you say the same? As a leader I dont have friends in enemy camps passing on only "unharmful info" that is you. Where is mongol and moloch's crown? I notice you did not do another round for all those small players who helped you with your sympathy crown? But again, you will say that's different for some reason. I agree I'm not a good leader (that's why I don't lead), I said that before, as a player, a liar like you cant judge, but I would say im average. No dispute there, I don't go around sending MM's every week saying im better than you (or similar) that is you who do that. Does that make you feel good about yourself? Bullying the rest of the world like you did at the start by demanding a pact to other alliances? You even tried to hand out sympathy crowns to our players before moloch and mongol, that's pretty lame. I wonder how they felt about that. At least I didn't strive for a sympathy crown from the start of the server like you guys, Chad stated you wanted to achieve that from the start of the world.

I'd much rather be terrible than stupid, much rather be terrible than a liar. As for you guys, you live and breath this stupid computer game, you have tried for how many years and the best you got to show for it is a sympathy crown, congrats :D I wonder how long it will be before we see that sympathy crown on your profile


herforgirl, I was fine with HM until they started sending out MM's saying "look we got BP from you haha your bad were good" and similar MM's and the simple fact people like leolis just straight up lie, players like mungus gloat how good they are and how bad others are, this world has been full or cr.ap and my least enjoyed one ever because of all that. All my past worlds the enemies I have made I still talk to when i see them in worlds, ask ezypezy, i talk to that guy, we gave each other plenty of banter in eubea. His founder in eubea, actually took over an account here, we talk on Skype regularly, ryan ive played with and against, same thing, give cr.ap take cr.ap. Hell half the guys eventually in the coming soon group were my enemies in bellerophon. Even you i would play with if i was ever playing again (if youll have me :D) but these guys are the worst of the worst, the bullys in the playground that cant do anything except try and punch you in the face.

I congratulated all winning alliances more than once and what do we get in return? a MM asking who wants their sympathy crown? I mean really? They act like 12 yr olds. I don't suffer fools and these guys are the worst of it


Congratulate? You congratulated Fluff and told everyone here HM won sympathy crowns for helping them to fight Merge. I just did what you said. If everyone fought Merge got sympathy crowns your guys should be given a chance. I gave them the chance their leaders couldn't. Do you need me to post that MM here? You are the one keep insulting people since very beginning. I did apologize for my mistake about your Myonia crown. You keep calling us bad things so you deserved to be called a sore loser. I criticized Erik but still give him recognition. I only call people like you who don't deserve any respect losers.


And why are you so afraid of MMs? Does Inno forbid it? It's like your VM WW plan, Inno didn't forbid so I accepted.
You hate our MMs because they told your members what you didn't want them to know. Our MM told Steve would ghost to focus on en84 and he did. You were too afraid of those things. If you were straight to your members why would you be afraid.



The bottom line is that your crew only got certificates because you manipulated 1000 other people to send you resources... and you promised them crowns for doing so.

We said we were going to stop that BS and we did.

You are trying to type a lot of words to troll leo and mungus, but the bottom line is you are a terrible player and a terrible leader. You took a coalition of over 1k that was aligned against another group of less than 600 and you failed on a couple of huge WW busts and then got all of your WWs busted.

Seriously, you might be the worst leader in the history of grepolis.

You got a certificate for building 4... congratulations... but I will make a bet with you... you only got that certificate because 1k people were fooled enough to give it to you. You take just your team and I will work with just our team in the next world... and you will likely not even be around to build WWs.

Quit trolling leo and mungus and take the bet. Otherwise, stay with your legacy as the worst leader ever. A legend in Sinope and beyond.
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What is the famed promise i keep hearing about? Seriously your whole premise of stopping us giving away promised crowns is baseless. It's people like you who have taken the fun out of the game for me so i won't take your stupid bet. Again 1k vs 600 is plainly wrong, it was clearly even and normal people that can count realise this. It's just you and your deluded crew that think otherwise. We won the world and you lost, do you not realise that? Please explain how any leadership decision any one can make can stop prae telling the enemy and not his own team he was moving house and going to be inactive? Let alone how i can make him go on vm? Or stop erik leaving the alliance?

You busted our ww well done, was good. But to say that was my fault just proves how your little brain works.

Someone has to come on hear and call out leolis the liar right?

Again, id rather be a terrible player than stupid or a liar, that stuff permeates into your real life that does.


We didn't get the crown because weren't as active as you guys at the right time, not my fault all those guys have won worlds before and don't want to hang around. The names in hall of fame represent players from all alliances, did you see that? or do your lie filled eyes blind you to that fact? Inno says Fluff got the first crown and you the sympathy,


Where is mongol and moloch's crown? I notice you did not do another round for all those small players who helped you with your sympathy crown?

Someone has to come on hear and call out leolis the liar right?

Again, id rather be a terrible player than stupid or a liar, that stuff permeates into your real life that does.

You are completely BS. I MMed your guys telling your big players didn't care about the small players who didn't make their name to the 4 WWs prize and would leave. You confirmed it here. It is proved a truth by you. Who is liar here?

You called out Inno for the definition of victor and crown winner referred to Merge and Fluff. Does Inno define what is sympathy crowns or it is your another BS?

Moloch and Mongol players who fought Merge and wanted the crown all got it. You made up another BS here. The only people got nothing even recognition from people they helped are players from Alpha, GnR, LoS, BF, and your many branches who didn't make their name to The Merge!

And you are the one bring the game into real life only tell 1 thing: your life sucks! I use my time and money because I can do more than you. Problem?

If you can't disprove the above things, shut up and eat your pain inside. Care about your real life before telling people to do. Ranga the worst loser of Sinope
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Lol so guilty until proven innocent right? Suits liars like you that concept doesn't it.

Ok here we go, 1. Where do i say they left cos they didn't care? They left because they didn't want to hang around, who knows if they cared about the players, you can make up a lie if you want. 2. It's commonly known that if the winner of the world is different to the crown winner which is different to the second crown winner that that 2nd crown is usually sympathy. 3. I said i didn't notice a 3rd round for mongol and moloch, i didn't say players who wanted one never got one, i simply asked a question. Do you know the difference between a question and a statement? Your life sucks :D when you can't win an arguement with words you resort to insults, quality. Although highly typical of mayhem players (pity there are good people in mayhem whose views are represented by liars and thugs and elitist's)


You are completely BS. I MMed your guys telling your big players didn't care about the small players who didn't make their name to the 4 WWs prize and would leave. You confirmed it here. It is proved a truth by you. Who is liar here?

You called out Inno for the definition of victor and crown winner referred to Merge and Fluff. Does Inno define what is sympathy crowns or it is your another BS?

Moloch and Mongol players who fought Merge and wanted the crown all got it. You made up another BS here. The only people got nothing even recognition from people they helped are players from Alpha, GnR, LoS, BF, and your many branches who didn't make their name to The Merge!

And you are the one bring the game into real life only tell 1 thing: your life sucks! I use my time and money because I can do more than you. Problem?

If you can't disprove the above things, shut up and eat your pain inside. Care about your real life before telling people to do. Ranga the worst loser of Sinope

Ok.Here my story...and you all can read between lines who playes how...
in the start i was one proud member of the alliance where was meny friends over the years... we lived good,growed nicely....and so...about 2-3 month taked time when the vision of merge started...started know.ok pacts was first like allways,but when the pct did not worked as shud,via deff/off support, why then even need to think future will be all did hudge job via moving over the oceans, leaved good cityes... for what.better future?no better grepolis future is not follow egos who makes ww islands, owns it all alone via this holds others as slave...grepolis not shuld be easy crown...but full of action via wars...
there are too meny names who better leave the grepolis all ready,and let the newbies in and let them learn the game before they are eaten by bully...
What i wanted to say...most of you AO/GNR and other alliance leaders ... All you was NAIVE...better stop the blameing and look to mirrors...


Lol so guilty until proven innocent right? Suits liars like you that concept doesn't it.

Ok here we go, 1. Where do i say they left cos they didn't care? They left because they didn't want to hang around, who knows if they cared about the players, you can make up a lie if you want.

Didn't want to hang around to help small players to get some prize and didn't care. Are they different? It's about the selfishness of players like Steve Johnson, dimitra, ... which I pointed out to your smaller players. You were afraid because it was correct.

2. It's commonly known that if the winner of the world is different to the crown winner which is different to the second crown winner that that 2nd crown is usually sympathy.

Commonly know? Who define it? Only people with poor envy like you call the crowns of an alliance who held 3 WWs, busted 1 WW (Colossus), and gained most dbp after the WW race sympathy. Can you some other people here share your view before calling it "common".

3. I said i didn't notice a 3rd round for mongol and moloch, i didn't say players who wanted one never got one, i simply asked a question. Do you know the difference between a question and a statement? Your life sucks :D when you can't win an arguement with words you resort to insults, quality. Although highly typical of mayhem players (pity there are good people in mayhem whose views are represented by liars and thugs and elitist's)

Oh well, you are always the one call real life when you can't argue. Who said "Mungus has no life"? Who said "Leolis is 14 years old girl using her mom's credit card", ... The number of insults by you alone are perhaps more than every one else combined? You are the worst representation of The Merge. Prae was straight with his fail. Erik was straight too in his farewell letter. Some others agreed that The Merge failed at the end and we won the crowns deservedly. Only you with your stubborn hatred keep finding excuses.


Ok.Here my story...and you all can read between lines who playes how...
in the start i was one proud member of the alliance where was meny friends over the years... we lived good,growed nicely....and so...about 2-3 month taked time when the vision of merge started...started know.ok pacts was first like allways,but when the pct did not worked as shud,via deff/off support, why then even need to think future will be all did hudge job via moving over the oceans, leaved good cityes... for what.better future?no better grepolis future is not follow egos who makes ww islands, owns it all alone via this holds others as slave...grepolis not shuld be easy crown...but full of action via wars...
there are too meny names who better leave the grepolis all ready,and let the newbies in and let them learn the game before they are eaten by bully...
What i wanted to say...most of you AO/GNR and other alliance leaders ... All you was NAIVE...better stop the blameing and look to mirrors...

I agree, just 1 point: you should have not quoted my post because if I understood correctly, your post didn't to directly answer my post.


Guest bad..i was bad school boy so i dont know every forum manners...


herforgirl, I was fine with HM until they started sending out MM's saying "look we got BP from you haha your bad were good" and similar MM's and the simple fact people like leolis just straight up lie, players like mungus gloat how good they are and how bad others are, this world has been full or cr.ap and my least enjoyed one ever because of all that. All my past worlds the enemies I have made I still talk to when i see them in worlds, ask ezypezy, i talk to that guy, we gave each other plenty of banter in eubea. His founder in eubea, actually took over an account here, we talk on Skype regularly, ryan ive played with and against, same thing, give cr.ap take cr.ap. Hell half the guys eventually in the coming soon group were my enemies in bellerophon. Even you i would play with if i was ever playing again (if youll have me :D) but these guys are the worst of the worst, the bullys in the playground that cant do anything except try and punch you in the face.

I congratulated all winning alliances more than once and what do we get in return? a MM asking who wants their sympathy crown? I mean really? They act like 12 yr olds. I don't suffer fools and these guys are the worst of it

MM are part of this game and they are not against the rules.I was sending MM to Leo and Chad team every single day and they never complained about that, you are the first one that complains about MM.Propaganda is important in the war if you did not know and truth always hurts.Your coalition lost a crown with 20k cities, that is the record as far as i know, that really hurts.

You said you did not enjoyed this world, we all know why because you lost!Try to assemble cuddling club in next worlds, i really doubt you and your master can do that again.We put a stop on all this nonsense and that was our goal.


What is the famed promise i keep hearing about? Seriously your whole premise of stopping us giving away promised crowns is baseless. It's people like you who have taken the fun out of the game for me so i won't take your stupid bet. Again 1k vs 600 is plainly wrong, it was clearly even and normal people that can count realise this. It's just you and your deluded crew that think otherwise. We won the world and you lost, do you not realise that? Please explain how any leadership decision any one can make can stop prae telling the enemy and not his own team he was moving house and going to be inactive? Let alone how i can make him go on vm? Or stop erik leaving the alliance?

You busted our ww well done, was good. But to say that was my fault just proves how your little brain works.

Someone has to come on hear and call out leolis the liar right?

Again, id rather be a terrible player than stupid or a liar, that stuff permeates into your real life that does.


You are terrible. You are so full of poop that your eyes are brown. People on your own team do not even believe the BS you are saying in this thread. LOL. Look at this picture that was forwarded to me from one of your own people:


So quit all the lying dude. You failed in this world. You and your god erik. Now go scurrying along... and keep running your ship into the ground.
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He will cry about the spy, lol. Let's make it clear this is sent by a Phoenix player who was fed up with his BS.


Firstly, can I say thank you for leolis, mungus, and Le Chadd for providing some comedic relief when I get home from work, this is why I keep going cos you literally made me laugh with every new post you make :D

Ok ill try and address all your concerns but im sorry if I miss someone or something...

@ Mungus, yes propaganda is part of the game, maybe thats why im not good at leading, cos I don't see the need to stoop to that level? or maybe im just naïve. But what is the point in sending out MM's saying you can have crown if you do as I say (was essentially one MM) or I don't need my 065 cities anymore, msg me for them, or the day after erik sends out a MM chill sends another saying the exact info in eriks MM will not be enough to break your WW (but that info - a ww bust info - is not harmful so its not spying :D)

@ Le Chadd: so was that info sent to you in last few days in response to this thread? meaning all you statements about a promise were based on lies? or was this passed on when it was sent? Reinforcing your rule that your friends only pass on unharmful info? It doesn't even prove your theory erik promised crowns for resources, but ill agree it is similar to what you are saying so maybe its legit. Just depends on timing.

@ Leolis, its all about the tears isn't it? For me its tears of laughter :D

I too have received PM's from players in both mayhem and other alliances (both green and red) that don't like your tactics but are forced to live with it, they said they wouldn't and don't choose to use such low tactics as the vile MM's you guys send. One PM even said they don't like being labelled a bully and loudmouth simply because they are in mayhem, but again have no choice but to accept it.

Ill admit, you guys are good. Just the way you go about things is lame in my opinion. 2 wrongs don't make a right, but it seems to me you think 2 wrongs make 3 rights :D


I too have received PM's from players in both mayhem and other alliances (both green and red) that don't like your tactics but are forced to live with it, they said they wouldn't and don't choose to use such low tactics as the vile MM's you guys send. One PM even said they don't like being labelled a bully and loudmouth simply because they are in mayhem, but again have no choice but to accept it.

There he goes! In his standard lying to 6 or 7 branches about the crowns for their services, getting the 4 WW prize, then leaving is HONORABLE while sending MMs telling people that they were lied and would be betrayed LOW.

Again, he talked about something and didn't give any evidence. I am not surprised if we have people complaining but at the end they were awarded for their commitment. That's how we LEAD. I got PMs from Merge leaders showing me their prize. What I replied: Being leaders and are proud of their names in the HoF while their members are left in dark and cold, should be ashamed. I don't even have Attacker of the day for myself but my guys got the crowns.