They made the decision they made because POPPY leaders are promised crowns, nothing more nothing less. It's not about externals or whatever else they say, the leaders there are promised crowns and they choose the easy way.From your vantage point it was a poor decision for them to make. Having said this, just because their decision wasn't what you were looking for, or one that favored your team, that doesn't mean it was a bad decision and their leaders "don't really have a clue". Step back and realize that viewed from their vantage point the world is a different place and their decision was the best for them in their considered opinion - just not for you.
Time will tell whether they "have a clue" as it does all of us. Having a clue includes diplomacy through respect and trust. Might be the most difficult attribute of a leader to be truly successful (having a clue). There are lots of good players out there but leaders that inspire others to play with them, and other alliances to align with them, can harness that group of good players to be great. I think I found a home where my leaders do that.
If you like a home where the leader are known cheater, multi accounter etc. etc., then yeah you found a good home lol. You do realize that your leaders are only here for a short while, right?