Trapesuz - Live Reporting


Hello everyone and welcome back to another Top 12 or as this server will be known as Top 5. The amount of hugging alliances is already shameful that a top 12 is no longer achievable.

For my first post I will be taking a look at each individual ocean and break it down from there. Well, no time left to waste lets get into the race.

First off we have the home ocean of the biggest MRA to ever play the game? If 180 members was not enough for you, now they have 240+. I feel bad for whoever didn't know that VI was 6 and messed up the whole naming scheme. If you look closely enough though its V1 lol

What is really fun about this ocean is the perception towards the outside. One might see two different MRAs getting ready to fight
  • Spirits Of War
  • Spirits of War II
  • Spirits of War III
but upon closer inspection you realize that it is all run by the same leadership team.

I really do have to give a shoutout to the leaders of these alliance. It is quiet genius what you have done. Gather up all the players - trash, mediocre, and great and then filter through them. You have the numbers to break the sieges you want to break and enough food to keep you fed for months. Plus if the noobs feel safe all they do is build their cities up and then it is just easy pickings.

Maybe we will see some interaction if Israelites and Blood Stained Spartans teamed up and caused chaos in the forums. But I am sure the "senior members" have the private internals forums. Believe me guys, its a huge club and you are not in it.

In just a glance this is probably the most intense and interesting ocean out of the four. You have 5 different alliances fighting for control of at least part of the ocean. Not going to be able to sit this one out -- activity is key in this ocean. I don't want to go too much in detail because we are still less than 2 weeks into the server and more and more keeps happening by the day

Equal Rights - Swim
Jura Tempest Federation - Sink
Trojans - Float
Vikings - Float
Troy - Float

Nothing to see here.... keep moving along. Always fun to watch wycked sister destroy alliances. First goes The Woodturners then she joined Honey Badgers, I give them 2 weeks. I will talk about my allies in the next one of these I write.

But Woman Never Wing is the only alliance in top 5 I do not deem an MRA. These servers need more fighting and less hugging. It would make the servers way more interesting if people stuck to the alliance cap.... looking at you OCEAN 44

Another MRA at the top of the scoreboard. Wolf Pack and its sister alliances Wolf Cubs and Alpha Cubs are currently dominating their ocean.... as they should with 85+ members. I will be rooting for Valhalla as they are the current underdogs sitting at just 46k points difference between 4th overall and 1st overall. Looking forward to watching this ocean play out.


In conclusion - the amount of MRAs on the server is something I have never seen before in my years worth of Grepolis. MRAs are always there but this server has taken them to a whole new level. As with anything I write this is strictly my opinion and my opinion only. Nobody has influenced anything I have written these are all original thoughts with original meaning. As always - Stay Safe and Stay Sober ;P



I have just received word that a whistleblower from within ANGEL ELITE is coming forward to give some insight on the absolute disaster of the MRA. Below is the transcript of the interview

How would you describe the leaderships ability to lead?

The main leader is very happy to hand out leadership rights to anyone that applies. So the leader expects them all to do their job, but they are all noobs that have no idea what a leader does. I'd say the leadership here is a solid 1/10. There are a few in Spirits that are decent, but the leaders in Angels have told them off when they tried to help. I'd definitely say that Angels is a ticking time bomb and Spirits is the better model for an MRA

If you had to put an exact timeline on the speculated collapse of the biggest MRA Grepolis EN servers have seen in recent year or maybe in the entirety of Grepolis what does that timeline look like?

Idk about that one. But... It is definitely a Bell curve. It peaked 2 days ago and has been chaos since. This alliance is in turmoil. One of our best players ridiculed the leadership in the forums and it got deleted, so they are quitting the world and cursing the leadership as they go. Too many noobs here to have an effective alliance. It will be half the size in a week or crumble and die. Mark my words.

What does the future for you look like on this server?

Alliances like that of Equal Rights could start acquiring the solid members looking for a way out

World Discord Link:


I didn't agree with the diplomacy in 134 but skill wise and the teams they will be going against BWNW wins this world by a landslide.


The way the world is moving right now, I see
BWNW OR ER both going with quality players and Strong bond.
They will be fighting eachother for final battle which might take 2 months.
And this world results will be out way before domination starting date.
I guess 90 days from now.


I havn't played for years so just joined this World, been thinking about it for a while :)

Sounds interesting... I have been thrown into O44 lol


I have 1 random invite so far from Spirits something but I think I will just bide my time and see how things unfold 1st :)

There's quite a bit of new stuff I have not seen before too, nice ✔

Domination is a new thing to me too, sounds interesting.

Seriko Lee

I don't mean to hate on these people that said they are reporting but they are just veterans that think their optinal is better than others.
I have joined my fair of teams that are vets that are in MRA and are doing quite the damage in Achilles.
So far the few veterans in that server are too prideful for their own good and think their optinal matters more than others.
Join there and keep s, just watch their pride flow around the place but those that are silent are skilled players and don't think their words always matter.
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The way the world is moving right now, I see
BWNW OR ER both going with quality players and Strong bond.
They will be fighting eachother for final battle which might take 2 months.
And this world results will be out way before domination starting date.
I guess 90 days from now.
The fight between BWNW VS ER has already started
ER. 0
It's just the start, let's wait for the main action


I've not been successful in Applying to a couple of Alliances on this map.