Update to Version 2.241 Discussion Thread

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
On Wednesday the game will be updated to version 2.241. Feel free to post any questions or feedback about the update in this thread.

Changelog 2.241

Dear Community,

On Wednesday June 23rd Grepolis will be updated to version 2.241. As always there will be a brief downtime while the update is applied.

New Features and Changes

  • A select all, and select none button have been added to the Gods overview. Clicking the 'select none' button also shows the list of cities with no god selected currently. You can find the new button in the bottom right corner of the Gods overview.

  • The Fury indicator around the god portrait is again correctly positioned when there is no god selected in a city.
  • The defend Olympus via portals button now correctly leads to the support window, not the attack window on the mobile app.
  • Ares Sacrifice has been added to the Report settings meaning you can choose not to receive reports when you cast this spell.
* Found on beta, did not occur on live worlds.


We hope you enjoy the update and would love to hear any feedback you have here.

Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team



" You can find the new button in the bottom right corner of the Gods overview. "

Looks like top right to me

Why silly non needed appearance "fixes" when there are so many urgent bug fixes needed not to improve or look good but as a neccesity through player input ?