Update to Version 2.257

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Changelog 2.257

Dear Community,

On Wednesday February 16th Grepolis will be updated to version 2.257. As always there will be a brief downtime while the update is applied.

New Features and Changes

  • We changed the way large numbers are displayed in the game in certain areas of the UI. When a number can't fit inside of the unit portrait, it will be converted to a 'smart number' instead, meaning you can at a glance see the unit numbers more easily, even if the amount is too large to be displayed.
    • The full number will be available with tooltips too, meaning you can see the full number where previously it was not visible.
    • This will only happen in areas of the UI where the number is too big to fit. Otherwise, the number stays the same.
    • An example of a smart number would be 18,010 would be converted to 18k, and the tooltip will show the full value.
    • Some examples of areas this change will apply:
      • Troop overview
      • Battle Reports
      • Live Reports
  • In the continued fight against spam attacks, we've added another feature which should help to improve people's lives. In this update, we've added the ability on Browser and Mobile to delay how when you receive attack notifications by up to ten minutes.
    • At a glance this might seem odd, but it is intended to allow players to not receive attack notifications from attacks which won't ever land.
    • Players currently can send and cancel an attack over and over to push the target to disable their notifications completely. With this change, you can choose to only be notified by players who are actually attacking you, and not those trying to annoy you.
    • This new setting can be found in the Push Notification section of the App and Browser settings.

  • We fixed some textual errors in reports which include Olympus.
  • Spells cast on returning commands will no longer result in a report being sent to the attacker and defender to remove confusion these reports cause.
  • We fixed a text error when sending attacks to farming village where a message about ships is displayed rather than the expected travel time. We also fixed an error where a travel time is shown even before selecting units to send.
  • When first starting a City Festival in the Culture Overview, the time shown will be in hours and minutes, and not display a UNIX time stamp.
* Found on beta, did not occur on live worlds.


We hope you enjoy the update and would love to hear any feedback you have here.

Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team
