Urine-Dimmed Tide


If you look at the BDT member list it's full of people who quit their alliance under attack.

If you look at your WHOLE ALLIANCE - it's ALL people who ran away from Mentally Spartarded when they were folding under pressure. We won't let you cowards run this time around.


If you look at the BDT member list it's full of people who quit their alliance under attack.

They ran to us

and they stick with us

We are just that good

Oh and thane 14 alliances (by last count)

you sure you brought enough guys

Thane Badger

If you look at your WHOLE ALLIANCE - it's ALL people who ran away from Mentally Spartarded when they were folding under pressure. We won't let you cowards run this time around.

Haha I missed this one.

My alliance was started because there were only 3 members of MS in my ocean. We weren't "running away" we were too far away to do anything effective with the main team. So we formed a splinter group to try to secure our area and then work our way down through O44 to link up with the main alliance. At that point we saw ourselves as another wing of MS.

Only, about a week or two later most of the main players from MS stopped signing in and kind of left us on our own.

None of them joined our group. None of our original team had ever been attacked by BDT.

When MS broke up I invited TWO players from MS, who weren't even members when I created Northern Alliance to join us. They hadn't been attacked by BDT either because, like us they were too far away.

But we know how you like to streach the "truth" so let's leave you in whatever fanstasy world you are enjoying your vacation in.

Thane Badger

They ran to us

and they stick with us

We are just that good

Oh and thane 14 alliances (by last count)

you sure you brought enough guys

Hey you can blame Killer for that. He litteraly BEGGED me to attack you. His ego is so big he couldn't bear to have the chance to take a shot at the alliance everyone was rating highly.

Add to that the general obnoxiousness of the majority of the posts you people spam this forum with, you have to recognise the pattern.

You are doing exactly what Jarpenguin did. Alienating the entire world.

Now who are the latest recruiting group for the MRA of Losers? Warlords Metavsi .... who in their own words are made up of "casual players from Spartan Order Union that Titan Rebirth and BDT didn't want after their war."

Stomach Battalions or Dad's Army?


Hey you can blame Killer for that. He litteraly BEGGED me to attack you. His ego is so big he couldn't bear to have the chance to take a shot at the alliance everyone was rating highly.

Add to that the general obnoxiousness of the majority of the posts you people spam this forum with, you have to recognise the pattern.

You are doing exactly what Jarpenguin did. Alienating the entire world.

Now who are the latest recruiting group for the MRA of Losers? Warlords Metavsi .... who in their own words are made up of "casual players from Spartan Order Union that Titan Rebirth and BDT didn't want after their war."

Stomach Battalions or Dad's Army?

Blame killer for what I LOVE THIS