

What's up Grepolis? Occasionally read these forums from time to time! Any original Enlightened pm me, I might start playing again! :p

Back on topic! Who is this girl scout veaterqueen? I mean I never heard a woman yap so much! I played Grepolis to get away from my girlfriend & all her feminine drama, but this chick just doesn't stop! I think she just enjoys listening to herself yap! Shut your piehole sweetheart you're not that cute! What she attempts virtually in a fantasy setting like Grepolis, is just an overcompensation for what she fails to accomplish in reality!

Is this chick for real? "I am Veaterqueen a grepo player for 1 and a half years now" she says lol!


Even funnier she only has 13,000 total battle points, almost 4,000 of those defensive!


What is she so confident about? Who ever lied to her is a very funny man! Listen sunshine, I played for less than one year & had 900,000 battle points! For future reference, wait until you have half a million bp before you start intimidating beginners!

Diplomat of BDT?


Lol what does BDT stand for? Well use your imagination! Nonetheless they should be embarrassed to ever endorse a piece of work like this! Or maybe not? BDT isnt exactly crème de la crème. I've seen backyard alliances take advantage of vulnerable noobs too, but those scavenging alliances I refer to accomplished it with a magnitude far more impressive! They might be around still today to brag, had we not rimmed them!

To all the newbies in Omega, bdt is a joke! A bunch of clowns! They are simply a bunch of noobs too & the only reason they are advancing statistically is because Omega lacks one or two players like me!
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Thane Badger

Come on don't be mocking her.

She's a member of the council of Smurfs.

But which one?

Smufette was created by the Smurf nemesis Gargamel to cause discontent among the blue dwarves. Only he made her so ugly that his plan didn't work. Only later when she had confessed her subversive role did Papa Smurf's magic change her nature (and her hair color). Smurfette loves flowers and the color pink.

Nanny Smurf is the one the other smurfs go crying to for comfort. She has a pet cat too.

Sassette is the female smurf of the younger generation and a mischievious little tomboy.

So which member of the Blue Dwarf Tribe most matches our queen?


I would rip into this but...

first Most people know this but I dont use gold

Gamma ever heard of It its a place where I actually had more bp than you have blood cells

you child


Gamma ever heard of It its a place where I actually had more bp than you have blood cells

Given that the highest total BP on Gamma is a wee bit over 4.3million, and the average human being has trillions of blood cells, I'm forced to question the scientific accuracy of your posting.


Lol I wasn't going entertain this tool again, but I cannot stand players claiming they don't use gold, when in fact they do! Lmao don't be ashamed, it's customers that keep the game alive! & if you really do not use gold, which I am sure you do, then you might want to consider it because your statistics do not reflect your grandiloquence!

& to the address the issue of my negative rep. My reputation is negative because I tell it like it is & I made some big bad tough players cry. If you ever wonder why you're constantly smelling poop, look in the mirror & wash that brown spot off your nose! Lmfao veaterqueen or whatever you call yourself, do those green little dots under your forum name make you feel special ? Give you a sense of purpose? Do you get all giddy when you wake first thing every morning & login to Grepolis to target noob amateurs with no experience?

I would rip into this but...

Don't do that to yourself sunshine, you would only be embarrassing yourself & your alliance! I am out of your league in every aspect! If you have anything remotely intelligent to say, I might log back in to indulge.


I have more BP than you have brain cells sex-xer-xes ! And I don't even have a tenth of what the players from old worlds tend to have ! =P


I have more BP than you have brain cells sex-xer-xes ! And I don't even have a tenth of what the players from old worlds tend to have ! =P

lmfao, killercat66, veaterqueen is a big girl & doesn't need her mom to defend her!



Who said anything about defense? The only two units I build are the light ship and the C ship..... I guess the C ship does have a great defensive value. Maybe I will create many C ships in a single city... It'll be an invincible naval blockade!


The thing is I have never used gold lol

and this is why killers statement about brain cells is true about you


Given that the highest total BP on Gamma is a wee bit over 4.3million, and the average human being has trillions of blood cells, I'm forced to question the scientific accuracy of your posting.

Trillions? and who is to say he is average


Trillions? and who is to say he is average

Yes, trillions. Even a person with a low blood count would still have thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of times more blood cells than the highest ever BP achieved on Grepolis.

So yeah, scientifically inaccurate insult, not so effective.


What if he is bleeding out due to shoving something to far into a certain place?

like I said not average


What if it turns out he is a vampire and has no blood sooooo cool

he is a vampire that explains everything please don't kill me


What if it turns out he is a vampire and has no blood sooooo cool

he is a vampire that explains everything please don't kill me

Depends on what type of vampire you're referring to.

The first vampires were supposedly people infected by a virus, causing their red blood cells to die. The pain was said to be immense, and with no knowledge of transfusions they drank blood in attempts to dull the pain. So unless they were drinking blood, they'd likely have killed themselves in an attempt to end the pain.. And if they were drinking blood, well then they'd still have blood in them, so even a vampire would have more blood cells in his body than anyone on Grepolis has BP.


well what is he isn't one of those vampires or maybe he was on a kill drought


well what is he isn't one of those vampires or maybe he was on a kill drought

Then he'd likely still have enough blood cells remaining in his body to be ranked far higher than anyone else, were those blood cells to suddenly turn into BP.


veater you should have done what you first said: not go in on this.... LOL